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  • A Way Forward in Iraq
    Dec 29, 2006  - One word is suspiciously missing from the Iraq Study Group’s recent report: victory. While the report did contain some helpful advice, many of its recommendations were aimed at giving America a way to abandon Iraq while still “saving face.” Well, I believe that in a war for the future of Iraq and Am... More
  • Marietta Daily Journal: Phil's opinion on Iraq
    Dec 27, 2006  - Today's Marietta Daily Journal ran an op-ed from Phil detailing his vision for a way forward in Iraq: Victory can be defined in several ways: the establishment of a free, stable and democratic nation for the Iraqi people; the development of an Iraqi Army capable of defending its nation; the establi... More
  • Merry Christmas and Holiday Greetings from my family to yours
    Dec 22, 2006  - This season reminds us to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives, both large and small. As we celebrate with friends and family this month, I ask that you also take a moment to pray for the safety of our brave troops serving overseas. These troops will miss spending Christmas with their lov... More
  • December Newsletter now available
    Dec 22, 2006  - U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey’s December Newsletter is now available on-line. To view the newsletter, click HERE. New this month: The Season for Blessings and Joy - A message from PhilMerry Christmas and Holiday Greetings from my family to yours. This season reminds us to give thanks for all the ble... More
  • December e-Newsletter now available
    Dec 21, 2006  - I invite you to check out my December e-Newsletter by clicking HERE. You can learn about the Iraq Study Group Report, the recently passed tax relief bill, the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, and my advance directive legislation the House passed this month. More
  • A reminder for those flying this Christmas…
    Dec 20, 2006  - The Transportation Security Administration has issued a comprehensive list of items traveler can and can not bring on airplanes this holiday season. In? Knitting needles. Out? Snow globes. Click HERE for more. Also, see the graphic above for a quick reminder on traveling with liquids. More
  • Showing our thanks during the Holidays
    Dec 20, 2006  - For those of you looking for a way to tell our troops “thanks” this holiday season, the website www.letssaythanks.com allows you to send a card to a solider serving abroad. All of the cards feature patriotic drawings by students, and allow you to include a message of appreciation and support. Let's... More
  • Purple Heart veterans
    Dec 20, 2006  - Today, I have the honor of presenting the Purple Heart to one of our brave Georgia soldiers. Ssgt. Sean Kelley of Haralson County was wounded in action in September of 2004 in Taji, Iraq (to the northwest of Baghdad). Major Curtis Lewis of the U.S. Army will be joining me at the ceremony – I will p... More
  • New study highlights rising cost of healthcare
    Dec 14, 2006  - A recent government study shows rising healthcare costs are often eating up more than 10 percent of family incomes. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports: By 2003, they calculate there were 48.8 million individuals (19.2 percent of the non-elderly population) living in families that spent more tha... More
  • Gingrey fights cuts to Medicare physician payments
    Dec 12, 2006  - U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey, M.D. voted last week to pass the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, including important provisions to reverse a scheduled 5.1% cut to physician reimbursements for services rendered to Medicare beneficiaries. Congressman Gingrey, founder and Co-Chair of the Medical... More