Congressman Randy Forbes | Washington Update
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Week of September 7-9, 2011 Twitter Facebook YouTube Digg RSS
Protecting Jobs from Government Overreach

Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2681, a bill that ensures costs are not needlessly raised for manufacturers, construction companies, and communities by burdensome new regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  This bill provides the EPA additional time to ensure that the environmental standards for cement manufacturers are achievable and will not result in new cost increases that will close facilities, cut jobs, and pass added costs on to cement consumers.

Reducing Taxes on Small Businesses

Congressman Forbes cosponsored a bill, H.R. 1370, to repeal the health insurance tax on small businesses that was imposed under the nation's controversial health care law. The bipartisan Congressional Budget Office stated that the tax would largely be passed along to consumers in the form of higher premiums for private coverage.  The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that the tax will increase family premiums by 2.5% or $400 in 2016 alone.

Remembering 9/11, Calling on NYC Mayor to Include Prayer in Memorial Ceremony

Congressman Forbes sent a letter to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg urging him to include prayer in the tenth anniversary memorial ceremony of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.  In the days leading up to the commemoration, the Mayor indicated that prayer was not slated for inclusion on the event’s agenda. In the letter, Congressman Forbes requested that prayer be included, “providing an opportunity for those affected most by the attacks to seek continued strength and solace.”  Congressman Forbes also released a statement as the anniversary neared arguing that the Mayor's attempt to 'avoid disagreements' has only fractured the Nation on a day intended to commemorate our unity.  The statement is available here and Congressman Forbes' weekly column discussing the tenth anniversary of 9/11 is available here.

Opposed raising the debt ceiling. Congressman Forbes cosponsored a resolution of disapproval, H.J.Res.77, regarding an increase in the debt ceiling. The Budget Control Act called for a reduction of spending of $917 billion over 10 years, which would allow the President to immediately seek a $900 billion increase to the debt limit. Under the bill, $400 billion of that increase occurred with passage of the bill in August, but the other $500 billion remains subject to a congressional resolution of disapproval. 

Supported transparency in "supercommittee" negotiations. Congressman Forbes cosponsored a bill, H.R. 2796, to guarantee that all of the supercommittee’s work sessions will be open to the general public and the press in order to enhance transparency and accountability.  The supercommittee was created under the Budget Control Act that was signed into law in August.  This committee is comprised of 12 Members - 3 Senate Republicans, 3 Senate Democrats, 3 House Republicans, and 3 House Democrats - and is tasked with finding at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction over ten years. 

Armed Services

Discussed the future of the U.S. military with former Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs.  Congressman Forbes participated in a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee to discuss the future of national defense and the U.S. military.  Witnesses included General Richard Myers, U.S. Air Force (ret.) and General Peter Pace, U.S. Marine Corps (ret.), both former Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  The third witness was Admiral Edmund Giambastiani, Jr., U.S. Navy (ret.), a former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  All three of these distinguished military veterans emphasized that the world is an increasingly dangerous place and that U.S. leadership is vital in preventing conflict and maintaining stability.  They also stressed that a consistent and cohesive national defense strategy is necessary to provide the military with a clear mission.  In his questions, Congressman Forbes emphasized that while the United States military has not been given a clear national security strategy to follow and faces ever-increasing budget cuts, China has recognized that a strong economy is closely linked to a strong military and therefore, has diligently grown and modernized its military forces.  He also questioned whether the future of national defense would be decided by bureaucrats with budget spreadsheets or the Generals and Admirals who have served our nation for the last few decades.  A video of Congressman Forbes' questions is available here.

Questioned the Administration on the delayed release of the China Power Report. Congressman Forbes sent letters to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and National Security Advisor Thomas Donillon, requesting for a second time this year that the Department of Defense release the Annual Report to Congress on the Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China. The letter highlights the fact that the annual report provides vital information to Congress on China's intentions and capabilities as Members of Congress begin the national defense authorization process each spring. It also raises the point that the failure to provide the report by the legal deadline paints the picture that the delay is a direct result of the Administration's diplomatic calendar with Beijing rather than any interagency or analytical challenges. The Department of Defense released the report two days later; 177 days after the March 1st legal deadline set by Congress. 

Supported a strong national defense. Congressman Forbes spoke at a “Defending Defense” conference on Capitol Hill on the defense budget and current and future challenges confronting the United States military. The event was co-hosted by the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), the American Enterprise Institute (AIE), and the Heritage Foundation. He was joined by Congressmen Duncan Hunter and Allen West and Senators Lindsey Graham, Jon Kyl, and Kelly Ayotte.  A video of Congressman Forbes’ remarks is available here.


Supported background checks in the security systems industry. Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Electronic Life Safety and Security Systems Federal Background Check Act, H.R. 1331, to direct the Attorney General to establish a method to permit employers in the fire and burglar alarms installation and monitoring industry, to access criminal history records and other information to conduct background checks of existing and prospective employees.  Allowing professional installers of fire and security alarm systems to access this information will help keep their customers safe and ensure potential employees have no relevant criminal record. 


