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Posted by Randy | November 30, 2012
Last the weekend, China’s Defense Ministry released video and pictures of a Chinese J-15 fighter jet taking off and landing from its aircraft carrier, the Liaoning.

The news marks a significant milestone for China 14 years after it acquired the unfinished carrier from the Ukraine, 18 months after its first sea trials and two months after its commissioning into the People’s Liberation Army Navy. Though significant work lies ahead to make the Liaoning combat operational,  the commencement of carrier-based, fixed-wing flight operations puts China in elite company, with only five other nations with these current capabilities – The U.S., Russia, France, India and Brazil.  

This comes during a time of increasing concern among China’s neighbors in the Pacific, many of which remain embroiled in territorial disputes with China over the long-term regional intentions of the People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party.  This week, Congressman Forbes moderated an important discussion at the Foreign Policy Initiative entitled, “All Eyes on Asia: Perspectives From Our Allies” between representatives of several nations in the region on their security concerns and the re-rise of China.

Additionally, click here to read about Congressman Forbes’ work as Chairman and founder of the Congressional China Caucus, whose primary mission is to investigate and educate its members on the emergence of China’s global reach and the consequences of its growing international, economic, and political influence on U.S. interests.

Question of the week: Given China’s growing military capabilities, do you consider China….

( ) a partner of the United States
( ) friendly, but not a partner of the United States
( ) a competitor to the United States
( ) an adversary to the United States
( ) I don't know
( ) Other (Leave your comments below)

Take the poll here.

Find out the results of last week’s instapoll here.

Find out the results of my instapoll about the “Fiscal Cliff” here.
Posted by Randy | November 21, 2012

This Thanksgiving, I hope you are gathering with family and friends over some turkey to celebrate the blessings in our lives. I am particularly grateful this year for the health and safety of my loved ones and the brave men and women of our armed services overseas protecting our freedoms and our nation.  

I wanted to share this Thanksgiving Prayer by Dr. Peter Marshall, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, delivered on the Senate floor on November 26, 1947. Despite national challenge and discord and the personal struggles that many Americans face this Thanksgiving, the spirit of this prayer still resonates today:


Our Father in Heaven,

If ever we had a cause to offer unto Thee our fervent thanks, surely it is now, on the Eve of our Thanksgiving Day, when we, the people of this Nation, are comfortable, well fed, well clad, and blessed with good things beyond our deserving. May gratitude, the rarest of all virtues, be the spirit of our observance.

Let not feasting, football, and festivity end in forgetfulness of God. May the desperate need of the rest of the world, and our own glorious heritage, remind us of the God who led our Fathers every step of the way by which they advanced to the character of an independent nation.

May the faith and conviction of George Washington be renewed in us as we remember his words:

...there is no truth more thoroughly established than that there exits in the economy and course of nature an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained...

For if we do not have the grace to thank Thee for all that we have and enjoy, how can we have the effrontery to seek Thy further blessings? God, give us grateful hearts. 

For Jesus' sake.


Dr. Peter Marshall, Chaplain 
From the United States Senate - November 26, 1947

Posted by Randy | November 20, 2012
Since last Wednesday, Hamas militants have fired more than 1,000 rockets at Israeli communities, killing three and wounding 79. Several longer-range rockets have struck the outskirts of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, signifying Hamas’ increased capabilities.

In response,  Israel launched air strikes targeting Hamas facilities and rocket launching sites. Today marks seven days of fighting in the Gaza strip that has claimed the lives of 115 people and wounded 840.   

To read my recent statement on the violence in Israel, click here.

Please read some of my work on behalf of Israel below.

Question of the week: Do you think Israel has the inherent right to defend itself from Hamas rocket attacks?

(  ) Yes
(  ) No
(  ) I don’t know
(  ) Other (leave your comments below)

Take the poll here.

For results of last week’s poll, click here.

Find out the results of our instapoll about the “Fiscal Cliff” here.

Congressman Forbes’ work in support of a strong U.S.-Israeli relationship

Reaffirmed the importance of close U.S.-Israeli relations. 
Congressman Forbes supported the U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, S.2165, to extend vital defense relationships and ensure that the U.S. can continue to support Israel’s capability to defend itself. The bill also set a clear statement of policy that the United States should provide Israel with the military capabilities necessary to deter and defend against any threat, veto any one-sided anti-Israel resolutions at the U.N. Security Council, and support Israel’s inherent right to self-defense. This bill passed the House by voice vote.

Stood with Israel to foster the nation’s security.
  Congressman Forbes co-sponsored H.R. 4229, the Iron Dome Support Act to authorize assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system.  The Iron Dome anti-missile system is essential to protecting the Israeli people from ongoing rocket attacks.  Only by ensuring Israel’s security as a foundation can a negotiated peace settlement be pursued.  Congressman Forbes knows that the Iron Dome anti-missile system is a vital component of Israel’s security and has joined over 75 of his colleagues in authorizing the President to assist Israel in the sustainment of the Iron Dome system.

(House Version of first Bill) Maintained Enhanced Security Cooperation between the United States and Israel.
  Congressman Forbes supported passage of H.R. 4133, the U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act.  This bill expresses Congress’s continued support of the U.S.-Israeli security relationship and directs the President to assist Israel in ensuring our nation’s closest ally in the Middle East does not lose its qualitative military edge.  To ensure Israel’s military edge, the U.S. must further develop advanced technology programs between our nation and Israel.  Additionally, this bill directs the President to report to Congress on the actions being taken to expand cooperation between the United States and Israel in homeland security, counter-terrorism, cyber security and other appropriate areas.  As a cosponsor of this bill, Congressman Forbes voted in favor of H.R. 4133 when it passed in the House 411-9.

Affirmed Israel’s right to self-defense
.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H. Res. 271, expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend its sovereignty and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.  In response to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s November report that Iran was actively pursuing a nuclear weapon, Congressman Forbes, along with 63 other Members of the House of Representatives, have cosponsored this resolution to ensure our nation’s closest ally in the Middle East knows that it has the support of the United States as it takes action to protect Israeli sovereignty and the Israeli people. 

