Los Angeles County Bar Assocations

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Court Navigator
A Product Suite


September 24, 2009: LACBA's Grand Opening.
Meet with colleagues
and learn about the new LACBA.


Special Announcements

On-sale September 1st!
More information.

Need a Job? Volunteer Opportunities Are Available with the Legal Public Service Corps.

LACBA searches for a new Executive Director.
Position Description

Judge in a Flash—instant case data on 450+ judges—all in a flash drive!

Domestic Violence Video.

Events this Month

September 1, 2009: Introductory TAP (i-TAP).  Earn 16.5 hours of CLE credit.

September 9, 2009: Obtaining Entitlements - The Nuts and Bolts of Handling Administrative Hearings. Earn 1 hour of CLE credit.

September 11, 2009: Legal Public Service Corps.
Bolster your career. Law students, graduates, and attorneys meet face-to-face with potential employers in the public sector to discuss opportunities. Reserve your place—it is strongly encouraged. 


Landau Lawyers League's Fall 2009 Basketball begins Sept. 8th and Softball begins Sept. 13th.  Register now to join your colleagues - 818-980-8858 or www.LandauLawyersLeague.com.

August 11, 2009:  Recently deceased federal Judge Robert Takasugi leaves a legacy of community pro bono work. His family is requesting donations to the foundation of LACBA's affiliate JABA in lieu of flowers. The donations are directed to Pro Bono Bar Review.

Filed July 29, 2009: Supreme Court of California. For approval of new rule 1-650, rules of professional conduct.

July 10, 2009: Summary of Court Services Affected by Staff Furloughs, Beginning July 15, 2009.

Los Angeles mayor's press release for the city's Tax Penalty Amnesty Program. Take advantage of this opportunity to save up to 40% in tax penalties before the program ends on July 31, 2009.

Listing of Court Notices and Memoranda to Attorneys. New announcements often.

Responding to Fiscal Emergency, Los Angeles Superior Court to Close One Day Per Month.

Attorney Career Support Forum allows participants to share information on topics such as job availability, job seeking guidance, changing to a new practice etc.
Sign up or learn more.

LACBA Jobs Bulletin Board, attorneys can browse a list of available jobs and create “Jobs Wanted” listings.
View or post a job wanted.

Video Stream: The Los Angeles Legal Job Market. How to Find a Job in the Midst of an Economic Downturn.

Professional Involvement

Each year the State Bar offers attorneys an opportunity to contribute to the legal profession. A great way to enrich your career. Apply now.

   Half-Year Membership
Now Available
   Renew Your 2009 Membership Now.
Member Saving Program
Savings on agent for service of process
Hutchings Court Reporters
Deposition Services
ProData Imaging
Discounted Document Solutions
Sequoia Financial Services
Nation-wide full service collections
Your Pass to CLE Programs
   Law Students