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Rangel Proudly Honors Our Nation's Heroes As America Recognizes His Service In The Korean War

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in honor of Veterans Day on November 11, 2011:

"The honor of being a veteran is the greatest title ever bestowed upon me. On this year's Veterans Day Parade in New York City I will proudly ride on a float with my comrade in the Korean War, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who was the second man to land on the moon after Neil Armstrong who is also a Korean War vet. It is because of the dignity of having served my country and earning a Purple Heart and Bronze Medal, I was motivated to take advantage of the G.I. bill and other benefits provided by the government to make something of my life upon returning home.  
However, today veterans returning home from overseas often have to worry about finding money for their education and putting food on the table for their families. This is why I will keep fighting in Congress to ensure our veterans' rights to good jobs, higher education, affordable housing and quality healthcare. They deserve the best America has to offer, and our nation's gratitude. 
I am grateful that I represent a community that has a proud history of serving America:  There are over 18,000 Veterans living in our Manhattan District.  The 369th Sustainment Brigade, better known as the Harlem Hellfighters, were not just the first African-American regiment to serve in World War I, and in American conflict since, including Operations Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.  
Unfortunately our community has also been reminded of the realities of war.  In the current conflicts in the Middle East we have lost five sons of Harlem: From Washington Heights -- Sgt. Jose E. Ulloa, Cpl. Juan M. Alcantara, Spec. Sergio A. Mercedes Saez, and Staff Sgt. Riayan A. Tejeda; and from East Harlem -- Spec. Jose L. Ruiz.  These brave heroes and their families will be forever in our thoughts and prayers.  We will never forget them.  
On this Veterans Day weekend I call on our country to breathe new life into our national promise to veterans and their families.  I cannot think of a better way to honor the soldiers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf, than to rebuild the American Dream that they fought to protect. I thank and salute all my fellow veterans, may God bless you all.”




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