Making the Palestinian Authority accountable for its support of terrorism.
  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2457, the Palestinian Accountability Act.  This legislation restricts U.S. funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until key benchmarks of transparency and support for peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are accepted by PA leadership.  These standards include the dismantling of the PA’s infrastructure that support of terrorism, an end to inciting violence through the PA educational system, recognition of Israel’s right to exist, and exclusion of Hamas from any PA unity government.  Until the PA meets these new standards, H.R. 2457 would prohibit U.S. foreign assistance funds from being made available to the organization and would stop U.S. funding for any United Nations entity that recognizes Palestinian statehood.  Congressman Forbes remains dedicated to a peaceful resolution to the conflict that is reached by direct negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian people.  This bill is currently cosponsored by 41 House Members.

Supported moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 1006, the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act of 2011.  This bill officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocates the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.  Since the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 became law, the Embassy has never been moved due to recurring waivers signed by the sitting President.  This bill would remove the presidential authority to waive the embassy relocation and would finally implement standing U.S. law.  Congressman Forbes, along with 50 other cosponsors, continues to stand with Israel and continues to support Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Stood in steadfast support of Israel.
  Congressman Forbes voted to support H.Res.268, a resolution reaffirming the United States’ commitment to a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.  This resolution asserts that peace can only be achieved in the region when the Palestinians accept the right of Israel to exist and requires that Hamas, a known terrorist organization and member of the Palestinian unity government, must accept previous agreements to renounce violence and recognize the state of Israel.  This resolution passed by a vote of 407-6.
Posted by Randy | November 19, 2012
The term “fiscal cliff” was coined by Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, in early 2012, when he testified before Congress saying, “Under current law, on January 1st, 2013, there is going to be a massive fiscal cliff of large spending cuts and tax increases.”  The phrase quickly gained popularity as a useful catch-all to describe a combination of year-end policy events including significant impending tax increases, sharp sequestration budget cuts, and the expiration of several stop-gap provisions ranging from doctor reimbursements to unemployment benefits.

Today, the term “fiscal cliff” dominates the local headlines, national news, and blogosphere.  But what exactly is the fiscal cliff and how does it impact you? I have put together this primer to break down the fiscal cliff, to share facts on how these policies might impact you and your job, and to offer my views on how we can avert our nation’s most pressing and significant challenge.

Please share this primer with others that might find it informative.  Then, weigh in below, take my instapoll, join the discussion on Facebook or e-mail me via my webform.  Your voice is important.  I look forward to hearing from you.
Posted by Randy | November 16, 2012

Rolls-Royce announced this week that they are investing $136 million for a second manufacturing plant at their Crosspointe facility in Prince George County, resulting in 140 new, highly skilled jobs. They will manufacture turbine blades for jet engines, including the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Airbus A380. Sitework is scheduled to begin in December and construction is expected to be complete by the end of 2013.

Rolls Royce’s investment and expansion at Crosspointe is a great model for job growth in Virginia. By combining a mix of manufacturing and technology-based research facilities, secondary suppliers will follow to create more employment opportunities.

The construction of the second plant achieves two-thirds of its phased employment and investment agreement at Crosspointe, which runs through 2022.  Rolls Royce invested $170 million, opening its Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing earlier this year, which created 130 new jobs.  

Read more case studies for job growth in my memo on jobs in the 4th District here.


Posted by Randy | November 15, 2012
Many questions remain in the two months since the September 11th terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, where the United States Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans were killed.

James Carafano and Morgan Lorraine Roach from the Heritage Foundation wrote, “Understanding what was behind the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi and the tragic results is vital for preparing for future security threats to embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions. The attack in Benghazi reveals a terrorist attack profile that the U.S. is likely to see again. If the U.S. is to learn the lessons of this tragedy and prepare for the next 9/11, it should get unvarnished, complete, and accurate answers to four key questions regarding the security for the Benghazi consulate.”

Despite repeated requests for security assistance and increased assaults against Western interests in the Middle East, the administration has yet to explain why no U.S. armed forces were available to aid these four American citizens.

A recent statement by Senators McCain, Graham, Ayotte and others asked the President “to level with the American people and tell us what happened and why these four brave Americans were not better protected.”

I share their concerns and have co-sponsored a bill, H.R. 6511, that requires the President to report to Congress on the September 11th attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, as well as installations in Egypt, Yemen and in Libya's capital of Tripoli. Additionally, the bill condemns those attacks and offers condolences to the families of those killed in Benghazi, Libya.

Question of the week: Do you support legislation requiring an investigation into what happened in Benghazi and why calls from our diplomats on the ground for additional security went unanswered?

( ) Yes
(  ) No
(  ) I don’t know
( ) Other (Leave your comments below)

Take the poll here.

Find out the results of last week’s instapoll about the “Fiscal Cliff” here.
Posted by Randy | November 11, 2012

As we reflect upon those who have nobly served our country, many images come to mind. We think of servicemen and women protecting freedom and liberty across the globe. We think of brave Americans currently serving in Afghanistan, and all those who have served in Iraq, Korea, Vietnam, and the theatres of World War II. What we often forget, however, is that Veteran’s Day also celebrates the contributions of those serving off the battlefront.

This Veteran’s Day, we also celebrate the selfless contributions of veterans like Navy Nurse Elma Bustle of Chesapeake. Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, there were less than 7,000 nurses in the Army and Navy Nurse Corps. World War II ushered in a new period for women’s involvement in the war effort. By the end of World War II, nearly 77,000 American women had served as U.S. military nurses, many of whom received commendations and decorations. Ms. Bustle is one of those brave women who served honorably as a Navy nurse during World War II.

Stationed at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital during her active duty, Ms. Bustle provided wounded soldiers with invaluable life-saving care. More than physical healers, military nurses like Ms. Bustle also provided emotional healing, showing care and compassion for battle-worn soldiers. Ms. Bustle’s daughter, Aurey Kirk, recently described her now 90 year-old mother as a strong woman with a love for the Navy and a lifelong passion for caring for others. The work of nurses like Ms. Bustle bolstered America’s military strength, lowering post-injury mortality rates for our forces serving abroad during World War II.

