Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of March 29 - April 1, 2011 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS
Supporting Real Solutions for Tax Reform

Congressman Forbes is cosponsoring the Freedom Flat Tax Act, H.R. 1040,  which would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide taxpayers with an optional flat tax alternative to the current income tax system.  The flat tax rate would be 19%, and then decline to 17% after two years of participation.  Today's tax code -- which is sixteen times longer than the Bible -- is unpredictable, manipulative and hinders the economic growth that generates more prosperity for all Americans. This bill is a common-sense step toward tax reform.

Ensuring that Paying the National Debt Remains a Priority

Congressman Forbes signed on as a cosponsor for the Full Faith and Credit Act, H.R.421, which directs the United States Treasury, in the event the debt ceiling is reached, to make payments on the debt a priority, rather than defaulting on our obligations.

Questioning DOD officials on Operations in Libya

Congressman Forbes participated in a House Armed Services Committee hearing on current U.S. military operations in Libya.  During the hearing he asked Secretary of Defense Robert Gates about the legal authority of the military action under the War Powers Resolution.  Specifically, Congressman Forbes inquired as to whether or not the U.S. would consider it an act of war if another nation launched a tomahawk missile at New York City.  Watch the full exchange here.
Budget and Spending

Worked to prevent a government shutdown.  Congressman Forbes voted for the Government Shutdown Prevention Act of 2011, H.R.1255, expressing the urgency for Congress to pass a spending measure in order to prevent a government shutdown. Additionally, the legislation bars Members of Congress and the President from receiving a salary for each day there is a government shutdown lasting more than 24 hours.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 221-202.

Government Reform

Protected Taxpayers.  Congressman Forbes voted to protect taxpayers and end government waste by supporting, H.R.839, a bill to eliminate the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP).  HAMP directs the use of nearly $30 billion of TARP funding to reduce borrowers’ monthly mortgage payments.  Successive reports from the Special Inspector General for TARP as well as the Government Accountability Office have routinely criticized the program whose termination, according to the Congressional Budget Office, will result in $1.4 billion in savings over the FY2011 – 2021 period.  In addition, the Congressional Oversight Panel reported that the high re-default rates “signal the worst form of failure of the HAMP program: billions of taxpayer dollars will have been spent to delay, rather than prevent, foreclosures.” 
This bill passed the House by a vote of 252-170.


Overturned Burdensome Regulation Hurting Farmers.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored and supported legislation, H.R.872, to overturn burdensome regulation and duplication imposed by a court mandate and the EPA on American small businesses and farmers. Based on a court ruling, the EPA and five delegated states are required to establish permit programs under the Federal Clean Water Act for aquatic pesticide applications. This activity is already regulated under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and obtaining a duplicative permit would affect approximately 365,000 users. Recently, a court had to extend the deadline for obtaining a permit because doing so has proven a logistical impossibility for many farmers. This bill overturns that duplicative requirement.
The bill passed the House by a vote of 292-130.

Transportation and Infrastructure

Extended FAA reauthorization.  Congressman Forbes helped to enact an interim Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill, H.R.1079, extending funding for related agencies through May 31st, 2011.  The short-term extension is meant to provide members of the House and Senate additional time to negotiate a new 4 year reauthorization bill for the FAA.  Each chamber has passed a version of the reauthorization bill, but there is disagreement over certain provisions regarding union election rules for workers and the length of the reauthorization.
This bill passed the House by a voice vote.

Set future aviation safety and infrastructure priorities.
  Congressman Forbes voted in favor of the House’s version of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill, H.R.658, which extends vital FAA programs through FY2014 and establishes policies regarding aviation safety and infrastructure.  The legislation locks in funding at FY2008 levels resulting in approximately $4 billion in savings compared to current funding levels. The FAA is required to meet the spending reduction targets without compromising safety or critical activities.  In addition, the bill makes a number of policy changes, including a repeal of a National Mediation Board (NMB) rule allowing airline employees to unionize without a majority vote.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 223 – 196.

Labor and Workforce

Opposed attempt to change over 70 years of precedent governing union elections.  Congressman Forbes opposed Amendment  No.21 offered to the FAA Reauthorization bill making it easier for workers to unionize by overturning over 70 years of precedent and allowing a majority of voters, not workers, to determine unionization. The longstanding practice of allowing all workers to decide whether or not to unionize was reversed recently by the three-member National Mediation Board in a rulemaking decision.  In response, the FAA bill passed by the House rejects this change and reinstates the long-standing rule requiring a majority of all workers to vote in favor of unionization.  An amendment was offered to reinstates the NMB’s rulemaking, but failed in committee and on the House floor.
This bill failed in the House by a vote of 220 - 206.


