The GOP's diversity debacle

The RNC convention shown. | AP Photo

The party had a few well-financed black and Latino challengers, but of them all lost. | AP Photo

After an election in which Mitt Romney lost the black, Asian and Latino vote by landslide margins, the news just got worse for the Republican Party.

With Florida GOP Rep. Allen West’s concession Tuesday, the face of the GOP got a little whiter, ending an election season in which the already undersized contingent of black, Hispanic and Asian Republicans in Congress grew even smaller.

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For a party that’s struggling to present a public face that looks more like America, the 2012 election represents something close to a worst-case scenario.

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The number of African-American Republicans in Congress, which stood to double thanks to several highly competitive candidates, was instead cut in half, to a single member. The last Asian-American Republican retired and wasn’t replaced. In a year when a record number of Hispanics were elected to Congress, House Republicans ended up losing two of their already small contingent. Puerto Rico GOP Gov. Luis Fortuño, a rising star who campaigned for Mitt Romney in Florida, was another 2012 casualty.

In the Senate, there was a GOP ray of hope with the election of Ted Cruz, a Cuban-American from Texas. But in a chamber that will have a record number of women next year thanks to the election of four new Democratic women and the reelection of six female Senate incumbents, the number of female Republicans actually declined by one.

The final tally: Democrats have 16 female senators, Republicans only four.

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All in all, Nov. 6 was a grim day for a party that already had a glaring diversity problem.

“Let’s face it, the Republican Party has to do a better job of fielding and electing candidates that look and talk like the America of the second decade of the 21st century,” said Michigan-based GOP consultant Dennis Lennox.

Unlike in past years, the problem wasn’t exactly a lack of serious prospects. The GOP had a handful of celebrated and well-financed black and Latino challengers — among them, House candidates Abel Maldonado of California, Vernon Parker of Arizona, and the best-known of them all, Mia Love of Utah — but all of them fell short in the end.

Maldonado and Love failed to oust Democratic incumbents; Parker lost a race for an open seat in Arizona.

They weren’t the only setbacks in the House: West and Hispanic Reps. Francisco Canseco of Texas and David Rivera of Florida all were defeated in their bids for a second term. While West lost for reasons related to a mismatch of style and district, Canseco and Rivera lost in seats with high percentages of Hispanic voters.


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