Think of the American armed forces as a chain. Each link in the chain must do its job and provide strength for each link around it. Ms. Bustle and other veterans like her represent a link that the chain could not have succeeded without. Today, we celebrate the entire chain --the mess hall cooks, accountants, logistics specialists, cryptologists, translators, and mechanics—without whose service, no campaign could succeed. Today, we celebrate the heroic contributions of all veterans – not only those who carried ammunition and arms, but those who supported those missions.

Posted by Randy | November 09, 2012
As the end of the year approaches, so does the “fiscal cliff”: expiration of the Bush tax cuts and automatic spending cuts of $1.2 trillion known as sequestration are scheduled to take place.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report today: Economic Effects of Policies Contributing to Fiscal Tightening in 2013, estimating that significant tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to take effect in January will sharply reduce the federal budget deficit, but also cause “a decline in the nation’s economic output and an increase in unemployment. “   Essentially, the fiscal cliff could drive the U.S. economy back into recession next year and result in a jump in the jobless rate to 9.1% by the end of 2013.

Question of the week: Which “Fiscal Cliff” issues are you most concerned about? (multi-answer)

(  ) Rising income tax rates to 15, 28, 31, 36 and 39.6% from 10, 15, 25, 28, 33 and 35%
(  ) Capital Gains rate rises from 15 to 20% for most people
(  ) Automatic spending cuts to defense budget of $55 billion in 2013
(   ) Reduction in the child tax credit from $1,000 per child under 17, to $500 per child under 17
(  ) Automatic spending cuts of $55 billion to non-defense discretionary spending in 2013
(  ) I am not concerned. These are all appropriate tax increases and spending cuts.
(  ) Other (share your thoughts on my blog here.)

Take the poll here.

Posted by Randy | November 02, 2012
Today, the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released its jobs report for the month of October.  According to the report, 171,000 were added to the economy; however, the unemployment rate rose from 7.8 percent to 7.9 percent.  I thought you would be interested in reading a jobs update for Virginia’s Fourth District.

There is a simple truth when it comes to job creation in America: real solutions create real growth that generates real jobs. In order to make this happen, government needs to get out of the way and provide the freedom for small businesses to work, earn, and achieve.

All across Virginia’s Fourth District, we have industries that are ripe for growth. The memo provides examples of how industries in Virginia have flourished when we’ve applied that simple truth. The case studies also show the potential for even more growth when government acts as an enabler rather than a barrier.

Companies across the 4th District are adding jobs, such as Rolls-Royce at Crosspointe Park in Prince George County, Capital One Financial Corp. in Chesterfield County and Sabra Dipping Company in Colonial Heights.

You can download the memo here or by clicking the report below. You can also view a text version on my website here.

Posted by Randy | October 27, 2012
This weekend, as Virginians are preparing for Hurricane Sandy to make landfall, there are practical steps you can take before the storm and afterwards to ensure your safety. 

**Follow Hurricane Sandy updates at the National Weather Service - National Hurricane Center**

State agencies are preparing for Hurricane Sandy in the following ways:

  • The Commonwealth has activated the Virginia Emergency Response Team.
  • The Virginia Emergency Operations Center is coordinating the state's response with increased staffing available 24 hours a day.
  • Virginia State Police personnel have been placed on stand-by and will be pre-positioned to the areas where they will be needed based on the final projected path of the hurricane. The Virginia State Police Swift Water Rescue Team is standing by in strategic locations.
  • Chainsaw crews from the Virginia Department of Forestry are standing by with emergency response personnel and to help with debris removal.
  • Virginia Department of Transportation crews are ready to clear roads and ensure roads are safe for travel.
  • The Virginia National Guard has been authorized to bring personnel on state active duty and begin prepositioning resources.
  • The Virginia Department of Health is coordinating with hospitals and long-term care facilities to ensure that they are prepared for storm impacts.

For information about preparing for Hurricane Sandy and for regular updates, visit http://www.vaemergency.gov/. For general information about the storm, dial 211. The Virginia Evacuation Coordination Team for Operational Response, along with the Virginia Department of Transportation, has created preparedness videos on hurricane evacuations and emergency supplies that can be viewed on YouTube or at www.ReadyVirginia.gov.  In addition, I have compiled a list of resources to help you this week before, during, and after the hurricane.


Virginia Hurricane Evacuation Guide. Review this information from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management on what to do if you need to evacuate your homes.

Be Informed. Knowing what to do before, during and after an emergency is a critical part of being prepared and may make all the difference when seconds count.

Compile an Emergency Kit.  Use this downloadable checklist to ensure you have necessary supplies on hand.

Family Emergency Plan. Make sure your family has a plan in case of an emergency. Before an emergency happens, sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go and what you will do in an emergency. Keep a copy of this plan in your emergency supply kit or another safe place where you can access it in the event of a disaster.

Options for Protection. Depending on your circumstances and the nature of the emergency, the first important decision is whether you stay where you are or evacuate. You should understand and plan for both possibilities.

Hurricane Safety Checklist. Review this Hurricane Safety Checklist from the American Red Cross to prepare for the dangers of a hurricane.

Severe Weather Checklist.  Learn the steps to take before, during, and after severe weather hits.

Protect Your Home from Wind Damage.  Follow these steps to protect your home from hurricane wind damage.

Warning Systems and Signals.  Stay informed during a disaster through emergency broadcasts.

