Welch fights for Main Street Fairness

With record amounts being spent online this holiday season, Welch is fighting to level the playing field for Main Street businesses.


Fighting to pass a Farm Bill

As Rep. Welch returns to Washington, passing a Farm Bill is one of his top priorities.


Working to make college affordable

The cost of a college education is skyrocketing. Rep. Welch is working to curb rising tuition costs that are threatening to put higher education out of reach for middle class families.


Welch proposes new federal disaster relief program for small businesses

Rep. Welch is proposing a small business loan program tailored to meet the needs of small businesses impacted by natural disasters.


http://welch.house.gov/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/591862Church_St_Holiday_Stock_Photo.jpg http://welch.house.gov/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/450808pwanddairyfarmers__2_.jpg http://welch.house.gov/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/996202college_costs.jpg http://welch.house.gov/components/com_gk2_photoslide/images/thumbm/712291PW_in_Waterbury__2_.jpg
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On Cyber Monday, Welch calls for Lame Duck passage of Main Street Fairness Act

Monday, 26 November 2012

With consumers expected to spend upwards of $2 billion online this Cyber Monday, Rep. Peter Welch is calling on Congress to pass his legislation to level the playing field between Main Street retailers and out-of-state internet sellers during the lame duck session. "Main Street businesses need a level playing field to compete with online businesses," said Welch. "With a record amount to...


Vermont To Receive Infusion Of Home Heating Assistance

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Congressman Peter Welch (D-Vt.) announced on Tuesday that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is releasing $17.69 million in home heating assistance funding to Vermont.  The congressional delegation has been calling for the release of these funds and the continued support of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). This fu...


Rep. Schiff Announces Almost 40 Members of Congress Have Participated in NOH8 Campaign

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Last month, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) hosted a photo shoot with the NOH8 Campaign titled, "NOH8 on The Hill." At the event, Members of Congress and their staffs were invited to pose for a photograph in support of the NOH8 Campaign and lend their voice towards LGBT rights and marriage equality. During the event, Schiff commented on his support of the ca...


Markey, Frank, DeLauro, Welch Back CFTC Appeal of Dodd-Frank Position Limits Case

Thursday, 11 October 2012

One day after the head of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission backed an appeal of a court's decision to block a key rule in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform legislation, four key House Democrats threw their own weight behind appealing the ruling. The rule in question deals with "position limits" that would control the amount of contracts Wall Street traders an...


Vermont Wins Two Grants for Regional Development

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Northern Border Regional Commission has awarded grants totaling $373,447 for regional development projects in Vermont, Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) announced today. The grants will support the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail in Lamoille County and develop key regional business clusters in the Northeast Kingdom. The $249,982 grant for the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail wi...


VPR: 'As Deadline Approaches, Welch Urges Seniors To Enroll For Medicare'

Monday, 3 December 2012

Congressman Peter Welch says Vermont seniors can sign up for Medicare benefits now under the new health care law. Welch visited with residents of the Cathedral Square complex in Burlington on Monday, and he reminded them that it's open enrollment season in Medicare. "A lot of folks have already made their decision but some have yet to make it and it's time to...


VPR: 'Welch Says Budget Deal Is Increasingly Unlikely'

Monday, 3 December 2012

Congressman Peter Welch says he believes it's unlikely that lawmakers and President Obama will avert the so-called fiscal cliff, blaming House Speaker John Boehner. Welch says the president has offered significant savings in the Medicare program for the elderly, but he says the Republicans haven't. "The President has been specific," Welch argues. "He said $1.6 trillion in revenues and $400 billion in Me...


Burlington Free Press: 'Vermont delegation pushing for year-end dairy deal'

Saturday, 1 December 2012

The Vermont congressional delegation is pushing for a last-minute deal to pass a farm bill that protects dairy farmers from plunging milk prices, but they are running out of time as the 112th Congress draws to an end. "We're going to do everything we can, but nobody can predict whether we'll succeed or not," said Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. Congress is expected to...


VPR: 'Under Compromise, Internet Sellers May Soon Collect Sales Tax'

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

It's possible that Vermont consumers could be paying the state sales tax on Internet purchases in the not too distant future. That's because Congressman Peter Welch is working to include this plan in a massive fiscal compromise bill that Congress is expected to consider in the coming weeks. Bear Pond Books in Montpelier has rows of books stacked from the floor level to...


WCAX: 'Welch pushes online sales tax equity'

Monday, 26 November 2012

  Congressman Peter Welch (D-Vt.) says online retailers need to play by the same rules as main street merchants. Welch is working on a bill called the Main Street Fairness Act. He says the bill levels the playing field between brick and mortar stores and those on the Internet. The act would require online companies to collect a sales tax if the bu...


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