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Mark's Newsletter Updates: 15 Highlights from 2011

Posted: Wednesday, December 21, 2011
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Dear Fellow Coloradan,

Mark Udall

December is a time to reflect on the challenges and successes of the past year and to set resolutions for the next.

This year, Washington, D.C., became synonymous with partisan gridlock and political posturing. It would be easier to throw up our hands and say nothing can get done – but that’s not the Colorado way. When faced with obstacles, Coloradans don’t say, "I can't" – we pull together and work even harder to get things done.

I knew that the obstacles here in Washington, D.C., could be overcome with some persistence and a willingness to work across party lines. And it paid off: we defied the odds this year and scored an incredible number of victories for Colorado – and for all Americans.

I want to thank you by sharing a list of 15 highlights from 2011 that I'm especially proud of. I'm inspired every day by your example and optimism. So this is your list too – I couldn't have done it without you. I wish you a wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to working with you to make 2012 just as big a success.

Warm regards,

Mark Udall

Top 15 Highlights from 2011:

Bipartisan Seating at the State of the Union Address – NEW TRADITION

In an effort to find harmony during one of the most politically divisive times in our history, I changed a decades-old tradition by calling on my colleagues to sit together rather than divided by party during the president's annual State of the Union Address.

Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act – LAW

On Nov. 7, President Obama signed into law my bipartisan bill to create jobs by reducing regulations for ski areas on U.S. Forest Service land. The bill allows for reasonable summertime recreation and increased tourism and is a major victory for Colorado that will lead to the creation of new Colorado jobs.

Balanced Budget Amendment – HISTORIC VOTE

I was the first Senate Democrat in over a decade to introduce a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution and bring it to the floor for a historic bipartisan vote.

Colorado Saw Mills – OPEN

For years, I’ve worked with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Forest Service, and private stakeholders to bring much-needed attention and emergency help to address the bark beetle epidemic in Colorado’s forests. Unfortunately, Colorado’s saw mills – which are necessary to help clear dead trees that could fuel wildfires – were hit hard by the economic downturn. I convinced the USFS to help our three remaining sawmills by reworking their timber contracts – allowing them to keep operating, employing Coloradans and processing beetle-killed trees.

Earmarks – BANNED

I helped lead the successful bipartisan effort to ban earmarks and dramatically reform Congress's broken – and wasteful – federal spending process.

Helping Mountain Homeowners Better Protect Themselves During Wildfire Season – GET INFORMED

In an effort to arm Coloradans with information about how to prevent devastating wildfires, I pushed for the U.S. Forest Service to do two reports to Coloradans, one about fire prevention and the other about the bark beetle epidemic. The first report on the Fourmile Canyon wildfire – the most expensive fire in our state’s history – was made available to Colorado homeowners in August to  help them better prepare for fire emergencies next year.  The second report on lessons learned from the bark beetle epidemic details how best to focus our efforts to fight the epidemic and help our forests recover.

Colorado's District Court Judges – CONFIRMED

Over the past two years, I worked with U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet and my colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee from both sides of the aisle to overcome partisan obstruction and confirm two new judges to the federal bench for the District of Colorado. The judgeships had been vacant for so long that Colorado was designated a "judicial emergency."

Helping the Military Save Money & Lives with Renewable Energy – LAW 

Provisions from a bill I introduced with U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords of Arizona passed Congress as part of this year's National Defense Authorization Act. The provisions will help the military save billions of dollars and hundreds of lives by reducing its reliance on fossil fuel.

Expanded Military Health Care – LAW

On Jan. 7, health care insurance for thousands of service members’ children was dramatically improved by the TRICARE Dependent Coverage Extension Act, a measure I authored that was included in last year’s National Defense Authorization Act. It allows the children of our men and women in uniform to stay on their parents’ TRICARE policies until they turn age 26, ensuring our military families aren't left out of new benefits included in the Affordable Care Act.

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" – REPEALED

I helped lead the bipartisan effort to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, which was harming our national security by kicking out qualified service members simply because they were gay.

Veterans' Disability and Retirement Benefits – SECURED

I worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure that post-9/11 veterans across the country - including over 5,000 in Colorado – know they are potentially eligible for higher medical benefits or even full medical retirement. At my request, the Defense Department will team with the VA to let recent veterans know they can appeal the disability decision made when they left the military.

VA Medical Center at Fitzsimons in Aurora – UNDER CONSTRUCTION

I partnered with U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet and U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter in the fight for a state-of-the-art VA medical center in Aurora to honor our veterans and ensure they get the best care possible. This November, after years of pushing, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and contractor Kiewit-Turner put pen to paper and signed a contract to finally begin construction, which will help create thousands of new Colorado jobs.

Free Credit Scores – LAW

My bipartisan Fair Access to Credit Scores Act empowers consumers by requiring lenders, banks and other financial firms to disclose to consumers their credit score free of charge if they're denied credit or are offered less-than-favorable terms. The law went into effect on July 21.

Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District Land Exchange Act –PASSED

My bill, which gives the Sugar Loaf Fire District in unincorporated Boulder County certainty that it owns the land beneath two of its three fire stations, passed Congress on Dec. 18. This is a great relief for the firefighters who will now be able to concentrate on keeping the community safe from wildfire, instead of being distracted by a land dispute.

Common-sense, Flexible School Lunch Rules  – LAW

I led a bipartisan effort to prevent the U.S. Department of Agriculture from imposing overly rigid restrictions on the vegetables that schools can serve at meals. The law now allows schools working within already tight budgets the flexibility to provide nutritious meals – including potatoes cooked in a healthy way.

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