Subscribe to alert services. Many communities have developed systems that will send text messages or emails alerting you to local emergencies or bad weather. Check the community information page to find ways that you can be alerted for hurricane situations or sign up for local alerts:

Amelia County 
Phone: 804-561-3914/ 804-561-3039
Emergency Website: http://www.ameliacova.com/department/view/24/ 
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.emergencyemail.org/add.asp?src=&lc=07510

Brunswick County
Phone: 434-390-2358
Emergency Website: http://www.brunswickfireandrescue.org/hurricanes.html 
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: https://www.brunswickalert.com/index.php?CCheck=1 

City of Chesapeake
Phone: 757-382-6464/757-382-2489
Emergency Website: http://www.cityofchesapeake.net/Government/City-Departments/Departments/fire/emergman.htm?
Emergency Alerts: http://www.cityofchesapeake.net/Government/City-Departments/Departments/Information-Technology-Department/01chesapeake_alert.htm

Chesterfield County
Phone: (804) 796-7068, (804) 751-2378
Emergency Website: http://www.chesterfield.gov/EmergencyManagement.aspx?id=25
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.emergencyemail.org/add.asp?src=&lc=41510

City of Colonial Heights
Phone: 804-520-9300
Emergency Website: http://www.colonial-heights.com/index.aspx?NID=205
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.colonial-heights.com/index.aspx?nid=174

Dinwiddie County
Phone: 804-469-5388, 804-469-3799
Emergency Website: http://www.dinwiddieva.us/county-depts/fire-rescue/Emergency%20Information/index.asp
Sign up emergency alerts: http://www.emergencyemail.org/add.asp?src=&lc=53510

City of Emporia
Phone: 434-637-3697 (Emergency Management), 434-634-2121 (Police Dispatcher, Option 6)
Website: http://www.ci.emporia.va.us/dc.html 
Sign up emergency alerts: https://cne.coderedweb.com/Default.aspx?groupid=BDHiW7DuvPkrMJHBrN3CaA==

City of Franklin
Phone: 757-562-8575 (Police/ Emergency Aid Dispatcher)
Website: http://www.franklinva.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=29&Itemid=167 
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.franklinva.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=53&Itemid=228

Greensville County
Phone: 434-348-4205
Website: http://www.greensvillecountyva.gov/Public%20Safety/publicsafe.html
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.emergencyemail.org/add.asp?src=&lc=81510

City of Hopewell
Phone: (804) 541-2275, (804) 541-2298
Emergency Website: http://www.hopewellva.gov/data/publish/codered.shtml 
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: https://cne.coderedweb.com/Default.aspx?groupid=sUVLTJ7H04b6b%2bcahCtlcw%3d%3d

Isle of Wight County
Phone: 757-365-6308
Emergency Website: http://www.co.isle-of-wight.va.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=622&Itemid=84
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: https://www.iwalert.net/index.php?CCheck=1

Nottoway County 
Phone: 434-645-9044
Emergency Website: http://www.nottoway.org/emergencies.shtml 
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.emergencyemail.org/add.asp?src=&lc=35511

City of Petersburg 
Phone: 804-733-2328
Emergency Website: http://www.petersburg-va.org/fire/index.asp
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.emergencyemail.org/add.asp?src=&lc=30517

Powhatan County  
Phone: 804-598-4878
Emergency Website: http://www.powhatanva.gov/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={156BD5C2-A428-45A0-80CA-589562F86194}
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.powhatanva.com/emergency.htm

Prince George County
Phone: 804-733-2659
Emergency Website: http://www.princegeorgeva.org/index.aspx?page=107  
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.princegeorgeva.org/Index.aspx?page=704 

Southampton County  
Phone: 757-653-2100
Website: http://www.southamptoncounty.org/T0.aspx?PID=2
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts: https://cne.coderedweb.com/Default.aspx?groupid=cx0CWxZxvkv1QP710yURGA%3d%3d

City of Suffolk 
Phone: 757-514-4536
Emergency Website: http://www.suffolkva.us/em/  
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts: https://suffolk.onthealert.com/Terms/Index/?ReturnUrl=%2f

Sussex County
Phone: 434-246-1044 or 434-246-8224 (Emergency Operation Center)
Emergency Website: http://www.sussexcountyva.gov/departments/view/Public-Safety 

Red Cross
Southeastern Virginia Chapter
American Red Cross
611 W. Brambleton Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23510-1004 
Phone: 757-446-7700

Greater Richmond Chapter
American Red Cross
420 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23219 
Phone: 804-780-2250

Southside Area Chapter
American Red Cross
3267 A South Crater Road
Petersburg, VA 23805 
Phone: 804-733-5711

Key Twitter Handles to Follow for Constant Updates on Storm Recovery, Resources, and Progress: 

















Preparing for Power Outages. Dominion Power suggests updating your account with the phone number you plan to use when reporting your outage.  This step will ensure immediate access of your account for faster reporting without having to speak to someone.  Phone numbers can be updated on-line or by calling the special phone number update line - 1-800-222-0401.  Make sure cell phones and laptops are fully charged so they can be used in the event of a power outage. Contact information for all electric companies who service Virginia is as follows:
Dominion Power: 1-866-DOM-HELP or 1-866-366-4357
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative: 1-804-747-0592
Central Virginia Electric Cooperative: 1-800-367-2832 
Prince George Electric Cooperative: 1-804-834-2424
Southside Electric Cooperative: 1-866-878-5514
Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative: 1-888-335-0500 
Columbia Gas of Virginia: 1-800-544-5606

During the storm, if electricity is interrupted.  Dominion Power offers these practical tips for dealing with power outages during the storm.
-Turn off major appliances such as heat pumps, water heaters and stoves. Unplug other appliances such as TVs, stereos, microwaves and computers. This will prevent damage to appliances and possible overloads to the company's system when power is restored.
-Post a list of contents on your freezer door to minimize the number of times you open it.
-Leave one lamp or light on so you will be able to recognize when power is restored.
-Frozen food can last up to three days. It is safe to eat if it still has ice crystals at the center.
-If using portable or camp-type stoves or lanterns for cooking and lighting, ensure that the area is adequately ventilated.


-Power Restoration Process
Key Contacts

-Coping with Outages
Food Safety, Using a Generator 

-Essential Items , Like Water and Ice 
Obtaining Drinking Water, Water Safety

-Returning Home and Dealing with Home Damage
Surveying Your Home for Damage

-Tree and Debris Removal 
Locality Debris Removal, Chainsaw Safety

Cleaning a Flooded Basement, Saving Important Documents, Flood Insurance

Transportation and Roadways
Roadways Information, Reporting Roadway Hazards, Safety Precautions

-Getting in Touch with Family Members
Sending Messages to Service Members

-Internet, Cable and Phone Service
Key Contact Information 

-Insurance Claims
What Insurance Covers, Preparing to File Claims 


The following questions will provide information on coping with power outages and staying updated on when power is expected to return.

