Jeb Hensarling
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  1. What a great day to be a Fightin Texas Aggie. Congrats to Johnny, Coach Sumlin, and the entire Aggie football program. Gig Em!
  3. Enjoying the game with my friend and former Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.
    Photo: Enjoying the game with my friend and former Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.
  4. WHOOP! Excited to be at the Cotton Bowl to watch Johnny Football and the Aggies BTHO OU. Gig Em!
  5. Today I had the honor of being sworn in to serve the wonderful people of the 5th Congressional District of Texas in the 113th Congress. I am thankful for your support and look forward to continuing to serve my constituents, the State of Texas, and our great nation in the United States Congress.
    Photo: Today I had the honor of being sworn in to serve the wonderful people of the 5th Congressional District of Texas in the 113th Congress. I am thankful for your support and look forward to continuing to serve my constituents, the State of Texas, and our great nation in the United States Congress.

Earlier in January

Earlier in 2012

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