U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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All blog posts related to the issue: Veterans
  • Senator Coons thanks our veterans

    Senator Chris Coons issued the following statement Sunday to mark Veterans Day.

    “We set aside the eleventh day of the eleventh month each year to honor the courage and sacrifice necessary to serve our country in defense of its citizens, its freedoms, and its values. After more than a decade of war, it’s hard to imagine a more important time for Americans to show their appreciation for our service members and their families. We may never be able to fully repay our veterans for their service, but we can offer them our deepest gratitude and our ironclad commitment to ensuring they receive the health care, higher education, and other benefits they have earned, and by helping American employers to better appreciate the enormous value that veterans can bring to the civilian workforce.

    “Our veterans have my deep respect, gratitude, and admiration, and this Veterans Day, I hope all Delawareans will make time to reflect on their own appreciation for our veterans and their sacrifice.”

  • Senator Coons recognizes Armed Forces Day

    Senator Coons is joining Americans across the country in recognizing Saturday as Armed Forces Day.  This national commemoration serves as a thank you to all service members and their families who sacrifice so much for our nation.

    “The men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our freedom are true heroes, and Armed Forces Day is one way to show them our gratitude for their service to our country,” Chris said.  “We also recognize the tremendous sacrifices of the families of our service members.  I will to continue to work hard in Washington on behalf of all service members and their families—it’s the least we can do for America’s heroes.”

    Created in 1949 by the Department of Defense, Armed Forces Day combines previously separate Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard days. Armed Forces Day is not just dedicated to the men and women who serve in the military, but also to their families.  To show the appreciation of a grateful nation, all 397 national parks will be issuing free passes on Saturday for active troops and their children to enjoy relaxation, rejuvenation, and just plain fun. 

    Chris will celebrate Armed Forces Day by attending the Newark Memorial Day Parade at the University of Delaware on Sunday. The event is dedicated to the United States Armed Forces and the Delawareans who have given their lives for freedom. A ceremony will be held on the University of Delaware’s Green at 1:00 pm, followed by a parade on Main Street.

  • New site connects veterans with employment

    Nearly a year ago, Senator Coons stood outside the U.S. Capitol with Senators Patty Murray, Jon Tester, and Mark Begich to announce the introduction of the Hiring Heroes Act. The prospects for their legislation promoting employment for veterans seemed dark, since only ten bills had been signed by the President at the time, and only one of those was not naming a courthouse or a temporary extension to keep federal agencies running.

    But the challenges facing veterans were worth fighting against, including high unemployment and a daunting transition to civilian life. Chris and his colleagues were committed to making progress, and with the help of veterans themselves, their bill garnered 40 bipartisan cosponsors. Eventually, the bill became the centerpiece of President Obama’s VOW to Hire Heroes Act, which was signed into law on November 21, 2011.

    Last week, a tangible result of those efforts went live for service members and veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs launched a new website to guide veterans through job-related benefits available under the law. For service veterans, it includes an easy-to-read guide to the additional Vocational and Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits now available for service-connected disabled veterans, as well as the additional benefits under the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program to help veterans find work in high-demand jobs. For transitioning service members, it has a section on a number of newly or more widely available benefits for seamless transition from duty to civilian life. And for employers, it provides resources on how to access the tax credits and other incentives provided if they hire veterans.

    There’s still a long way to go in fulfilling the commitment we made to our veterans, particularly in the area of processing their benefits claims. But we’ve already made progress from last May, and Chris is committed to making more in the year ahead.

    Veterans Affairs
  • Senator Coons and Wilmington U. to host job fair for local veterans

    U.S. Senator Chris Coons and Wilmington University announced on Monday the details of Operation Success: Welcome Home — a job fair for veterans set for Saturday, April 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Wilmington University in the auditorium of the Doberstein Admissions Center in New Castle.  The event will convene employers ready to hire talented men and women who have proven leadership and technical skills gained in their military service. Veterans are encouraged to register online at www.opsuccess.com. This is one of several job fairs Chris is hosting in the upcoming months to help Delawareans find jobs.