How do I contact my electrical provider?
Dominion Power: 1-866-DOM-HELP or 1-866-366-4357
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative: 1-804-747-0592
Central Virginia Electric Cooperative: 1-800-367-2832 
Prince George Electric Cooperative: 1-804-834-2424
Southside Electric Cooperative: 1-866-878-5514
Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative: 1-888-335-0500 
Columbia Gas of Virginia: 1-800-544-5606


I have health problems and need heating or air conditioning, who should I call?
Contact your locality provided above. They will be able to provide you with essential resources.

What should I know about using a generator?
Portable generators are useful when temporary or remote electric power is needed, but they also can be hazardous. The primary hazards to avoid when using a generator are carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from the toxic engine exhaust, electric shock or electrocution, fire and burns. Every year, people die in incidents related to portable generator use. Most of the incidents associated with portable generators reported involve CO poisoning from generators used indoors or in partially-enclosed spaces. 

Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

  • NEVER use a generator inside homes, garages, crawlspaces, sheds, or similar areas, even when using fans or opening doors and windows for ventilation. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these areas and can linger for hours, even after the generator has shut off.
  • Follow the instructions that come with your generator. Locate the unit outdoors and far from doors, windows, and vents that could allow CO to come indoors.
  • Install battery-operated CO alarms or plug-in CO alarms with battery back-up in your home, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. CO alarms should be certified to the requirements of the latest safety standards (UL 2034, IAS 6-96, or CSA 6.19.01). Test batteries monthly.

Electrical Hazards

  • Generators pose a risk of shock and electrocution, especially if they are operated in wet conditions. If you must use a generator when it is wet outside, protect the generator from moisture to help avoid the shock/electrocution hazard, but do so without operating the generator indoors or near openings to any building that can be occupied in order to help avoid the CO hazard. Operate the generator under an open, canopy-like structure on a dry surface where water cannot reach it or puddle or drain under it. Dry your hands, if wet, before touching the generator.
  • Connect appliances to the generator using heavy-duty extension cords that are specifically designed for outdoor use. Make sure the wattage rating for each cord exceeds the total wattage of all appliances connected to it. Use extension cords that are long enough to allow the generator to be placed outdoors and far away from windows, doors and vents to the home or to other structures that could be occupied. Check that the entire length of each cord is free of cuts or tears and that the plug has all three prongs. Protect the cord from getting pinched or crushed if it passes through a window or doorway.
  • NEVER try to power the house wiring by plugging the generator into a wall outlet, a practice known as “backfeeding.” This is extremely dangerous and presents an electrocution risk to utility workers and neighbors served by the same utility transformer. It also bypasses some of the built-in household circuit protection devices.

Fire Hazards

  • Never store fuel for your generator in the home. Gasoline, propane, kerosene, and other flammable liquids should be stored outside of living areas in properly-labeled, non-glass safety containers. Do not store them near a fuel-burning appliance, such as a natural gas water heater in a garage.
  • Before refueling the generator, turn it off and let it cool down. Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could ignite.

Read more on safety tips for previous storms: http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PREREL/prhtml12/12265.html

Once I have lost power, how long can I eat food that requires refrigeration?

  • Don’t eat anything you suspect of being spoiled. Remember the phrase: When in doubt, throw it out.
  • In a disaster cleanup, the last thing you want is to get sick from food poisoning. Remember to wash your hands often with purified water, and wash any body part that has been in contact with polluted water.
  • Food in an unopened freezer should stay frozen for about two days. Save that food for last, and don’t open the door until you have to.
  • Food in a refrigerator without power will stay cool for several hours. Consume perishables first, such as dairy products and meat. Grill your meats if possible because cooked meat stays edible longer than raw meat.
  • Eat sparingly and don’t open the refrigerator unless necessary
  • If food begins to turn moldy or smell bad, throw it away.

If you have food safety questions, you can "Ask Karen," the Food Safety and Inspection Service virtual representative available 24 hours a day at AskKaren.gov. 

Read more: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/factsheets/keeping_food_safe_during_an_emergency/index.asp 

What should I do to prepare items in my home for restoration of power?

  • Turn off major appliances such as heat pumps, water heaters and stoves. Unplug other appliances such as TVs, stereos, microwaves and computers. This will prevent damage to the appliance and possible overloads to the company's system when power is restored.
  • Leave one lamp or light on so you will know when power is restored.
  • Listen to your local radio station on your car or battery-powered radio for regular news and weather updates.

Read more: https://www.dom.com/storm-center/index.jsp

What precautions can I take for candle safety?

  • Use a flashlight instead of a candle whenever possible.
  • Extinguish all candles when leaving the room or going to sleep.
  • Keep candles away from items that can catch fire such as clothing, books, curtains, or flammable liquids.
  • Use candle holders that are sturdy, won’t tip over easily and are made from a material that can’t burn.
  • Keep candles out of reach of children.
  • Try to avoid carrying a lit candle.
  • Never use a candle for a light when checking pilot lights or fueling equipment.
  • Fire can pose a major threat to an already badly damaged flood area because of inoperable fire-protection and firefighting water supply systems, hampered fire department response and flood-damaged fire-protection systems. To protect yourself against fires after a natural disaster, keep at least two fire extinguishers, each with a UL rating of at least 10A, at every cleanup job. 

Read more here: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/weather/PostStormCleanup.htm 


Where can I obtain ice and drinking water?
You can find information on where to obtain ice and drinking water by contacting your locality at the phone number listed above.

Is it safe to drink well water?
Owners of wells and septic systems should take extra precautions to protect their health, according to state health officials. Floodwaters may contain fecal matter from overflowing sewage systems and agricultural or industrial waste, according to Dr. Robert B. Stroube, state health commissioner.

Those who rely on private wells should consider the water contaminated if it was submerged during the hurricane. People should test the water for bacteria before drinking it. Health officials recommend two samples taken on consecutive days.

Owners of septic systems should inspect for damage and, if necessary, contact local health departments for decontamination instructions. Damaged septic systems can cause sewage to back up into homes, posing a risk of disease.

