Press Release

Nov 30, 2012

Markey: Coral ESA Proposal Recognizes Ocean is Ground Zero for Climate Change

Issues: Climate Change and the Coasts, Coral Reef Ecosystems


WASHINGTON (November 30, 2012) – Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) hailed the proposal made today by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to take action to protect several coral species under the Endangered Species Act. As NOAA notes in their proposal, the three major threats to coral are either directly or indirectly related to climate change:  rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, and disease.

Rep. Markey, the top Democrat on the Natural Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over ESA listings and NOAA, issued the following statement:

“This proposed protection of coral species recognizes that our oceans are ground zero for the damaging effects of climate change. Protecting coral will also protect people, and the foundations of marine economies that are dependent on healthy coral reefs.

“If we cut the carbon pollution that is raising ocean temperatures, which is killing coral, we will also slow sea-level rise and the supercharging of storms. Coral isn’t the only species threatened by worsening climate change, which Superstorm Sandy demonstrated to us just a few weeks ago.

“I support NOAA’s proposal to list coral species under the ESA, and encourage the Republican leadership of the Natural Resources Committee to immediately schedule hearings on the effects of climate change on various species, not the least of which the human species. We need to work with island communities and other areas to ensure that all voices are heard in this process, and I will work to ensure that happens.”


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