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Rangel Lauds Health Insurance Coverage Increase For Vets

New York, NY - Congressman Charles Rangel praised the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for expanding the Veterans Group Life Insurance program (VGLI), which increases the veterans' health insurance coverage to the current maximum at $400,000 allowed under the Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program.

“I am very pleased that the Department of Veterans has lifted the burden of heavy medical costs for current veterans who must cope not only their illnesses but also the rise in healthcare expenses," Rangel said. "Over a quarter of the 18,000 veterans in my Manhattan Congressional District live with disabilities and we owe them the very best care and support for their services to the nation."

As a provision of the Veterans' Benefits Act enacted on October 13, 2010, veterans can choose to increase their insurance coverage by $25,000 at each five-year anniversary of their policy until it reaches its maximum coverage amount of $400,000 allowed under the SGLI, which is provided for active servicemembers. Previously, veterans under the VGLI were limited to the maximum coverage provided under the SGLI at the time of their service.

“Currently, 70 percent of the veterans covered under VGLI are under age 60, have less than $400,000 of coverage, and will greatly benefit from this law change,” said Allison A. Hickey, Department of Veterans Affairs under secretary for benefits.

Thanks to the increase by the VA, 21 percent of veterans have taken advantage of this opportunity, resulting in $113 million of new coverage issued nationwide.

“Every veteran returning home must be given the access to quality healthcare to match the costs of services," added Rangel. “This is the change Democrats fought for in the Affordable Care Act, and I hope to see more Americans' lives improved as a result of our continuous effort to reform our nation's healthcare system."

Veterans wishing to learn more about the VA’s Insurance Program or other VA benefits can visit or call 1-800-827-1000.   For more information on additional benefits please visit eBenefits - Insurance



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