Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 30, 2012
House Republicans understand the fiscal cliff must be averted, and have proposed a bipartisan framework that would accomplish this through significant spending cuts and tax reform with lower rates, consistent with the ‘balanced’ approach President Obama has said he wants.  

Democrats in Congress have downplayed the danger of going over the cliff, and continue to rule out sensible spending cuts that must be part of any significant agreement to reduce the deficit. Even if a deal is reached, specific areas of the tax code may still lapse and effect investors.  Most investment income will also be subject to a 3.8 percent charge to help pay for President Obama’s health care law that will automatically take effect on January 1, 2013.

2013 should be the year we begin to solve our nation's debt problem through tax reform and entitlement reform.  Both parties should work together now to avert the fiscal cliff together in a manner that ensures this happens.  Such reforms are essential to achieving economic growth, without which our nation’s debt problem cannot be solved.  

House Republicans have done the hard work to put forward a balanced approach that raises revenue and cuts spending.  I continue to believe that tax increases of any kind are not good for Americans and detrimental to our broader economy.  Families are hurting right now and asking them to contribute more to Washington’s spending problem is not a reasonable solution.  There are other ways to raise revenue without raising taxes, including closing tax loopholes and capping deductions that, along with cuts to entitlements, will put our country back on the path to fiscal responsibility. This sensible approach to our nations’ debt problem has been proposed to President Obama.

What do you think? How can we avoid the fiscal cliff while cutting spending and reducing the deficit? Please submit your comments below.
Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 28, 2012
Burgess Named Vice Chair of Two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees

Washington, D.C.
– Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) was named Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and will continue to serve as the Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Health. Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), announced the members who will serve atop the six subcommittees in the 113th Congress. As the only Member of Congress serving as the Vice Chair of two subcommittees, Dr. Burgess will continue to vigorously push health care issues, work to cut wasteful federal spending, and perform oversight of the executive branch, including overseeing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

“As a doctor and as a legislator I know the impact Washington has on doctors, hospitals, and patients, and I have been a strong advocate for health care legislation aimed at reducing health care costs, improving choices, reforming liability laws to put the needs of patients first, and ensuring there are enough doctors in the public and private sector to care for America’s patients,” said Dr. Burgess. “As Vice Chair of two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees I will continue to push these important issues, including the critical oversight of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.”

Chairman Upton named Dr. Burgess for the key slot on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, in addition to his current role as Vice Chair of the Health Subcommittee, because of this medial background and his extensive oversight experience.

“The Energy and Commerce Committee will continue the critical oversight of the Affordable Care Act, and as Vice Chairman of both the Health Subcommittee and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, Dr. Burgess will be at the forefront of our aggressive efforts,”
said Chairman Upton. “He has the legislative expertise, the medical background, and the oversight experience that will ensure the Obama administration is held accountable.”  

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) notes that Dr. Burgess has been at the forefront of the health care debate from the beginning.

“As the Vice Chair of both the Subcommittee on Health and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, Dr. Burgess will continue to lead House Republican efforts in crafting health care legislation and overseeing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act,” said Speaker Boehner. “He’s been here every step of the way in holding the Obama administration accountable, and in supporting legislative efforts that will bring real reform to our health care system. As the only House member that is a Vice Chair of two subcommittees, he will continue to play a vital role.”

Dr. Burgess will serve on the Health Subcommittee with Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) as Chair, and on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee with Tim Murphy (R-PA), who was named the Subcommittee’s Chair.

Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 27, 2012
Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor and recognized Frisco City Council member Tim Nelson who just returned home from Afghanistan. You can watch the video below.

Posted by on November 20, 2012
Dr. Burgess released the following statement after Health and Human Services issued the proposed rule to implement provisions of the Affordable Care Act related to health insurance market reforms: 

"Two weeks following the 2012 election, the Obama administration has released over three hundred pages of proposed regulations in an attempt to provide further details concerning implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The proposed rules focus on insurance market reforms, including the establishment of standards for state benchmark plans, and methods of calculating the actuarial value of health insurance plans. The proposed rules are ambiguous and complicated. For example, Secretary Sebelius proposes that an essential health benefits benchmark plan must “reflect an appropriate balance among all essential health benefits categories”, without further defining ‘appropriate’. Furthermore, the administration continues to neglect to provide a clear definition of the ten categories of essential health benefits required to be covered in a benchmark plan. Such regulations will only further burden states, small businesses, and providers with a complexity of rules to follow, obstructing their flexibility to provide patient’s effective and appropriate health care. The nation requires leadership from Secretary Sebelius and President Obama to see the path forward for the health care system, not more rules restricting individuals’ freedom and growth of the health care industry."

