Senate Democrats

November 2012
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Month November 2012

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Friday, November 30, 2012

ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Cardin amendment #3025 (sufficient civilian and contract workforces) to S.3254, the DoD Authorization bill; Not Agreed to: 41-53 2)      Menendez amendment #3232 (Iran Sanctions); Agreed to: 94-0 3)      Nelson (FL) motion to waive Budget point of order with respect to Nelson (FL) amendment #3073 (repeal requirement for reduction of survivor benefits plan…


Two Roll Call Votes at 5:30pm Monday

There will be a series of 2 roll call beginning at 5:30pm Monday, December 3. Those votes will be in relation to the following items: – Confirmation of the nomination of Executive Calendar #760, Paul William Grimm, of Maryland, to be United States Judge for the District of Maryland, and – Cloture on S.3254, National…


Agreement on Shae nomination (CT District judge)

The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the nomination of Executive Calendar #676 Michael P. Shea, of Connecticut, to be US District Judge for the District of Connecticut. At a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, in consultation of the Republican Leader, there will be 30 minutes for debate equally divided prior…


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Treaty–noon vote Tuesday

The Senate has reached an agreement that there be no amendments in order to the Treaty or the resolution of ratification; that following Leader remarks on Tuesday, December 4th, the time until 12 noon be divided in the usual form; that at 12 noon, the Senate proceed to vote on the Resolution of Advise and…


Agreement on Grimm nomination-5:30pm Monday vote (first of 2 votes on Monday)

The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the nomination of Executive Calendar #760, Paul William Grimm, of Maryland, to be United States Judge for the District of Maryland. At 5:00pm on Monday, December 3, there will be 30 minutes for debate prior to a vote on confirmation of the nomination.


Cloture filed on Defense Authorization-4pm Monday second degree amendment filing deadline

The managers of the Defense Authorization bill are trying to reach an agreement to limit first degree amendments to the bill. However, no agreement has been reached yet. As a result of this impasse, Senator Reid filed cloture on S.3254. The cloture vote will occur following the judge vote (Grimm nomination) at 5:30pm Monday, December…


Managers package agreed to Defense Authorization

The following amendments have been agreed to by unanimous consent. Wyden #2959 Bingaman #2984 Grassley #3079 Barrasso #3082 Vitter #3087, as modified Klobuchar #3102 Klobuchar #3105 Murkowski #3135 Warner #3145 Collins #3196, as modified Barrasso #3198 Klobuchar #3234 Reid #3244 McCain #3247, as modified Alexander #3258 Levin #3280 Begich #3290


No Wonder Boehner Won’t Bring Up Senate Tax Cut Bill – It Would Pass

AP: First Cracks In GOP Resolve On Tax Rates … Reuters: More House Republicans See Obama Tax Hikes As Part Of “Cliff” Deal  … MSNBC: Cracks Appear In GOP’s Resolve On Tax Rates THREE NEW GOP LAWMAKERS ECHO REP. TOM COLE Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK): “I think we ought to take the 98 percent deal right now.” [Politico, 11/27/12] Rep. Mary Bono…


Roll Call Vote on Nelson Motion to Waive Budget re: the Nelson (FL) amendment

10:45 The Senate began a roll call vote on Nelson (FL) motion to waive Budget point of order with respect to Nelson (FL) amendment #3073 (repeal requirement for reduction of survivor benefits plan survivor annuities by dependency and indemnity compensation); Not Waived: 58-34


Roll Call Vote on the Menendez amendment #3232

10:14am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Menendez amendment #3232 (Iran Sanctions); Agreed to: 94-0
