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Rangel Statement On August Jobs Report

New York, NY - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement  after the Labor Department released the August jobs report on September 7, 2012, announcing that the U.S. economy added 96,000 jobs and the national unemployment rate fell to 8.1 percent.  With private businesses adding 103,000 jobs, this marks the 30th month of private sector job growth with 4.6 million private sector jobs created:

"Today's jobs report reflects continual progress under President Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Democrats have made our policy agenda clear: By focusing our efforts and investments into manufacturing, small businesses, education, and infrastructure, we can strengthen our country’s middle class and get America back on the top.  It is important that we work to reignite the American Dream by removing barriers to success and ensuring that there are opportunities available for anyone who is willing to work hard and play by the rules.

In stark contrast, Republicans remain focused on their obstructive agenda to prevent economic growth and certainty for our country.  They continue to insist that the only way to create jobs is by extending tax breaks for millionaires and corporations that ship jobs overseas.  "Trickle-down" economics does not work and it is what led us to the financial meltdown in the first place. House Republicans have not generated any legislation to create jobs in the last two years and they continue to hold the American people hostage.

Furthermore, the black unemployment rate remains at 14.1 percent from the previous month and the Latino unemployment rate merely decreased from 10.3 percent to 10.2 percent.  These numbers are way above the national unemployment rate of 8.1 percent, and they reiterate the need to get all of America working again.

I urge my Republican Colleagues to stop their regressive policies and instead join us in supporting President Obama’s jobs initiatives to keep moving our country forward and to get as many people back to work as possible.  Improving our economy should not be a partisan issue.”



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