Read more: www.vdh.state.va.us 

What do I do if I suspect price gouging? 
 Virginia has an anti-price gouging law – the Virginia Post-Disaster Anti-Price Gouging Act – that is only activated by the declaration of a state of emergency by the Governor or the President of the United States covering areas in Virginia.  This Act remains in effect in affected areas typically only for thirty (30) days immediately following the declaration of a state of emergency.  The provisions of the Act apply to the price of motor fuels and other essential consumer goods and services in the affected area.

If you suspect price gouging in Virginia during a declared state of emergency, you may call the Consumer Protection Hotline at (800) 552-9963, or you may report the incident utilizing the Price Gouging Report Form that is available from the website of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at www.vdacs.virginia.gov

Read more and access a price gouging complaint form here: http://www.vdacs.virginia.gov/forms-pdf/cp/oca/complaint/pricegouging.pdf 


What do I need to keep in mind when returning home? 
Before entering, walk carefully around the outside and check for loose power lines, gas leaks, and structural damage. If you have any doubts about safety, have your residence inspected by a qualified building inspector or structural engineer before entering.

Use a battery-powered flash light to inspect a damaged home.  The flashlight should be turned on outside before entering - the battery may produce a spark that could ignite leaking gas, if present.

Do not enter if:

  • You smell gas.
  • Floodwaters remain around the building.
  • Your home was damaged by fire and the authorities have not declared it safe.

The following items are other things to check inside your home:

  • Natural gas. If you smell gas or hear a hissing or blowing sound, open a window and leave immediately. Turn off the main gas valve from the outside, if you can. Call the gas company from a neighbor’s residence. If you shut off the gas supply at the main valve, you will need a professional to turn it back on. Do not smoke or use oil, gas lanterns, candles, or torches for lighting inside a damaged home until you are sure there is no leaking gas or other flammable materials present.
  • Sparks, broken or frayed wires. Check the electrical system unless you are wet, standing in water, or unsure of your safety. If possible, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If the situation is unsafe, leave the building and call for help. Do not turn on the lights until you are sure they’re safe to use. You may want to have an electrician inspect your wiring.
  • Roof, foundation, and chimney cracks. If it looks like the building may collapse, leave immediately.
  • Appliances. If appliances are wet, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. Then, unplug appliances and let them dry out. Have appliances checked by a professional before using them again. Also, have the electrical system checked by an electrician before turning the power back on.
  • Water and sewage systems. If pipes are damaged, turn off the main water valve. Check with local authorities before using any water; the water could be contaminated. Pump out wells and have the water tested by authorities before drinking. Do not flush toilets until you know that sewage lines are intact.
  • Food and other supplies. Throw out all food and other supplies that you suspect may have become contaminated or come in to contact with floodwater.
  • Your basement. If your basement has flooded, pump it out gradually (about one third of the water per day) to avoid damage. The walls may collapse and the floor may buckle if the basement is pumped out while the surrounding ground is still waterlogged.
  • Open cabinets. Be alert for objects that may fall.
  • Clean up household chemical spills. Disinfect items that may have been contaminated by raw sewage, bacteria, or chemicals. Also clean salvageable items.
  • Call your insurance agent. Take pictures of damages. Keep good records of repair and cleaning costs. 

More information can be found here: http://www.ready.gov/returning-home
When is it safe to begin work on my home that has been damaged?

  • Never assume that water-damaged structures or ground are stable. Buildings that have been submerged or have withstood rushing flood waters may have suffered structural damage and could be dangerous.
  • Don't work in or around any flood-damaged building until it has been examined and certified as safe for work by a registered professional engineer or architect.
  • Assume all stairs, floors and roofs are unsafe until they are inspected.
  • Leave immediately if shifting or unusual noises signal a possible collapse.
  • Flood waters can dislodge tanks, drums, pipes and equipment, which may contain hazardous materials such as pesticides or propane.
  • Do not attempt to move unidentified dislodged containers without first contacting the local fire department or hazardous materials team.
  • If working in potentially contaminated areas, avoid skin contact or inhalation of vapors by wearing appropriate protective clothing and respirators.
  • Frequently and thoroughly wash skin that may have been exposed to pesticides and other hazardous chemicals. 

Read more: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/weather/PostStormCleanup.htm 


How do I handle a downed tree that is touching power lines? 
Electricity can also travel through tree limbs. Never remove tree limbs or other items that are touching or near a downed wire. Instead, contact your electric company. Read more about tree-trimming services provided by Dominion here: http://www.dom.com/storm-center/tips-for-your-safety.jsp 

What are some safety tips for using a chainsaw?
Removing debris and tree branches may require the use of a chainsaw. It is important to use the following safety tips when operating a chainsaw:

  • Chainsaw operators must wear/use protective equipment, including:
    • Hard hat
    • Eye protection (safety glasses or goggles)
    • Hearing protection
    • Leather work gloves
    • Cut-resistant leg wear (chaps, leggings, pants) with two-inch boot overlap
    • Sturdy boots, preferably steel-toed
  • Make sure the chain brake is on when:
    • Starting the saw
    • Both hands are not on the saw, or
    • Taking more than two steps
  • Before starting the saw:
    • Size up the tree
    • Watch for hazards around the tree
    • Cut only when it’s safe to do so
  • Starting the saw:
    • Place the saw on the ground
    • Place the toe of your boot through the back handle to hold the saw down
    • Hold the front handle with your left hand
    • Use your right hand to pull the start cord using a fast but short stroke. 

Read more: www.dof.virginia.gov 


What steps do I take following a flood?
The following are guidelines for the period following a flood:

  • Listen for news reports to learn whether the community’s water supply is safe to drink.
  • Avoid floodwaters; water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline, or raw sewage. Water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines.
  • Avoid moving water.
  • Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car.
  • Stay away from downed power lines, and report them to the power company.
  • Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe.
  • Stay out of any building if it is surrounded by floodwaters.
  • Use extreme caution when entering buildings; there may be hidden damage, particularly in foundations.
  • Service damaged septic tanks, cesspools, pits, and leaching systems as soon as possible. Damaged sewage systems are serious health hazards.
  • Clean and disinfect everything that got wet. Mud left from floodwater can contain sewage and chemicals.  

