Nov 15, 2012

PHOTOS: Thank You

Hey -- if you’re reading this, you were probably pretty darn happy watching this:

But it gets better. Because of your support, a bunch of awesome House Democrats won, too! Like this veteran in Illinois:

She beat this guy:

These New Hampshire Republicans voted for a bill defunding Planned Parenthood. We got rid of them:

And replaced them with these two Democratic Congresswomen:

(In fact, we defeated every single Republican in New England!)

Remember the Castro brothers from the Democratic Convention? Joaquin's coming to Congress! (he's the one on the right)

You even made history: minorities and women make up the majority of the Democratic Caucus -- a first for either party!

You stood up to the Republicans, the billionaires, and Chevron -- and you beat 'em. We're consistently in awe of your commitment to this cause, and we can't thank you enough.

Thanks again! (and again!)

The DCCC team

P.S. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Check out all 49 new Democratic Members of the House >>

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