Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of April 11 - 15, 2011 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS
Cutting Government Spending by $6.2 Trillion

Congressman Forbes supported the budget proposal for the next fiscal year, H.Con.Res.34, put forth by the House Budget Committee Chairman, Congressman Paul Ryan.  The proposed budget will reduce deficit spending by $6.2 trillion over the next 10 years when compared to the Administration’s budget proposal.  This budget eliminates hundreds of duplicative programs, reflects the ban on earmarks, and curbs corporate welfare, bringing non-security discretionary spending to below 2008 levels.  Learn more about the House budget proposal here.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 235-193.

Ending Tax Payer Bailouts for Fannie and Freddie

Congressman Forbes is cosponsoring legislation, H.R.1182, to privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over a 5 year transition period, gradually eliminating taxpayer subsidies in the secondary mortgage market.  The legislation would begin implementing important reforms upon enactment, put a hard two-year end date on government control of the entities, and eliminate the government charters after 5 years.  This is a bill that represents the ultimate objective, as articulated in the Pledge to America, to end the $150 billion bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and make sure that such a bailout is never again forced on the American taxpayer.

Demanding Accountability from DoD on JFCOM Closure

Congressman Forbes inserted a provision into the continuing resolution, which was signed into law by the President, to halt funding for the dismantling of Joint Forces Command unless the Department of Defense provides Congress with the proper analysis of cost savings, strategic and operational consequences, and local economic impact of the command closure.  The new law does not prevent the closure of Joint Forces Command, but it does does ensure that Congress can conduct its constitutional obligation of oversight and assess whether or not the closure of JFCOM is actually in the best interest of our national defense.  Read more here.

Opposed insignificant reduction in government spending.  Congressman Forbes opposed the continuing resolution to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year, H.R.1473.  Initial reports were that spending would be reduced by $38 billion for the remainder of the fiscal year; however, upon further review, it was determined that actual federal outlays would only be reduced by $352 million.  Congressman Forbes believes that it is not enough to reduce just the license to spend taxpayer dollars; Congress must reduce the actual spending.  With a projected budget deficit of $1.5 trillion in FY2011 alone, the American people deserve serious solutions addressing our nation’s fiscal condition.  Congressman Forbes believes that Congress could have and should have done better.  Read his statement here.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 260-167. 


Joined the Balanced Budget Amendment Caucus.  Congressman Forbes joined the Balanced Budget Amendment Caucus.  The purpose of the Caucus is to raise awareness about the necessity and importance of amending the Constitution to require a balanced budget and to educate other Members on the subject. Congressman Forbes is also a cosponsor of the balanced budget amendment, H.J.Res.1.   Learn about the key elements of a balanced budget here.


Required the Administration to address border security.  Congressman Forbes is cosponsoring legislation to require the Administration to develop a strategy to gain operational control of the border.  Specifically, H.R.1299 will require the Secretary of Homeland Security to produce a plan to gain operational control of the border within five years, taking into account staffing requirements, infrastructure, including pedestrian fencing, vehicle barriers, use of unmanned aerial vehicles, technology, and sensors.  A recent GAO report points out that the U.S. Border Patrol has less than 44 percent of the southwest border under operational control and less than two percent of the northern border under control.  To make matters worse, border security efforts are stuck in neutral because this Administration has no plans to gain additional miles of border under operational control either this year or next.


Supported comprehensive patent reform.  Congressman Forbes participated in a House Judiciary Committee markup of the American Invents Act, H.R.1249, a comprehensive patent reform bill. Some of the reforms in the bill include the establishment of a first-inventor-to-file priority system, the creation of new post-grant review procedures, and the authorization of an ex parte reexamination of business-method patents.  Congressional interest in patent policy and patent reform has expanded as the importance of intellectual property to innovation has increased.  This update to our patent system will allow innovators to produce new technologies that drive economic growth and generate jobs. 
The Committee favorably reported the bill to the House by a vote of 32-3.


Worked to overcome the Administration’s job-killing oil moratorium.  Congressman Forbes signed on to legislation entitled the Putting the Gulf Back to Work Act, H.R.1229, which requires an end to the Administration’s de facto moratorium on new oil and natural gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.  Even though the moratorium was officially lifted in October, the Administration has only issued five permits for projects to get back to work.  Ten months later, over forty projects remain stalled. Government and business leaders from the Gulf Coast estimate that the moratorium on energy exploration last year cost more than 8,000 jobs in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas and wiped out nearly $2.1 billion in economic activity in the Gulf states.  Congressman Forbes wants to put those American’s back to work, which will also reduce our nation’s dependence on foreign oil.

Armed Services

Recognized reservists as veterans.  Congressman Forbes co-sponsored legislation, H.R.1025, to allow retired members of the National Guard and reserves to be recognized as veterans.  The legislation does not afford any new benefits, but rather simply grants these men and women the title they have earned in service of our nation.

Supported military families. 
Congressman Forbes joined the Congressional Military Family Caucus.  The caucus’ mission is educating Members of Congress on the many problems and challenges that face our nation’s military families.  The caucus is focused particularly on Wounded Warrior Care, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as military education and child care.

Questioned DOD officials on military construction and energy issues. 
Congressman Forbes held a hearing in the Readiness Subcommittee on military construction and energy issues facing our military installations.  During the hearing, Congressman Forbes questioned officials from the Air Force, Army, and Navy on their military construction priorities and inquired as to what they are doing to ensure the energy security of our vital bases.  Congressman Forbes also questioned the officials on the parameters used by the military to determine how to best invest in energy and military construction projects. Watch the hearing here.

Learned about Navy plans for Norfolk Naval Shipyard. 
Congressman Forbes attended a briefing to learn about the Navy’s proposal to construct a Controlled Industrial Facility that will be used to maintain the nuclear propulsion components of aircraft carriers and submarines, as well as their plans to demolish two unused drydocks at Norfolk Naval Shipyard.  Representatives of the shipyard discussed the project and the benefits it will bring for the shipyard’s ability to accomplish its mission and provide jobs in the region.


Raised awareness about China’s latest defense plans.  Congressman Forbes made sure that his colleagues in Congress were informed about the release of China’s newest defense white paper.  These white papers, which are analogous to our U.S. National Security Strategy documents, are released every two years and outline China’s military goals and development priorities.  After collecting the analysis of a number of experts in Chinese military issues, Congressman Forbes sent out a “Dear Colleague” letter that concisely explained the paper’s most important revelations about China’s military intent and its capabilities. Read more about the defense white paper the “Dear Colleague” letter here.

Family Values

Recognized the impact of the Ten Commandments to U.S. legal tradition. Congressman Forbes cosponsored a resolution, H.Res.211, designating the first weekend in May as Ten Commandments Weekend.  The resolution recognizes the significant impact the Ten Commandments has had on the development of America’s institutions and national character.

Second Amendment Rights

Reformed the ATF’s penalty system.  Congressman Forbes worked to reform the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) by cosponsoring H.R.1093, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform Act of 2011.  This bill will begin to reduce unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. H.R. 1093 totally rewrites the system of administrative penalties for licensed dealers, manufacturers and importers of firearms. Today, for most violations, BATFE can only give a federal firearms license (FFL) holder a warning, or totally revoke his license. H.R. 1093 would allow fines or license suspensions for less serious violations, while still allowing license revocation for the kind of serious violations that would block an investigation or put guns in the hands of criminals. This prevents the all-too-common situations where BATFE has revoked licenses for insignificant technical violations—such as improper use of abbreviations, or filing records in the wrong order.

Fought suppression of Second Amendment Rights.  Congressman Forbes is cosponsoring H.R.645, the Second Amendment Enforcement Act, to eliminate harsh gun control laws imposed by the District of Columbia after the Supreme Court`s decision in D.C. v. Heller. This bill will abolish the city`s intentionally difficult and costly firearm registration requirement, its restrictions on carrying a gun for protection on private property, its post-Heller ban on hundreds of types of semi-automatic firearms designated as "assault weapons," and its ban on standard defensive magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. These measures have been upheld in Federal court in what was known as "Heller 2."  Anticipating that the D.C. Council will try to suppress gun ownership by preventing dealers from conducting business in the city, the bill provides for D.C. residents to buy handguns from firearm dealers in Maryland and Virginia, and prescribes reasonable conditions for the lawful transportation of firearms within the city.

About Washington Update
Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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