Called on Supreme Court to hear Arizona's appeal to uphold its immigration law. Congressman Forbes joined 58 other Members of Congress and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in urging the Supreme Court to hear a case involving the Administration's challenge to several key provisions of Arizona's law targeting illegal immigration. In an amicus curiae brief, or "friend of the court" brief supporting Arizona's Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, Congressman Forbes urged the high court to reverse the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and contended that Arizona's S.B.1070 is constitutional because it mirrors federal immigration law and incorporates federal standards.  As other states consider similar laws to do the same, it is important that the Supreme Court take this case and put an end to any questions about the validity and constitutionality of the Arizona law.  A copy of the brief is available here.

Petitioned the President to enforce our immigration laws.  Congressman Forbes joined 73 other members of the bipartisan Immigration Reform Caucus in sending the President a letter to voice opposition to a recent announcement by the Department of Homeland Security of a change in policy to bypass Congress and use prosecutorial discretion to achieve amnesty for individuals who are illegally residing in the U.S.  The manner with which the Administration has introduced this policy not only robs the public of a thorough vetting, but it also fails to appreciate the negative consequences of this policy shift.  A copy of the letter is available here.


Protecting Virginia’s Farmers from discriminatory trade policies.  Congressman Forbes joined several members of the Virginia Congressional Delegation in urging U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk not to exclude tobacco and tobacco products from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.  Tobacco is the fifth largest exported agricultural product from Virginia, and the Commonwealth is the fourth largest tobacco exporter in the country.  Congressman Forbes remains dedicated to supporting Virginia’s farmers who provide important jobs throughout the Commonwealth.  A copy of the letter is available here. 

Foreign Affairs

Maintained Support for a negotiated peace agreement in Israel.  Congressman Forbes continued his support of a negotiated agreement between Israel and the Palestinian people by joining a number of his colleagues in sending a letter to President Obama urging that the United States exercise its veto authority on the United Nations Security Council if a resolution seeking Palestinian accession to United Nations membership is considered.  Congressman Forbes continues to believe that a negotiated agreement between Israel and the Palestinian people is the only way of attaining long-term security and peace in the region.  A copy of the letter is available here.

Addressing the immense inequality in Chinese state-run media visas.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2899, the Chinese Media Reciprocity Act that requires that U.S. visas provided to reporters of the People’s Republic of China’s state-run media outlets are only provided in equal number to those afforded to U.S. government media reporters in China.  In contrast to the hundreds of visas provided to the Chinese nationals who are employed by a government under the control of the Chinese Communist Party, only two reporters of the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors are allowed to be stationed in China. 

Requiring transparency and accountability at the United Nations.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored H.R. 2829, the United Nations Transparency, Accountability and Reform Act that implements vital reforms to the United Nations to ensure that the American people know where and how their taxpayer dollars are being spent.  Most importantly, this bill would prevent U.S. funds from being given to nations that support terrorism and terrorist organizations.  The bill would also create an office of a U.S. Inspector General to monitor U.S. contributions to the United Nations in order to ensure that money is not being wasted or spent contrary to U.S. interests.  In this time of fiscal uncertainty, Congressman Forbes continues to support efforts to ensure that U.S. taxpayer funds are spent in the most efficient and effective manner both at home and abroad.

Health Care

Reduced costs for cord blood banking. Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Family Cord Blood Banking Act, H.R. 1614, to treat the cost of private umbilical cord blood banking services as a medical care expense for purposes of the tax deduction for medical expenses.  The bill would allow individuals and couples to use flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, health reimbursement arrangements, or the medical expenses tax deduction to pay for umbilical cord blood banking services. 


Supported neutrality in government contracts.  Congressman Forbes cosponsored the Government Neutrality in Contracting Act, H.R. 735, to ensure that the head of any federal agency that awards funds or enters into cooperative agreements for a construction project contract does not discriminate against any contractor or subcontractor based on any agreement with a labor organization.  This legislation would nullify President Obama’s executive order 13502 to remove the prohibition on union-only project labor agreements (PLAs). 

Family Values

Urged the President to maintain religious hiring rights for faith-based organizations. Congressman Forbes and Congressman Mike McIntyre (NC-07) sent a letter to President Obama urging him to maintain religious hiring rights for faith-based organizations that perform contract work for the federal government. Their letter was sent in response to recent pressure from a coalition of secular groups urging the President to overturn standing Executive Order 13279, which allows faith-based organizations that take religion into account when making employment decisions to perform federal contract work.

Defended Indiana’s right to deny funding to abortion providers. Congressman Forbes joined forty Members of Congress in submitting an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, defending Indiana’s recent law that cancels current funding for entities that perform abortions, and bars state agencies from entering into contracts or making grants with entities that perform abortions. Planned Parenthood of Indiana had historically received federal and state funds through Medicaid, but would be denied funding under the new law. Planned Parenthood sued to prevent the law from being implemented, asserting that among other things, the law violates federal Medicaid law. In the amicus curiae brief, Members of Congress argued that federal Medicaid law allows Indiana to decide for itself which health-care providers are qualified to receive state and federal funding for providing Medicaid services.

About Washington Update
Washington Update serves as a resource to the constituents of the Fourth Congressional District of Virginia on the work of Congressman Forbes. It is published weekly while Congress is in session. Hyperlinks to bill information are provided if the information disseminated by the House of Representatives is available at the time of distribution.

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