House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee

Learn more about my role as a member of the House Energy and Water Development Subcommittee.

My priorities on Energy and Water
I have served on the House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee since 2003.  My position on this subcommittee has enabled me to promote Idaho interests, as well as work to find solutions to the major issues facing our nation, including the need for a sound national energy policy.  The Idaho National Laboratory (INL), located in my congressional district, plays a key role in the revitalization of our nation’s nuclear energy programs and is critical to meeting our energy security needs in the future.  The important projects carried out by the INL are funded through the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act.  To learn more about the INL, please click here.

In addition to promoting a consistent national energy policy that enables our country to achieve energy independence, the subcommittee plays an important role in overseeing funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, and other agencies involved in water projects.  In the West, we know how valuable water is to our economy and way of life.  As a member of the subcommittee, I work with the Corps and the BOR to provide assistance to Idaho communities that struggle to meet federal clean water standards, enable Idaho farmers and producers are able to move goods to market along our navigation system, and ensure that Idaho’s irrigation systems work effectively.

Recent Subcommittee Activity
On June 6, the House of Representatives passed the Energy and Water Appropriations bill for FY2013 with a final vote of 255-165.  The bill now awaits negotiations with the Senate once its bill is finalized.  Read more about the bill here.

Subcommittee jurisdiction:
The subcommittee engages in comprehensive oversight of and writes the annual budget for the following agencies: