Washington Update

Congressman J. Randy Forbes, Virginia's Fourth Congressional District

Weeks of September 10-21, 2007


ü Attended a joint House Armed Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the war in Iraq with witnesses General David H. Petraeus, Commander, Multinational Forces in Iraq, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq.  In their independent testimony, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker indicated that the security situation on the ground has improved, and that the Iraqis have not achieved political reconciliation on major issues such as oil revenue. In his remarks, General Petraeus recommended removing five of the 20 U.S. brigade combat teams in Iraq by mid 2008.  To learn more about the situation in Iraq, read Congressman Forbes' Iraq Primer.

ü Signed letter to House Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee to urge support for $10 million in Title XI Ship Loan Guarantee Programs.  These programs provide small and medium sized ship owners with a loan guarantee to allow construction of new ships.  These programs are critical because it allows the U.S. to maintain a fleet that can meet the nation’s energy shipping needs and serve as a military auxiliary fleet in times of emergency without relying on foreign ship builders. The program has a 20-to-1 multiplier, which means that for every $1 million spent in the program, $20 million in ship construction is performed in the United States.

ü Cosponsored H.R. 1084, the Reconstruction and Stabilization Civilian Management Act. This bill would build the capacity of the State Department and other federal agencies to quickly deploy civilian specialists to address the unique needs of a reconstruction operation and serve as counterparts to the military. Specifically, the legislation creates a “Response Readiness Corps” of 250 civilians with expertise in a wide range of skills such as agriculture, engineering, law, and business development, who could quickly deploy to set the ground work for successful stability operations.

ü Cosponsored H.R. 2247, the Montgomery G.I. Bill for Life Act, which repeals the 14-year limit on the use of the benefits by members of the Selected Reserve, and the 10-year limit on the use of benefits by members of the Ready Reserve who are separated due to disability after supporting contingency and certain other operations.

ü Cosponsored H.R. 2799, the Quadrennial Foreign Affairs Review Act, which requires the State Department to review the diplomatic structure and strategy of the Department of State and its related activities. A similar review is required each year in the Department of Defense.

ü Joined the Rotorcraft Caucus, which aims to promote helicopter safety and seeks ways to improve rotorcraft technology to meet emerging needs such as homeland security and emergency response. The Caucus is chaired by Congresswoman Kay Granger and Congressman Joe Sestak.

ü Attended a classified House Armed Service Committee briefing on nuclear weapons control by the U.S. Air Force.  The briefing was given following an incident in August when a B-52 bomber flew from Minot AFB, North Dakota to Barksdale AFB, Louisiana with nuclear weapons aboard.

ü Supported H.Res. 604, which expresses the nation's sincerest appreciation and gratitude for the service of the members of the 303rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) upon the occasion of the final reunion of the 303rd Bomb Group (H) Association. Congressman Forbes is a cosponsor of this legislation.

ü Supported H.Res. 326, which commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.  The measure also honors the more than 58,000 Americans who lost their lives in that conflict, and recognizes the service and sacrifice of the more than three million men who served in Southeast Asia.


ü Cosponsored H.R. 3584, a bill to extend the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).  SCHIP provides states with funds for  health insurance coverage for low-income children.  H.R. 3584 would extend the current SCHIP program for 18 months to maintain current levels of funding while a reauthorization of the program is agreed on between the House and Senate.  This bill does not raise tobacco taxes, rely on cuts to Medicare programs, or substantially expand the program's budget.


ü Cosponsored H.R. 1742, the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act, which would reduce the taxable depreciation period for automatic fire sprinkler systems from 39 years to 5 years. This makes it more affordable for building owners to recoup the expense associated with installing these expensive systems by classifying automatic fire sprinkler systems as five-year property for purposes of depreciation. The National Fire Protection Association has no record of a fire killing more than two people where a complete, and fully operation automatic fire sprinkler system was installed.

ü Cosponsored H.R. 2138, the Investment in America Act of 2007, which would establish a permanent research and development tax credit in the current tax code, which is scheduled to expired at the end of 2007. The research and development tax credit helps to keep America competitive while keeping high paying jobs onshore.

ü Cosponsored H.R. 743, the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act, which would establish a permanent prohibition on taxation of Internet access and would prohibit any taxation that would single out Internet users for unfair tax treatment. The current ban will expire on November 1, 2007.  H.R. 743 does not impact any State’s ability to tax  on-line sales, nor does it prohibit the collection of franchise fees or general property, business, and telecommunications taxes.

Foreign Affairs

ü Supported H.Res. 583, which recognizes the remarkable example of Sir Nicholas Winton who organized the rescue of 669 Jewish Czechoslovakian children from Nazi death camps prior to the outbreak of World War II.

ü Supported H.Res. 639, which commends the actions of the Government of Germany and its cooperation with United States intelligence agencies in preventing a large-scale terrorist attack against locations in Germany, including sites frequented by Americans.


ü Signed a letter to Speaker Pelosi urging House Leadership to bring the FY 2008 Veterans spending bill for a final vote before the new fiscal year begins. The Veterans Bill, H.R. 2642, is one of three spending bills this year passed by both the House and Senate. In order for veterans programs to receive full funding at the beginning of the new fiscal year, the differences between the two bills must be reconciled and then voted on in each chamber of Congress before October 1st.


ü Cosponsored H.R. 3494, the Charlie Norwood Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act, which would provide local law enforcement additional tools to combat illegal immigration.  By updating federal law, the bill would provide clear authority for local agencies to enforce immigration law, improve information sharing with local agencies, require the federal government to remove and deport criminal aliens, increase federal resources for local governments that choose to enforce the law, and reduce federal resources for local government that provide sanctuary to violent criminal aliens.


ü Cosponsored H.R. 2084, the Family Budget Protection Act, which would reform the Congressional budget process to create a simple and legally binding budget. This would create five spending categories: mandatory spending, defense spending, non-defense spending, interest payments and emergency spending. Non-defense spending would be capped and would require approval by the Congress before it could be exceeded. The bill would also require emergency funds to be budgeted. In addition, H.R. 2084 would provide a legislative veto, biannual budgeting, and would sunset all discretionary programs every ten years.


ü Sent a letter to the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture asking him to declare six counties in the Fourth Congressional District eligible for disaster assistance due to the ongoing drought conditions.  The current drought situation has left many farmers and communities devastated in Virginia and elsewhere across the United States.



For a comprehensive look at Congressman Forbes' work on legislative issues, visit the Spotlight Issues page on his website.



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About Washington Update

Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session.
Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.


As always, Congressman Forbes welcomes your comments. To share your thoughts on legislation, votes or issues, please visit http://randyforbes.house.gov to send an e-mail or call any of Congressman Forbes' three district offices. 


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