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“Our economy and our families cannot wait any longer for action and cannot afford a Republican tax increase on the middle class. That’s why Democrats, under the leadership of Congressman Tim Walz, have filed a discharge petition to bring the middle class tax cuts to the floor for a vote."

December 4, 2012

“He was a champion of Johnstown and his beloved state of Pennsylvania, a giant in the Congress, a hero on the battlefield, a strong voice for progress for our nation. His life in public service was inspired by the charge of his grandmother, who told him as a child: ‘you were put on this earth to make a difference.’ And make a difference he did, through his stunning success in the halls of Congress, and through his enduring personal commitment to enhancing and enriching the lives of others, especially our men and women in the military."

December 3, 2012

“The Republican plan talks about seeking middle ground, yet reiterates their party’s commitment to put millionaires ahead of the middle class and Medicare. Republicans are simply digging in their heels by refusing to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share and actually calling for lower tax rates."

December 3, 2012

"We continue to call on Speaker Boehner to immediately schedule a vote on the Senate-passed bill to extend tax cuts for the middle class, which the President has said he will sign immediately. Congressional Republicans must heed the call of middle class families during this holiday season, end the uncertainty and stop holding middle income tax cuts hostage to tax cuts for the rich. If Speaker Boehner refuses to schedule this widely-supported bill for a vote, Democrats will introduce a discharge petition to automatically bring to the floor the Senate-passed middle class tax cuts."

December 2, 2012

"We are calling upon the Republican leadership in the House to bring this legislation to the floor next week. We believe that not doing that would be holding middle income tax cuts hostage to tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the rich which do not create jobs, just increase the deficit, heaping mountains of debt onto future generations. And so to that end, if the bill, if there is no announcement of scheduling of the middle income tax cut – which by the way, has tremendous support in the Republican Caucus, I think we would get 100 percent vote on it if it came to the floor – if it is not scheduled, then on Tuesday we will be introducing a discharge petition, which you know, if we could get 218 signatures, would bring the bill automatically to the floor. That would mean that we need some Republicans who support middle income tax cuts to sign on with us."

November 30, 2012