Burgess Statement on Solyndra Committee Report
Posted by Whitney Thompson on August 02, 2012
Burgess Statement on Solyndra Committee Report
“The Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program is just another chapter in the Obama administration’s failed economic novel and another example of their broken promise to be transparent.”

Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee released an extensive report outlining key findings of the committee’s investigation into the Department of Energy’s management of the loan guarantee program. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), released the following statement after the report’s release:

“In a rush to create a success story following his inauguration, President Obama directed his agencies to fast track billions of taxpayer dollars in grants and loan for companies that would have otherwise never qualified for loans in the private sector. Solyndra is unfortunately only one of many examples of companies that received federal dollars, over half a billion dollars, and then subsequently filed for bankruptcy.

“During our committee’s 18-month investigation, we’ve reviewed over 300,000 pages of documents, held hearings, and are now able to provide a thorough review of what we’ve uncovered. This entire ordeal was avoidable had the Obama administration chosen to provide the information from the start. Why was it necessary to draw this out for as long as they did? What happened to the transparency they promised? Why were they withholding information?

“What we have learned is that the Department of Energy violated the law and knew that the Solyndra loan guarantee was destined to fail, yet they continued to parade its so-called “success.” The Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program is just another chapter in the Obama administration’s failed economic novel and another example of their broken promise to be transparent.”

To view the report, click here.

To view the supporting documents, click here.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Fred from Roanoke commented on 8/3/2012
    Why aren't we hearing about this on the mainstream media??? Oh, wait, I'm reading Breitbart's book Righteous Indignation...the media have grafted themselves to him and refuse to print/broadcast/blog the truth.
  • Arthur from Denton commented on 8/3/2012
    I would not trust any report coming out of any House committee under current circumstances. I've read enough background material to know there is more than enough cause to cast equal blame on the Bush administration. Oh... excuse me. We are supposed to pretend the 8 years under Bush never happened, aren't we. But then, $535 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions we've borrowed to fight two unfunded wars and to pay for doling out tax huge breaks to billionaires. In my opinion, public interest would have been far better served for the House to have done a lot less "investigating" and a lot more legislating over the past year-and-a-half. Having done nothing productive, all of Congress should refund every penny of salary drawn since Republicans took control of the House. It's a shame there is no way to charge each member of Congress with treason for playing politics while the country suffers through this horrific recession. I will be voting for a change in representation this fall.
  • J B from Lewisville commented on 8/4/2012
    So what happens now? This is another in along line of "violations of the law" committed by this administration with full acceptance and approval of the main stream media propanganda machine. The RIGHT needs to start fighting back!
  • James LaGesse from Flower Mound commented on 8/6/2012
    Thank you for putting in black and white what we all knew as a scam on the American people. I hope this finding will be part of the Congressional Record as it is read on the House floor, to be part of Obama's legacy, another failed attempt by someone who has no business leading this country, that is, he is leading this country to bankruptcy.
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