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Rangel Remembers Rep. Jenkins As A Great American

Washington, D.C. – The following is a transcript of Congressman Charles Rangel’s floor remarks on the passing of Former Congressman Ed Jenkins Republican Default Resolution on January 24, 2012:


“Because of my long acquaintance with Congressman Ed Jenkins, I would like to take the opportunity to share with his family and those that knew him. Many of us who were raised in Harlem have had very little opportunities to meet Southern gentlemen such as Congressman Jenkins. 

It took me a while to understand what Congressman Jenkins represented, but it didn't take long for me to understand that people -- no matter where they come from -- love, get angry, and work things out.  Now is the time I think more than ever we just need somebody like Congressman Jenkins to cross the deep, hurting partisan barrier that seems to be standing in the way of Congress. 

Congressman Sandy Levin can tell you, whenever our Chairman Dan Rostenkowski had a problem, there was no problem that Congressman Jenkins would not take a look at and recognize that it was not a Democratic problem, or Republican problem, that it was a problem that all  of America faced. 

Since the Chair cannot entertain, I will then go to Reverend John Lewis and find out how we can work out something in a faith tradition so that all of us may get a chance to know, enjoy and love the memory of a great American, former Congressman Edward Jenkins.” 



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