House Democrats Announce Leadership for the 113th Congress

WASHINGTON – Following the House Democratic Caucus organizational meeting this morning, the newly elected Democratic Leadership for the 113th Congress – Caucus Chairman Xavier Becerra (CA), Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD), Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (SC), Caucus Vice Chairman Joe Crowley (NY) – were joined by the Ranking Member on the Budget Committee Chris Van Hollen at a press avail to highlight the unity of the Caucus.

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House Democratic Caucus Elects 113th Congress Leadership Team

WASHINGTON – During its organizational meeting today, the House Democratic Caucus elected its leadership team for the 113th Congress. All positions were unanimously elected by acclamation.

The Democratic leadership for the 113 Congress will be:

Democratic Leader: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (CA)

Democratic Whip: Congressman Steny Hoyer (MD)

Assistant Democratic Leader: Congressman James E. Clyburn (SC)

Democratic Caucus Chairman: Congressman Xavier Becerra (CA)

Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman: Congressman Joseph Crowley (NY)

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Larson: AETNA CEO Is Right, We Must Go After $750 Billion A Year In Healthcare Inefficiencies

WASHINGTON – On MSNBC yesterday Mark Bertolini, the CEO of Aetna Insurance – one of the largest insurers in the nation – stressed that “we still have to address the $750 billion a year waste in the [healthcare] system that could more than pay for not only the Affordable Care act, but half the nation’s deficit.” House Democr

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House Democrats United on Need for Jobs & Middle Class Tax Cut

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) was joined by Budget Committee Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen (MD) for a press avail after the Democratic Caucus meeting this afternoon on the need for Congress to focus on jobs and averting the fiscal cliff. Below is the transcript and video:

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Larson Encourages Democratic Unity in Midst of Transition

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following letter to his Democratic colleagues this afternoon encouraging unity in the Caucus during the transition to the 113th Congress Democratic leadership team.

Dear Democratic Colleague:

As our great group of new members came into our meeting this morning I was reminded of a point I regularly make about the House Democratic Caucus: We are America’s Caucus! The most diversified legislative body elected and assembled by any nation-state in history of the world.

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Larson Statement on President’s Remarks on the Fiscal Cliff

HARTFORD, CT – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement today after President Obama spoke on the need to address the fiscal cliff:

“After a long, hard campaign, President Obama and Governor Romney have both struck the right tone with regard to bringing the country back together. And they’re right. There is a lot of work to do. The good news is that, even in the polarized atmosphere that Washington has become, there is common ground that we can all agree on, like the need to create jobs and get the country back to work.

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Larson Statement on October Jobs Report

HARTFORD, CT – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s October employment report, which shows that the U.S. economy added 171,000 jobs in October - the 32nd straight month of private sector job growth.

“Today’s report shows employers are hiring more Americans than expected. This is encouraging news and marks the thirty second straight month of private sector job growth.

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The Do Nothing Congress: A Record of Extremism and Partisanship

For over 600 days, Republicans in Congress have kicked the can down the road on critical priorities – focusing instead on partisan politics.

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The House Stands Adjourned

The Republican Do Nothing Congress – rated among the least productive in history – has managed to outdo itself, refusing to hear debate on critical legislation for over a month. Over that period, the House has only met nine times for brief sessions lasting for just a few minutes.

In other words, they’ve met for less than an hour over the course of a full month. Not bad work if you can get it.

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Kicking the Can Down the Road is No Way to Run a Government

In their Pledge to America at the start of this Congress, House Republicans declared that they would no longer “kick the can down the road.” Yet on issue after issue, that’s just what they’ve done – offering partisanship instead of progress.

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It’s Time for GOP to Stop Playing Politics and Put Economy First

Today, Moody’s Investors Services announced they would downgrade the U.S. credit rating if Congress doesn’t act to strengthen the long-term economic outlook for the nation, adding even more uncertainty for American businesses and families.

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Interactive Social Security Timeline

Today marks the 77th anniversary of the day Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. Social Security is now an American institution, providing economic security to over 50 million seniors, disabled workers, widows and children.

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One year anniversary of the U.S. credit downgrade

Today marks the unfortunate one year anniversary of the first downgrade to the credit rating of the United States in its history.

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GOP Running Out the Clock on the Middle Class

America’s top priority remains job creation. Yet in the year and a half since Republicans took control of the House of Representatives we’ve seen them focus on everything but jobs.

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House Democrats Announce Leadership for the 113th Congress

WASHINGTON – Following the House Democratic Caucus organizational meeting this morning, the newly elected Democratic Leadership for the 113th Congress – Caucus Chairman Xavier Becerra (CA), Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD), Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (SC), Caucus Vice Chairman Joe Crowley (NY) – were joined by the Ranking Member on the Budget Committee Chris Van Hollen at a press avail to highlight the unity of the Caucus.

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House Democratic Caucus Elects 113th Congress Leadership Team

WASHINGTON – During its organizational meeting today, the House Democratic Caucus elected its leadership team for the 113th Congress. All positions were unanimously elected by acclamation.

The Democratic leadership for the 113 Congress will be:

Democratic Leader: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (CA)

Democratic Whip: Congressman Steny Hoyer (MD)

Assistant Democratic Leader: Congressman James E. Clyburn (SC)

Democratic Caucus Chairman: Congressman Xavier Becerra (CA)

Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman: Congressman Joseph Crowley (NY)

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Larson: AETNA CEO Is Right, We Must Go After $750 Billion A Year In Healthcare Inefficiencies

WASHINGTON – On MSNBC yesterday Mark Bertolini, the CEO of Aetna Insurance – one of the largest insurers in the nation – stressed that “we still have to address the $750 billion a year waste in the [healthcare] system that could more than pay for not only the Affordable Care act, but half the nation’s deficit.” House Democr

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House Democrats United on Need for Jobs & Middle Class Tax Cut

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) was joined by Budget Committee Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen (MD) for a press avail after the Democratic Caucus meeting this afternoon on the need for Congress to focus on jobs and averting the fiscal cliff. Below is the transcript and video:

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Larson Encourages Democratic Unity in Midst of Transition

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following letter to his Democratic colleagues this afternoon encouraging unity in the Caucus during the transition to the 113th Congress Democratic leadership team.

Dear Democratic Colleague:

As our great group of new members came into our meeting this morning I was reminded of a point I regularly make about the House Democratic Caucus: We are America’s Caucus! The most diversified legislative body elected and assembled by any nation-state in history of the world.

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Larson Statement on President’s Remarks on the Fiscal Cliff

HARTFORD, CT – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement today after President Obama spoke on the need to address the fiscal cliff:

“After a long, hard campaign, President Obama and Governor Romney have both struck the right tone with regard to bringing the country back together. And they’re right. There is a lot of work to do. The good news is that, even in the polarized atmosphere that Washington has become, there is common ground that we can all agree on, like the need to create jobs and get the country back to work.

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Larson Statement on October Jobs Report

HARTFORD, CT – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s October employment report, which shows that the U.S. economy added 171,000 jobs in October - the 32nd straight month of private sector job growth.

“Today’s report shows employers are hiring more Americans than expected. This is encouraging news and marks the thirty second straight month of private sector job growth.

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House Democrats

     Democratic Caucus           U.S. House of Representatives