    “The men and women who serve in our armed forces come home with unique skills and tested leadership experience, bringing immense value to the employers who hire them,” Chris said. “In talking with veterans, military leaders, business leaders, and government officials — as well as with business owners — it became clear that one of the best things we could do was simply to create opportunities for these employers to meet these talented Americans. I am pleased to partner with Wilmington University for Operation Success: Welcome Home to put our veterans in the same room with employers ready to help them return to the civilian workforce.”

    Operation Success: Welcome Home attendees will have the opportunity to speak with federal and private sector organizations and companies that currently have positions available for veterans. The April 21st event will also provide veterans with other information on topics including: education benefits, support for military children, healthcare and mental health resources, family services, and spousal support and employment.

    For more information on Operation Success: Welcome Home visit www.opsuccess.com.

    In August 2011, Chris convened a panel of Delaware’s top experts on veterans to discuss ideas for boosting hiring.  In May 2011, Chris introduced the Hire America’s Heroes Act, which addressed many of the issues America’s veterans face as they re-enter the civilian workforce.

    Click here to learn more about Chris’ work to support veterans.

    Click here to learn more about the other Delaware job fairs Chris is hosting in the upcoming months. 

    Job Fair
  • Senator Coons congratulates Dover AFB reserves on national award

    honorsThis morning, Dover’s own 512th Airman and Family Readiness of the 512th Airlift Wing at Dover Air Force Base was honored with the 2011 Reserve Family Readiness Award for the U.S. Air Force Reserves. Every year, the award goes to the best unit in each reserve component that prepares airmen and their families for deployment, sustains them throughout, and supports them in their reintegration when they return. The award-winning 512th A&FR supports more than 1,800 airmen and their families connected to Dover Air Force Base, who are spread over 29 states.

    The 512th A&FR’s director, Master Sergeant Laura Coseglia, accepted the award on behalf of her team from Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs David McGinnis at a ceremony held at the Pentagon. Senator Coons was presiding over the Senate at the time of the ceremony, but a member of his staff was present, as was wing commander Colonel Randal L. Bright.

    Master Sgt. Coseglia’s team has earned best in the nation honors because of their community-based approach to support for airmen and their families. Rather than focus on a top-down, directive based approach to meeting the needs of men and women who serve, the 512th A&FR reaches out to our Delaware community, partnering with over 175 different military, non-profit, business, education, and veteran groups. In today’s austere environments, when needs seem to always outstrip resources, this broad community-based approach opens up creative possibilities for meeting needs.

    Senator Coons believes that the community-based approach to serving needs in Delaware that the 512th A&FR does the best in the nation provides the flexibility and responsiveness that is too often lagging in support for our nation’s service members and veterans. He will join with Wilmington University on April 21 for Operation Success, a job fair and outreach event for service members, veterans, and their families, which is bolstered by the Delaware service members support community, including the 512th A&FR.

  • Video: In PSA, Chris encourages businesses to hire veterans

    Chris unveiled a new public service announcement today, Veterans Day, on behalf of Delaware Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, which helps local businesses connect with and hire reservists and members of the National Guard.

    "Members of the National Guard and Reserve bring a strong work ethic, leadership and specialized skills to the civilian workplace,” said Christine Kubik, Executive Director of Delaware Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. “Delaware ESGR stands ready to link service members with employers and career opportunities.  Hiring veterans is a smart way employers can show thanks.  Any Delaware employer interested in tapping into the talented pool of men and women in the Guard and Reserve should call our offices at (302) 326-7582 or email christine.kubik@us.army.mil."

    The PSA is available at 30 seconds and 15 seconds, in video and audio, and can be downloaded here.

    National Guard
  • Video: Senator Coons' floor speech on repeal of DADT

    Senator Coons spoke on the floor of the Senate Tuesday to celebrate the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

    Civil Rights
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
    Floor Speech
  • