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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Most Transparent Ever? Administration Continues to Ignore Congressional Oversight
December 3, 2012  - Late last week, the Obama administration’s Department on Health and Human Services (HHS) quietly informed a Wisconsin newspaper that it would not announce the results of the Head Start re-competition process this year. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Grants were expected to be awarded i...More

Kline Requests Details on NLRB Response to IG Findings of Prohibited Communications
November 29, 2012  - Dear Chairman Pearce and Acting General Counsel Solomon: On November 19, in response to my inquiry, the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) Office of Inspector General (IG) issued a memorandum, attached, stating that “certain statements in e-mail messages from personnel in the Division of Advic...More

Kline Statement on Review of Proposed Changes to Federal Workers’ Compensation Program
November 26, 2012  - U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement today after the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released two reports examining the U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed changes to the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA): The G...More

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