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Foreign Policy

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I believe that as a nation we must maintain a foreign policy that ensures international security, promotes human rights and advances democratic principles worldwide.   As part of the global community, we must come together to tackle major challenges that affect all of us, such as: poverty, education, public health, pollution, environment, natural disasters and the global HIV/AIDS pandemic.

It is important that America reaches out to the international community in order to forge stronger relationships with our allies and build new ones with developing countries.  Our country must continue to foster respectful friendships, fair diplomatic assistance, and humanitarian aid.

As a Member of Congress I have been fortunate to meet many inspirational world leaders, but none greater than Nelson Mandela.   One of my proudest legislative achievements is the passage of an amendment -- coined by Mandela as the “Bloody Rangel Amendment” -- which changed the tax code to deny foreign tax credits to U.S. companies doing business in South Africa during apartheid.  Many business leaders and historians have credited it as an important factor in the ending of the apartheid.   

In addition to proudly representing the people of New York’s 15th Congressional District, my tenure in Congress has allowed me the privilege of helping the people of Haiti in their time of great need.  My bill, H.R. 5160 - Haiti Economic Lift Program Act, was enacted in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. This bill enhances the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act and provides customs support services to Haiti.  I also proudly sponsored H.R. 4462 - Haiti Relief bill which allowed Americans to deduct donations to the Haiti relief efforts in their 2009 tax returns.

Moreover I have worked hard in Congress to mend the relationship between Cuba and the United States with a series of legislation over the years.  One of the bills, the Export Freedom to Cuba Act, would end travel restriction to or from Cuba by U.S. citizens or legal residents.  Cuban Americans have been separated from their families in Cuba for far too long.  I also introduced the Free Trade With Cuba that would amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to lift the embargo on trade with Cuba.  The Cold War ended more than two decades ago; it is time to reopen the diplomatic and economic doors between our two countries.  The Cuban people should have the right to democracy.  I have visited Cuba and met Fidel Castro many times throughout my career.  I firmly believe that with continued and open dialogue, our two countries can build a mutually beneficial relationship.

No experience has influenced my foreign policy or my life more than my service in the Korean War.  Before being shipped to the Korean Peninsula in August of 1950, my eyes had seen little outside of Harlem.  Since returning home from the Korean War and being elected to Congress I have been honored to see South Korea become one of our greatest Allies.  On December 13, 2011, my bill H. Res 376 - Calling for Repatriation of POW/MIAs and Abductees in North Korea, was passed unanimously by Congress despite partisan gridlock. The resolution encourages North Korea to repatriate any prisoner of war they have held captive since the Korean War and calls upon the U.S. government to resume search and recovery operations in North Korea which was suspended in 2005.  The resolution also calls for the repatriation of South Korean civilians who were forcibly taken into North Korea during the War. This resolution aims to end decades of pain for the loved ones of so many Americans and Koreans.

For America to continue to stand as the moral leader of the free world we must lead by example.  I have never lost my conviction to leaving this world a better place than when I entered it, both in life and in Congress.  

Awards:                                                                                                                                                                                  Congressman Rangel was one of thirteen Members in the House of Representatives, less than 3 percent of the whole, who received the perfect score of A+ by the global issues advocacy group Citizens for Global Solutions in their 2012 Congressional Report Card.  

Congressman Rangel's Accomplishments:

The 936 Program - Puerto Rico
Congressman Rangel was the principal defender of the 936 program which is the  major incentive for corporate investments in Puerto Rico.  Attracted by tax incentives, dozens of large U.S. corporations have located plants on the island, creating thousands of jobs.

Caribbean Basin Initiative
Instrumental in the passage of a major expansion of Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), which provides reduced duties for products made in the Caribbean. The Rangel initiative has been the primary catalyst for development of the free zones in the Dominican Republic.

Africa Growth and Opportunity Act
Congressman Rangel authored and enacted historic legislation that for the first time created a trade and investment framework between the U.S. and the countries of sub-Saharan Africa.  In the first 18 months since passage, apparel exports from Africa to the U.S. increased 28 percent, signaling new job opportunities in Africa and investment opportunities for Americans.

South Africa
As a leader in the campaign to bring down the racist apartheid system in South Africa, he authored and spearheaded the revocation of certain tax benefits to U.S. companies doing business in South Africa. His initiative led to the withdrawal of major U.S. firms, speeding the collapse of the apartheid system.

Led the successful campaign to restore the democratically-elected government of President Aristide.

Led the Congressional campaign to remove the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba.

Played the pivotal role in the enactment of legislation normalizing U.S. trade relations with China.  The legislation ensures that U.S. businesses are able to compete with Europe and Japan in selling U.S. goods and services to China.

Congressman Rangel's Legislation:

Calling for Repatriation of POW/MIAs and Abductees in North Korea, H. Res 376 - (Sponsor)
Status: 12/13/2011 Passed/agreed to in House
This Resolution recognizes there are South Korean prisoners of war (POWs) and civilian abductees from the Korean War who are still alive in North Korea and who want to be repatriated.  Calls for resuming operations to search for and recover remains of American POW/MIAs, and for the U.S. government to continue to explore the possibility that there could be American POW/MIAs still alive inside North Korea.
Export Freedom to Cuba Act of 2011, H.R.1886 (Sponsor)
Status: 5/12/2011 Referred to House Committee on Foreign Affairs
This bill prohibits the President from regulating or prohibiting travel to or from Cuba by U.S. citizens or legal residents.
Free Trade With Cuba Act in 2011, H.R. 1887 (Sponsor)
Status: 10/21/2011 Referred to the Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade.
This bill amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to repeal the embargo on trade with Cuba.
Haiti Economic Lift Program Act 2010, H.R. 5160 (Sponsor)
Status: 5/24/2010 Became Public Law No: 111-171 (Signed by President Barack Obama)
This bill enhances the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, and provides customs support services to Haiti, as well as other purposes.
Haiti Relief, H.R. 4462 (Sponsor)
Status: 1/22/2010 Became Public Law No: 111-126 (Signed by President Barack Obama)
A bill to accelerate income tax benefits provided for charitable cash contributions that are donated to help bring relief to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.



















View Press Releases On Foreign Policy

Rangel Awarded A+ For Votes On Critical Global Issues

U.S. House Unanimously Passes Rangel Resolution On Korean War POW/MIAs & Abductees

Rangel Statement on World AIDS Day

Rangel Honored By President Of South Korea Before Joint Session Of Congress

Rangel Introduces Resolution to Repatriate POW/MIAs and Abductees From North Korea



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