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Kane Now Classified a Contiguous County, Eligible for Disaster Assistance Programs Due to Drought

GENEVA, IL— Congressman Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced that Lake and McHenry counties have received primary disaster designations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Kane county is therefore classified as ‘contiguous’ by the USDA and is eligible for disaster assistance from the Farm Service Agency.

One week ago, Lee and Whiteside counties received primary disaster designations, resulting in contiguous designations for Bureau, DeKalb, Henry and Kendall.

“This is the worst drought Illinois has seen in more than 50 years,” said Rep. Hultgren. “Thankfully, farmers, producers and even other businesses in my district can now apply for assistance to maintain stable operations for the year, despite the extraordinary circumstances.”

Yesterday, Congressman Hultgren announced loans available through the Small Business Administration for nonfarm-related and farm-related entities, such as small businesses, cooperatives and nonprofits, which have also suffered as a result of this year’s drought. For more information on SBA loans available for entities other than farmers, producers and ranchers, visit

For more information on FSA programs available for those who have suffered crop loss, livestock loss, or damaged farm property, visit

Congressman Hultgren serves on the House Agriculture Committee. Last week he voted in favor of the Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2012 (House Resolution 6233), which reauthorized the Livestock Forage Disaster Program, the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish Program, the Livestock Indemnity Program and the Tree Assistance Program.