Related Links
Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 17, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on Fox Business and spoke with Tom Sullivan about the future of health care in America. You can watch the video below.

Posted by on November 16, 2012

Dr. Burgess released the following statement after BP pleaded guilty to numerous criminal charges, and a BP executive was indicted on charges of obstruction of Congress and making false statements regarding the 2010 disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

"Immediately following the tragedy of the explosion that occurred aboard a BP oil rig operating in the Gulf of Mexico, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation began and extensive investigation into the causes of the explosion. Over the course of several years, the Subcommittee and its staff completed an incredible body of work on this investigation. This week we learned that BP, among other admissions, has agreed to plead guilty to charges of obstruction of Congress and making false statements. This should serve as a warning to anyone involved in a Congressional investigation. Lying to any member of Congress or any Congressional Committee will have serious consequences"

Posted by Meredith Smiley on November 13, 2012
EPA could waive ban on Primatene Mist inhalers for asthmatics
By Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D.
Dr. Burgess’ Op-Ed was published on The Hill’s website November 13, 2012

For years I have used a common over-the-counter emergency asthma inhaler called Primatene Mist. Like many asthma sufferers who find themselves awake at 2am with an unexpected asthma attack and do not have immediate access to an inhaler, Primatene Mist has been a simple and safe solution to what would otherwise be a costly and time-consuming emergency room visit. Unfortunately this past January, Primatene Mist was forced off pharmacy shelves due to an international treaty agreement known as the Montreal Protocol.

When the ban on Primatene Mist went into effect, people expected that its replacement would be available, without disruption. This was not the case. Although a replacement inhaler has been before the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval board for several years, there has been no action. This means that asthmatics currently have no over-the-counter remedy if they are faced with an emergency attack. This is especially dangerous if that attack happens when they are traveling and do not have their regular medicines handy.
The good news is that there is a simple solution. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has within its authority the ability to waive the ban on Primatene Mist. By doing this, the existing stock that has already been manufactured would be available to be sold until a replacement can be approved.  This would provide the temporary solution asthmatics need.
Despite multiple letters to the EPA and President Obama, and repeated questions during committee hearings, they remain unresponsive. Why does the EPA refuse to grant a waiver for the small amount of existing stock to be made available to consumers – especially given that the product is no longer manufactured and will expire in just over a year? Ask them, because they sure haven’t told me.
Currently, there are over 1 million units of Primatene Mist inhalers sitting in a warehouse in California. It’s unconscionable to allow them to continue to sit, gathering dust, when they could be used to provide relief. Politicians spend a lot of time talking about how much they care about the plight of asthmatics and patients generally, and decrying the high costs of health care. Why then is the Obama Administration blocking a safe, effective, and inexpensive treatment option for patients suffering from an asthma attack – and one that has been in use for over 50 years? President Obama’s  lack of response is unexplained and indefensible.
I’ve heard from people all over the country asking that Primatene Mist be allowed to continue to be sold until a replacement is available. “It is cruel that EPA and FDA have absolutely no concept of how awful it is to have asthma and no over-the-counter inhaler anymore,” stated one patient from New Jersey. Another patient from my home state of Texas said it best: “Please don't make us beg for air, it’s not fair. It would only take one asthma attack for anyone that voted for this ban to change their vote. Trust me, it’s a horrible feeling to gasp for air.”
The miniscule amount of chlorofluorocarbons that exist in Primatene Mist will have negligible effects on our ozone, especially considering the limited supply left. The EPA should be on the side of patients and consumers. In this case, it is not. Lisa Jackson and President Obama need to stop this senseless war on asthmatics.
Burgess, a physician, is vice chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health and chairman of the Congressional Health Caucus.
Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 09, 2012
Burgess Honors Local Veterans
“While we have singled out these veterans for recognition, I want to extend my deepest appreciation to all veterans for your service to the United States of America.”

