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Rangel: Rep. Jerry Costello Will Be Dearly Missed

Washington, DC - Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement after Congressman Jerry Costello announced he would not seek re-election in 2012:

"I am sad to learn that the House of Representatives will be losing a strong leader with the retirement of my dear friend and Colleague, Congressman Jerry Costello. In the U.S. Congress, he fought hard to protect the environment and promoted progressive development of infrastructure.

I am privileged to have worked with Jerry in the past 23 years he has served in this great Institution we both so love. Jerry has been a steadfast steward of the public interest from his early days in law enforcement to his more than two decades in the House of Representatives. Throughout his public career he has demonstrated time and again how colleagues can reach across the aisle to find compromise for the good of the nation.

I wish Jerry the best of luck with his future endeavors. His service to the people of Illinois' 12th District has been impeccable and he will be dearly missed by both his constituents and colleagues."



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