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Tuesday, December 04, 2012
RSS News
  • Balanced Approach?
    Dec 3, 2012 - In a news story titled “Efforts to Curb Social Spending Face Resistance,” today’s New York Times reports that, “In talks with Congressional leaders, Mr. Obama is seeking $1.6 trillion in additional revenue over 10 years and $340 billion in health care savings.” In noting that the “Administration was... More
  • Camp Recognizes Adoptive Families During National Adoption Month
    Nov 16, 2012 - Midland, MI – This November, Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI) is joining with Members of Congress and the President to raise awareness about the importance of adoption by participating in National Adoption Month. To raise awareness, Camp is participating in Voice for Adoption’s Adoptive Family Portrait... More
  • Camp Announces Constituent Hours for November
    Nov 15, 2012 - Midland, MI—Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI) today announced monthly office hours held by his regional representatives in various locations around the 4th District to help residents in need of assistance with a federal agency. Constituents are invited to show up, no need to make an appointment. Wednesda... More

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