Supported School Choice for D.C. Students Stuck in Failing Schools.  Congressman Forbes voted to support the SOAR Act, H.R.471, to provide school vouchers for low-income Washington, D.C. students attending under-performing schools through the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP).  In the past, students who participated in the voucher program and attended private or charter schools were 21% more likely to graduate from high school than their school mates in the public school system.  The legislation re-designates existing funding and does not require new spending. It authorizes $60 million for each of the next five fiscal years to be shared equally between the OSP, D.C. public schools, and D.C. public charter schools. Because Congress has a constitutional oversight role over the District of Columbia, it is empowered to fund and set policy for its educational programs.
This bill passed the House by a vote of 225-195.


Rejoined the Congressional Drywall Caucus.  Congressman Forbes rejoined the Congressional Drywall Caucus, a bipartisan coalition of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed to work on issues facing victims of defective Chinese drywall.  Thousands of homeowners in thirty-eight states, including Virginia, have been victims of tainted drywall from China. This drywall has caused and continues to cause serious damage to homes by corroding copper piping and wiring, which in turn causes the failure of air conditioning systems.  In addition, homeowners and their families have suffered serious health problems believed to be linked to this contaminated drywall. In many cases the homes are uninhabitable creating economic hardship and, in some cases, personal bankruptcy. In working to assist victims of tainted Chinese drywall, the Caucus will educate Members and their staff on issues related to the importation of tainted Chinese drywall, the use of this product, and efforts to remediate homes containing the tainted Chinese drywall.

Armed Services

Met with General Odierno to discuss future of JFCOM.  Congressman Forbes met with General Raymond Odierno, Commander of United States Joint Forces Command, to discuss his concerns regarding the closure of JFCOM and the future of jointness in the Armed Forces.  Congressman Forbes expressed his concern that we have become more concerned with our budget than the future strategic interests of our nation’s military.

Examined the Future of Military Jointness.  Congressman Forbes, Chairman of the House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee, held a hearing to explore the current and future status of military jointness.  The hearing focused on the closure of Joint Forces Command and its impact on the future structure and strategic direction of the military.  Congressman Forbes questioned General Odierno, commander of United States Joint Forces Commander and Vice Admiral Gortney, Director of the Joint Staff.  Under the new structure, the Joint Staff will assume all of the activities of Joint Forces Command that have been deemed essential by DOD leaders.  View the hearing by clicking here.

Supported Military Tribunals for Terrorists.  Congressman Forbes co-sponsored legislation, H.R.478, that would require any terrorist who attacks the United States or its people be interrogated, prosecuted and tried in military, not civilian court.

International Relations

Monitored Religious Freedom Abroad.  Congressman Forbes met with human rights proponents to monitor the treatment of Christians in China.  Since the beginning of the year, China has instituted a wide reaching crackdown on anything that the Communist Party perceives as dissent.  Thousands have been detained, many of whom are still missing.  As Chairman of both the Congressional China Caucus and the Congressional Prayer Caucus, Congressman Forbes remains committed to advocating for religious freedom in China.

Second Amendment Rights

Worked to establish a national standard for carrying concealed weapons.  Congressman Forbes signed on as a cosponsor to the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011, H.R.822, which would establish a national standard for the carrying of concealed firearms (other than a machinegun or destructive device) by non-state residents. Essentially, this bill authorizes a person who has a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm in one state— and who is not prohibited from carrying a firearm under federal law—to carry a concealed firearm in another state in accordance with the restrictions of that state.


Supported sensible immigration reform.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R.692, which is a sensible step toward eliminating “chain migration,” expediting reunification of nuclear families (i.e., married couples and parents with their young children), and reducing the number of, and revising the calculation for, family-sponsored immigrant entrants. If enacted, the Nuclear Family Priority Act would implement one of the key recommendations of former Rep. Barbara Jordan, the chair of the bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. The Jordan Commission found that America’s national interests would best be served by eliminating extended family-based immigration categories, and it urged that nuclear family members become the sole family-based priority.

About Washington Update
Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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