What should I do if driving and I come across flood conditions?
The following are important points to remember when driving in flood conditions:

  • Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling.
  • A foot of water will float many vehicles.
  • Two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including sport utility vehicles (SUV’s) and pick-ups. 

Read more: http://www.ready.gov/floods 

How do I clean a basement after a flood?
Basements flooded with surface water, seepage through walls, or backflow from sewer lines often suffer little or no structural damage from the water, because the water inside braces the walls against the pressure of outside water and waterlogged soil.

How and when do I pump the water out?

  • Do not drain water inside the basement until most of the water on the outside of the walls has gone down. This will prevent the walls from being pushed in or the floors from heaving.
  • If you have a large amount of water in your basement or if there is no basement drain, you may need to buy or rent a sump pump to get rid of the water.
  • If your electrical panel is located in an area of your home that has been flooded, you will be unable to use an electric sump pump unless you use a pump driven a 12-volt auto battery. A gasoline engine pump may be used if exhaust can be vented to the outside.
  • Start pumping water out of your basement if the water inside is higher than the flood water level outside. You may need a measure to determine this.
  • Stop pumping when the two water levels become equal.
  • Pump the basement water out at the same rate at which the flood waters recede.

How should I clean the basement?

  • Shovel mud from the basement as soon as all water has drained or has been pumped out to allow floors and walls to dry.
  • Remove silt and dirt stains by rinsing concrete walls and masonry foundation walls with a high pressure hose.
  • If stains remain on the walls, scrub them with a stiff bristle brush and household detergent. Begin at the top and work down. Rinse often with clear water.
  • Start drying the basement as quickly as possible in order to minimize wood decay or growth of mold.
  • Open all doors and windows to allow the moisture to flow outside.
  • Buy or rent a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the drying process.
  • If you are sensitive to mold or mildew, wear a mask or respirator containing an appropriate filter.

How do I get rid of odors?
If ventilation does not remove odors:

  • Mop concrete floor and walls with a bleach solution (3/4 cups of household bleach to a gallon of water.)
  • Rinse and dry after 5 minutes.
  • Open windows when applying the bleach solution.
  • Place a lump of dry charcoal in an open tin/metal container to absorb odors.

Removing Mold from Your Home
After natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, excess moisture and standing water contribute to the growth of mold in homes and other buildings. Be aware that mold may be present and may be a health risk for your family, if your home has water damage due to:

  • Flooding,
  • Sewage back-up,
  • Plumbing or roof leaks,
  • Damp basements or crawl space,
  • Overflows from sinks or bathtub, or
  • High humidity: steam cooking, dryer vents, humidifiers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website includes general background information about mold health hazards and mold safety recommendations. Read more:http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/mold/protect.asp 

How do I avoid electric hazards when cleaning up flooded areas?

  • If water has been present anywhere near electrical circuits and electrical equipment, turn off the power at the main breaker or fuse on the service panel. Do not turn the power back on until electrical equipment has been inspected by a qualified electrician.
  • Never enter flooded areas or touch electrical equipment if the ground is wet, unless you are certain that the power is off.
  • Never touch a downed power line.
  • When using gasoline and diesel generators to supply power to a building, switch the main breaker or fuse on the service panel to the off position prior to starting the generator.
  • If clearing or other work must be performed near a downed power line, contact the utility company to discuss de-energizing and grounding or shielding of power lines. Extreme caution is necessary when moving ladders and other equipment near overhead power lines to avoid inadvertent contact.

Read more: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/weather/PostStormCleanup.htm 

There is sewage in my house, what should I do?
If there has been a backflow of sewage into the house, the following measures should be taken to ensure proper clean-up:

  • Walls, hard-surfaced floors and many other household surfaces must be cleaned with soap and water and disinfected with a solution of one cup of bleach to five gallons of water.
  • Thoroughly disinfect surfaces that come in contact with food and children’s play areas.
  • Wash all linens and clothing in hot water or dry-clean.
  • Items that cannot be washed or dry-cleaned, such as mattresses and upholstered furniture, must be air dried in the sun and sprayed thoroughly with a disinfectant.
  • Steam-clean all carpeting.
  • Fiberboard, fibrous insulation and disposable filters that have contacted floodwater or sewage should be replaced in your heating and air conditioning system.
  • Wear rubber boots and waterproof gloves during cleanup.
  • As you clean up your home, be careful about mixing household cleaners and disinfectants, as combining certain types of products can produce toxic fumes and result in injury or death.
  • It can be difficult to throw away items in a home, particularly those with sentimental value. However, keeping certain items soaked by sewage or floodwaters may be unhealthy. In general, materials that cannot be thoroughly cleaned and dried within 24 to 48 hours should be discarded.

Read more: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/weather/PostStormCleanup.htm 

How Do I Preserve Photos and Documents? 
These guidelines from The National Archives will walk you through preserving some of your family’s most treasured items that may have been damaged by flood waters. The guidelines range in topics from what do to with wet records, to salvaging family papers, to properly air-drying books, to caring for water damaged heirlooms. 

How do I file a claim for flood damage?
FEMA has established a step-by-step guide to help you properly submit a flood insurance claim.

  • First, review the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Claims Handbook. It provides additional help with the process of filing a claim.  The handbook can be found here:http://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=2184  
  • If possible, photograph the outside of the premises, showing the any damage or flooding. Also, photograph the inside of the premises, showing the damaged property and the height of the water if your property was flooded.  
  • Call your insurance agent to report your claim. If you have separate flood insurance, also call your flood insurance agent to report your claim. Your flood insurance agent will prepare a Notice of Loss form and an adjuster will be assigned to assist you.  
  • Separate the damaged from the undamaged property and put it in the best possible order for the insurance adjuster's examination. If reasonably possible, protect the property from further damage.  
  • When the adjuster visits your property, let him or her know if you need an advance or partial payment of loss. Again, good records can assist your insurance companies and the NFIP in giving you an advance payment. Use your inventory to work with the adjuster in presenting your claim.  
  • Damaged property which presents a health hazard or which may hamper local clean-up operations should be disposed of. Be sure to adequately describe and photograph discarded items so that, when the adjuster examines your losses and your records, these articles are included in the documentation.  
  • Good records speed up settlement of your claim. Compile a room-by-room inventory of damaged goods, and include manufacturer's names, dates and places of purchases, and prices. Try to locate receipts or proofs of purchase, especially for major appliances, and note manufacturers' names, serial numbers, prices, and dates of purchase.