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) recognized the five veterans who received this year’s 26th District Congressional Veteran Commendation (CVC).  The CVC was created eight years ago to honor the distinguished living veterans of Texas’ 26th Congressional District.  Nominations were received from the community, veterans’ organizations and civic groups.

This year’s commendations were presented at the tenth annual “Salute Our Veterans” luncheon sponsored by the Highland Village Business Association and the City of Highland Village. The five recipients of this year’s Congressional Veteran Commendation are:

•    Robert Baird (Lieutenant Colonel - U.S. Army) of Lantana
•    Victor Durrance (Sergeant - U.S. Army Air Force) of Gainesville
•    Andrew Fortunato (Lieutenant Colonel  - U.S. Marine Corps) of Keller
•    Joe Gray (Colonel - U.S. Army) of North Richland Hills
•    Mugg Pawless (Private First Class - U.S. Army) of Gainesville

“Five extraordinary individuals were selected to receive the 2012 Congressional Veteran Commendation,” said Dr. Burgess.  “They served in the Armed Forces of the United States with distinction and continued their dedication to the nation by striving tirelessly on behalf of their fellow veterans and serving the people in their communities.”

“While we have singled out these veterans for recognition, I want to extend my deepest appreciation to all veterans for your service to the United States of America,” Dr. Burgess remarked to the approximate 300 luncheon attendees.  “On behalf of the citizens of the 26th District and of a grateful nation, we are forever in your debt.”

In addition to those recognized with this year’s CVC, Dr. Burgess also recognized Sgt. Steven Davidson (U.S Army) as the 2012 Army Times Soldier of the Year.

***To download a photo of Dr. Burgess with Congressional Veteran Commendation recipients click here. Pictured are (L-R): Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., Robert Baird, Victor Durrance, Andrew Fortunato, Joe Gray, Mugg Pawless***


Posted by Whitney Thompson on October 31, 2012
Burgess Introduces New Chief of Staff
“Kelle will serve the 26th District not only working in my Washington office, but also actively with my staff and constituents back home in Texas.”

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) announced that he has selected Kelle A. Strickland as his new Chief of Staff.  Strickland succeeds Barry Brown who, after holding the position for almost ten years, pursued opportunities in the private sector.

Strickland, who has served as Counsel to the Chairman of the House Ethics Committee since 2010, will assume the new role effective November 5th.  Strickland came to Capitol Hill in 2003, when she joined the office of Congressman Jo Bonner (AL-01), as Legislative Assistant.  She later served as Legislative Director and Counsel, before being tapped for the Ethics Committee.  

“With almost ten years of service on Capitol Hill, Kelle brings expertise and experience that will be an invaluable addition to our office” said Dr. Burgess. “Kelle is held in high regard and she has a proven track record.  Her enthusiasm and work ethic, coupled with her political, legislative, and leadership skills will make her a great addition to my office.  Kelle will serve the 26th District not only working in my Washington office, but also actively with my staff and constituents back home in Texas.”

Strickland, a native of Mobile, Alabama, is a graduate of Spring Hill College and earned her J.D. from Cumberland School of Law in 1996. She is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.

Posted by Whitney Thompson on September 26, 2012
Burgess Presses Obama Administration on Inconsistent Libya Statements 
“This administration has not been forthcoming. We deserve better, and the four Americans who lost their lives deserve better.”

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), sent a letter to President Obama regarding the erroneous statements made by officials of the Obama administration regarding the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya. 

“Following the attack, several administration officials inaccurately stated that the assault was a result of an Internet video, when in fact it was a terrorist attack,” said Dr. Burgess. “President Obama and his administration have made no effort to clarify their miscommunication, and have failed to provide any information on what exactly transpired. The release of such incomplete information drives improper conclusions, misdirects anger, and could lead to policy changes that would undermine our diplomatic and military efforts abroad.”

The assault, which happened on September 11th, was also the 11th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks on America. It lasted nearly four hours, and resulted in the deaths of United States Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and diplomatic security officers and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

“On September 20th, Secretary Clinton, and Director Clapper of the National Intelligence briefed Members of Congress, but critical questions were not answered or were deflected,” said Dr. Burgess. “This administration has not been forthcoming. We deserve better, and the four Americans who lost their lives deserve better.”

To view the letter, click here.
