The Maine Community Foundation administers a variety of individual funds established to support a wide range of organizations and programs within the state of Maine. Funds may be restricted by their donors to support specific programmatic or geographic interests, while others are unrestricted and distributed at the Foundation's discretion. Discretionary grants are not made for lobbying or religious activities, and are not generally awarded for endowment purposes, equipment, annual campaigns, regular operations, or capital campaigns. The Foundation also manages scholarship funds, provides technical assistance to guide grant seekers through the fund raising process, and is involved with a number of initiatives that provide major support to address specific issues within Maine. Visitors to the MCF Web site will find general information about the Foundation, application procedures, a staff listing, and contact information for a handful of other Maine philanthropic organizations.

Portland office:
1 Canal Plaza
P.O.Box 7380
Portland ME 04112
Phone: (207)761-2440 Fax: (207)761-2459

Ellsworth Office:
210 Main Street
P.O. Box 148
Ellsworth ME 04565
Phone: (207) 667-9735 Fax: (207)667-9738




This is a corporate foundation sponsored by the Hannaford Brothers Company. Its primary interests are arts/cultural programs, education, environment, health care, youth development, children and youth services, neighborhood and community development. Applications are available from:


Hannaford Charitable Foundation
P.O. Box 1000
Portland, ME 04104
URL: http//




The Libra Foundation was established by Elizabeth Noyes and makes gifts for general charitable purposes in Maine. Information about applications can be obtained from:


Owen W. Wells, Jr.
Libra Foundation
P.O. Box 426
Portland, ME 04112




The Lunder Foundation is a private foundation established in 1998 by Peter and Paula Lunder. It supports educational, arts, and health care organizations. The initial approach should be in the form of a letter.


Jack Emory, President
The Lunder Foundation
2 Monument Square
Portland, Maine 04101
207-775-7676 (phone)
207-775-5776 (fax)



The foundation’s interests include historic preservation, historical societies, arts and cultural programs, vocational education, education and the environment. Initial approach should be made through a letter to:


Michael J. Quinlan
The Morton-Kelly Charitable Trust
c/o Jensen, Baird, Gardner and Henry
10 Free Street
Portland, ME 04112

Edward E. Hilda C. Rosen Foundation


The Rosen Foundation makes grants to health associations, human services, and Jewish agencies and temples. Initial approach should be through letter to:


Greg Naynard
The Rosen Foundation
Bangor Savings Bank
280 Fore Street
Portland, ME 04101



Maine Initiatives makes small grants in Maine. Its primary interest is equity and justice as it relates to the areas of the environment, social welfare and health. The foundation should be contacted directly for information about its current grant programs.


Deborah Felder, Executive Director
P.O. Box 2248
Augusta, ME 04338




The Maine Philanthropy Center (MPC) is an association of grantmaking foundations, corporate giving programs and individuals with a philanthropic interest in Maine. Started in 1995 as the Maine Grants Information Center, MPC currently has over 80 members. MPC also has an associate member category with over 300 nonprofits, consultants and professional advisors. MPC is a member of the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers. The Forum is a national network of local leaders and organizations supporting effective charitable giving, providing valuable assistance to its member associations to help increase their individual and collective impact. The MPC Library is recognized as a Cooperating Collection of the Foundation Center, an independent national service that is the authoritative source of information on foundation and corporate giving throughout the United States. MPC has an extensive up to date library of reference materials on philanthropy, grantmaking and local and national foundation resources are available in Portland. For more information contact:


Michelle Fontaine at (207) 780-5039 or email at