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Rangel Engages with WeHarlem Members via Virtual Townhall

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel talked to members in his Manhattan Congressional district during his "WeHarlem" Online Townhall on October 4, 2011. For an hour, the Congressman addressed questions submitted by constituents primarily about high unemployment and the President's jobs bill.

"At a time when there are so many people who are unemployed and our nation is currently facing multiple challenges, there is so much to discuss," Rangel said. "People are mad as hell. They really think that they have been let down. They work so hard to succeed in this great country. Yet they are losing hope in their future and America."

Tuesday's townhall was moderated by Sergio Lilavois, the founder of, an online social network that connects the Harlem Community to the latest news and developments in the area. Participants were able to submit questions and watch the Congressman live via their computers and smartphones via Visible Vote.

Congressman Rangel was the first legislator to utilize Visible Vote, an online and mobile application that allows lawmakers to share their voting records and viewpoints as well as livestream video conferences. Almost 700 of his constituents are already using it.

Rangel recently engaged with nearly 63,000 constituents in his tele-townhall back on September 10, 2011. Rangel has also hosted two blogger conference calls, tele-townhalls March and September, also a seniors tele-townhall that brought in over 7,000 participants in April.

"It is so painful to see how this middle class is disappearing. They had a home, a job, sent their kids to college for an education, thought they were secure in their retirement, and knew that one day healthcare would be available for everybody. These aren't political issues: they are moral issues," added Rangel.

This was Congressman Rangel's third district-wide online-townhall. He is also currently one of the most active members on social media platforms, with over 8,500 Facebook friends and fans ( and over 6,500 followers on Twitter (@cbrangel).



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