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Welcome to the Virtual Courthouse, the official web site of Larimer County, Colorado.
Emergency Information

That Larimer County Show

This Larimer County Show program is about Fire Recovery.

High Park & Woodland Heights Fire Long-Term Recovery

 Hot TopicsRSS

  • Input Requested On A Public Health Improvement Plan

    The Health Department would like your input into a Public Health Improvement Plan through an on-line survey. Your input and participation are valuable to this community effort.

  • Larimer County 101 Application Process Underway

    Larimer County’s application process is underway for the fourth annual Larimer County 101: A Journey Through Larimer County Services (LC101), a 9-week class introducing participants to County services and the people who provide them. The sessions meet on Thursday evenings April 4-May 30, 2013, from 6-9pm in and around Fort Collins. Applications are available online and the deadline to apply is Monday, March 4, 2013.


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  Vision Statement

Larimer County will add value to the lives of its citizens by:
  • Being a Good Steward of Public Resources
  • Being Customer Driven
  • Empowering People to Take Responsibility
  • Building Partnerships
  • Being a Fulfilling and Enjoyable Place to Work


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Temperature: 21.0°F
Humidity: 74%
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
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