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VOW To Hire Heroes Act of 2011

 Comprehensive Legislation to End Veteran Unemployment

According to the Labor Department, there are 3.4 million job openings right now in the United States. Yet, many employers are finding that workers do not have the skills or training they need to qualify for them.

There are nearly 900,000 unemployed veterans in the United States–a staggering figure. The latest Department of Labor unemployment report shows that in October 2011, the average unemployment rate among all veterans was 7.7% and 12.1% for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Equally troubling, veterans between the ages of 35 and 64, the group with the highest financial obligations and the fewest available VA education and training options, continue to make up nearly two-thirds of all unemployed veterans. Overall, nearly one in twelve of our nation’s heroes can’t find a job to support their family, don’t have an income that provides stability, and don’t have work that provides them with the confidence and pride that is so critical to their transition home.

The “VOW to Hire Heroes Act” is bipartisan, bicameral, comprehensive legislation that would lower the rate of unemployment among our nation’s veterans. This bill combines provisions of Chairman Miller’s Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act - which passed the House on October 12, 2011 -  (H.R. 2433; Report #112-242), and Chairman Murray’s Hiring Heroes Act (S. 951; Report #112-36), and veterans’ tax credits into a comprehensive jobs package that will aggressively attack the unacceptably high rate of veterans' unemployment by:  

  • Expanding Education & Training: To begin moving veterans out of the unemployment lines, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 provides nearly 100,000 unemployed veterans of past eras and wars with up to 1-year of additional Montgomery GI Bill benefits to qualify for jobs in high-demand sectors, from trucking to technology. It also provides disabled veterans who have exhausted their unemployment benefits up to 1-year of additional VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment benefits.
  • Improving the Transition Assistance Program (TAP): Too many service members don’t participate in TAP and enter civilian life without a basic understanding of how to compete in a tight job market. Therefore, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act makes TAP mandatory for most service members transitioning to civilian status, upgrades career counseling options, and job hunting skills, as well as ensures the program is tailored to individuals and the 21st Century job market.
  • Facilitating Seamless Transition: Getting a civil service job can often take months which often forces a veteran to seek unemployment benefits. To shorten the time to start a federal job after discharge, this bill allows service members to begin the federal employment process by acquiring veterans preference status prior to separation.  This facilitates a more seamless transition to civil service jobs at VA, or the many other federal agencies that would benefit from hiring our veterans.
  • Translating Military Skills and Training: This bill also requires the Department of Labor to take a hard look at how to translate military skills and training to civilian sector jobs, and will work to make it easier to get the licenses and certification our veterans need.
  • Veterans Tax Credits: The VOW to Hire Heroes Act provides tax credits for hiring veterans and disabled veterans who are out of work.  

Furthermore, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act is completely paid for and does not increase the deficit.

Learn more:

Joint Press Release by Chairman Miller and Chairman Murray

Read the text of the bill here

The Veterans Opportunity to Work Act

The Veterans Employment Summit of 2011

What Is The VOW To Hire Heroes Act?


The VOW Act (HR 2433) – Rep. Miller (R-FL)

The Hiring our Heroes Act (S. 951) – Sen. Murray (D-WA)

The American Jobs Act – President Obama

Mandates participation in the Transition Assistance Program (TAP)


Allows DoL to provide TAP through contract instructors



Re-Training Program for nearly 100,000 veterans of past conflicts in high-demand fields



Improves TAP


Requires testing for federally funded, state employees who find jobs for veterans



Offers Vocational Rehabilitation for disabled veterans not eligible for unemployment compensation



Sets performance metrics for federally funded, state employees who find jobs for veterans



Limits the duties of federally funded, state employees tasked with finding jobs for veterans to assisting veterans



Authorizes job mentoring program with Non Profits



Clarifies priority of service for veterans in training offered by DoL



Reauthorizes study to review licensing & credentialing standards


Extends authority for wounded servicemembers to use Vocational Rehabilitation services



Provides tools for service members to apply for federal positions while on active duty.



Authorizes pilot to provide federal temporary work experience to servicemembers on terminal leave



Improves Reemployment Rights for Guard and Reservists under USERRA



Provides a tax credit for hiring veterans



$9,600/disabled veteran