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Session Date Vote Question
Result Position
218 2 12/03/12 On the Cloture Motion S. 3254
An original bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
Cloture Motion Agreed to (93-0, 3/5 majority required) Yea
217 2 12/03/12 On the Nomination PN1381
Paul William Grimm, of Maryland, to be United States District Judge for the District of Maryland
Nomination Confirmed (92-1) Yea
216 2 11/30/12 On the Motion (Motion to Waive Sec. 302(f) of the CBA)
Motion Rejected (58-34, 3/5 majority required) Not Voting
215 2 11/30/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3232 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (94-0) Not Voting
214 2 11/30/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3025 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Rejected (41-53) Not Voting
213 2 11/29/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3018 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (67-29) Yea
212 2 11/29/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3245 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (54-41) Yea
211 2 11/29/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3058 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (66-29) Nay
210 2 11/29/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3096 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (62-33) Nay
209 2 11/29/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3095 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (54-41) Nay
208 2 11/29/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3158 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (95-0) Yea
207 2 11/28/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2955 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (85-11) Yea
206 2 11/28/12 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2985 to S. 3254 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013)
Amendment Agreed to (62-37) Nay
205 2 11/27/12 On the Motion to Proceed Treaty Doc. 112-7
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 13, 2006, and signed by the United States of America on June 30, 2009 (the "Convention")
Motion to Proceed Agreed to (61-36) Nay
204 2 11/26/12 On the Motion (Motion to Waive all Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Amdt. No. 2875)
Motion Rejected (50-44, 3/5 majority required) Nay
203 2 11/15/12 On the Cloture Motion S. 3525
A bill to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for other purposes.
Cloture Motion Agreed to (84-12, 3/5 majority required) Yea
202 2 11/14/12 On the Cloture Motion S. 3414
A bill to enhance the security and resiliency of the cyber and communications infrastructure of the United States.
Cloture Motion Rejected (51-47, 3/5 majority required) Nay
201 2 11/13/12 On the Motion to Proceed S. 3525
A bill to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for other purposes.
Motion to Proceed Agreed to (92-5) Yea
200 2 9/22/12 On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed S. 3525
A bill to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for other purposes.
Cloture on the Motion to Proceed Agreed to (84-7, 3/5 majority required) Yea
199 2 9/22/12 On the Joint Resolution H.J.Res. 117
A joint resolution making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2013, and for other purposes.
Joint Resolution Passed (62-30) Yea
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