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Rangel's Words On Palin Misinterpreted

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement regarding recent comments attributed to him about Republican Vice-Presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin:

Sometimes in the heat of a political campaign you choose words that can be misinterpreted. Governor Palin is an obviously healthy person who in no way fits the description of disabled. I meant to say then, and I am saying now, that she entered the campaign with a disadvantage in the area of foreign policy.

Any inference that my words were in any way connected to her son, Trig, who was born with Down Syndrome, is a real stretch--and I would have to think--a way to make political points out of my poor choice of words.

I am the father of two grown children and three grandchildren who, thank God, are all healthy. I would never intentionally say anything to slight a child who is physically challenged or the parents who care for them. We may disagree politically, but I have nothing but the greatest respect for Governor Palin and her husband's loving care of their wonderful child.














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