Where can I find basic roadway information?
Real-time listings of road conditions in Virginia are available on VDOT’s 24-hour traffic and travel information website, www.511Virginia.org or by calling 511. Current road closure information can be found on the website.

Hampton Roads area traffic information is available on Twitter: @511hamptonroads. Richmond area traffic information can be found on Twitter @511centralVA. For general VDOT information, follow @VaDOT.

Where do I report road problems?
You can report road problems to any of the following:

What do I do if a traffic signal is out?
If a traffic signal is out, drivers are advised to treat the intersection as a four-way stop.

Where do I report a downed tree or other roadway hazard?
VDOT is working in partnership with utility companies and emergency responders to access the affected areas and remove obstructions as quickly as possible to restore all travel lanes to service. VDOT’s Customer Service Center is open 24 hours a day to answer questions and take reports of road debris, downed trees, traffic signal repair requests, or other roadway hazards at 800-FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623).

What safety precautions should I follow?
Motorists are encouraged to take the following precautions:

  • Never drive through water flowing across a road. It takes only six to 12 inches of water to float a small vehicle.
  • Never drive around barricades. Remember, the road has been closed for your safety.
  • Slow down when driving through standing water. Driving too fast through water could cause you to lose control and hydroplane.
  • Avoid flood-prone areas, especially along creeks and other low-lying areas. Water in those areas can rise quickly and without warning during heavy rains.
  • In the event of a flash flood warning for your area, seek high ground immediately.
  • Watch for debris on the roadway. If you encounter a downed power line, do not try to move the line. Downed trees may contain power lines. Contact VDOT or your local power company.

Read more: http://www.virginiadot.org/travel/hurricane_defauLT.asp


I am a service member or family member of a service member.  How can I send an urgent message to a service member?
The Red Cross is the official liaison between the military and their families for transmitting emergency family messages. When a military family experiences a crisis, the American Red Cross is there to help. Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, the Red Cross relays urgent messages containing accurate, factual, complete and verified descriptions of the emergency to service members stationed anywhere in the world, including on ships at sea.  More information can be found here: http://www.hrredcross.org/send-a-message 

To send a message to a service member contact the American Red Cross toll free at 877-272-7337.

When calling the Red Cross, please provide as much of the following information about the service member as is known:

  • Full name
  • Rank/rating
  • Branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard)
  • Social Security Account number or date of birth
  • Military address
  • Information about the deployed unit and home base unit (for deployed service members only)

I am a military family member and my service member is on a ship sortied out of Norfolk.  How do I make sure they are ok?  How do I find out when they will be home?
For the most up to date information on specific ship’s condition and schedule contact your Command Ombudsman or Family Readiness Group.


What is the customer service number for my Internet, phone or cable provider?

  • COX Customer Care Center – 757-222-1111
  • Verizon Customer Service – 1-800-VERIZON (1-800-837-4966)
  • Charter Support – 1-888-438-2427
  • Comcast Support – 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278)


In general, you should contact your insurance company immediately to find out whether damage is covered, how long you have to file a claim, whether you claim exceeds your deductible, and whether you’ll need to get estimates for repairs. The following information provided by the Insurance Information Institute (III) may be helpful in dealing with insurance.

How do I know what will be compensated for damage?
Vehicles: If your car was damaged and you have comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance policy, contact your auto insurance company. If your car has been so badly damaged that it's not worth repairing, you will receive a check for the car's actual cash value -- what it would have been worth if it had been sold just before the disaster. Kelley Blue Book (www.kbb.com) or other such publications can give you an idea of what your car was worth.

Trees and shrubberyAccording to the III, most insurance companies will pay some amount for the removal of trees or shrubs that have fallen on your home. They will also pay for damage caused to insured structures and their contents up to policy limits, but they won't pay to remove trees that have fallen causing a mess in your yard. 

Water: While homeowners policies don't cover flood damage, they cover other kinds of water damage. For example, they will generally pay for damage from rain coming through a hole in the roof or a broken window as long as the hole was caused by a hurricane or other disaster covered by the policy. If there is water damage, check with your agent or insurance company representative as to whether it is covered.

Read more: http://www.iii.org/brochures/settling-insurance-claims-after-a-disaster.html 

How can I be best prepared to facilitate insurance claims?
The Insurance Information Institute offers the following advice to facilitate the insurance claims filing and settlement process:

  • Be prepared to give your agent or insurance company representative a description of the damage to your property. Your agent will report the loss immediately to your insurance company or to a qualified adjuster, who will contact you as soon as possible in order to arrange an inspection of the damage. Make sure you give your agent a telephone number where you can be reached.
  • If it is safe to access the area, take photographs of the damaged property. Visual documentation will help with the claims process and will assist the adjuster in the investigation.
  • Prepare a detailed inventory of all damaged or destroyed personal property. Make two copies—one for yourself and one for the adjuster. Your list should be as complete as possible, including a description of the items, dates of purchase or approximate age, cost at time of purchase and estimated replacement cost.
  • Collect canceled checks, invoices, receipts or other papers that will assist the adjuster in assessing the value of the destroyed property.
  • Make whatever temporary repairs you can without endangering yourself. Cover broken windows and damaged roofs and walls to prevent further destruction. Save the receipts for any supplies and materials you purchase as your insurance company will reimburse you for reasonable expenses in making temporary repairs.
  • Secure a detailed estimate for permanent repairs to your home or business from a licensed contractor and give it to the adjuster. The estimate should contain the proposed repairs, repair costs and replacement prices.
  • If your home is severely damaged and you need to find other accommodations while repairs are being made, keep a record of all expenses, such as hotel and restaurant receipts.

Read more: http://www.iii.org/articles/preparing-for-a-hurricane.html