Chairman Dave Camp

Trade Resources

Trade 101: A Vibrant Export Agenda Creates U.S. Jobs
  • The pending trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea are cost-free job creators. The independent, non-partisan International Trade Commission - which even the Obama Administration has agreed with - says these long-pending trade agreements will lead to the creation of 250,000 jobs here in the U.S.  Read more and find resources on trade here.
  • Click here for a list of Job Creators Supporting the Job Creating Trade Agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama.

Ways and Means Republicans Respond to FTA Questions Posted by Facebook Users
Chairman Camp's Video Here
Trade Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady's Video

Congressman Dave Reichert (R-WA) Video Here

Read How Each of the Pending Trade Agreements Will Bring New Economic Opportunities and Jobs to the U.S.
Colombia      Panama      South Korea

What Editorial Boards and Experts are Saying About Job-Creating Trade Agreements

Editorial: "
The Trade Equivocator"
Senators Max Baucus (D-MT) and John Kerry (D-MA): "
The Colombia Trade Deal: A Different Kind of Jobs Bill"
Thomas "Mack" McLarty III and Nelson W. Cunningham:
"Obama's Free Trade Opportunity"
Editorial: "Blocking Freer Trade"
Editorial: "The Biggest Trade Barrier"

Editorial: "
Losing out in Latin America"
Editorial: "
Free the Free Trade Agreements"
Editorial: "
Mr. Obama's Free Trade Deal with Colombia
Editorial: "
Time to Act on Free Trade"
Editorial: "As Washington Dithers, Europe Races Ahead on Trade"

Editorial: "Breaking Through on Trade"
Editorial: "A Deal for the Trade Deals"

Trade Supports American Jobs

National Association of Manufacturers
he National Association of Manufacturers highlights information on how trade benefits manufacturing and economic conditions in your state. America’s exports and the related jobs could double if Congress passes strong pro-export legislation, click below to find out how your state benefits from exports.


U.S Chamber of Commerce  
Click below for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's map to see how trade benefits businesses across a sector of industries within your state and Congressional district.

Business Roundtable
Click below for Business Roundtable's map to see how trade benefits exports and jobs in your state and Congressional District.

American Farm Bureau Federation
Click below for the American Farm Bureau Federation 's map showing how free trade agreements would impact your state's agriculture industry.

International Trade Administration
Are you looking for information that shows how Trade Agreements impact your state? Curious about how your constituent businesses will be impacted by these Trade Agreements?  Then check out the International Trade Administration’s latest state impact sheets, industry benefits, and other useful trade-related data.