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Rangel Recognizes Beginning Of Ramadan

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement to mark the observance of Ramadan, which begins on July 20 and lasts through August 17, 2012:

“I would like to extend my best wishes for a safe, healthy, and happy holiday to my Muslim friends in our congressional district and across the country as they observe Ramadan this month. Ramadan is a time of celebration but also of solemn reflection, fostering core values that are shared by all people and faiths throughout our great nation.

Muslims constitute an essential part of New York City’s thriving culture. More than 800,000 Muslims contribute to the City’s diversity, spirituality, and active community involvement, while nearly 200 mosques add to New York’s strong institutional outreach and rich architectural landscape. Since the founding of the first mosque in New York City, Muslim leaders have consistently supported unity and cooperation among local religious groups, and have been committed to involvement in interfaith dialogue with pastors, priests, and other members of the clergy. Our district is particularly blessed with the guidance of many distinguished Muslim spiritual leaders and I am grateful for their significant contribution to the leadership and spiritual guidance of our community.

I hope that this year, as Ramadan is celebrated across the nation, we can proudly remember that this country was built on the pillars of personal liberty and religious freedom. Let us reflect on the rich cultural tapestry of our country, rededicating ourselves to learning from those who are different from us while recognizing the common values that transcend our differences. It is with that spirit of mutual respect and unity that our nation will continue to thrive. To my friends in the Muslim community, I wish you and your families a wonderful month of peace and blessing. Ramadan Kareem.”



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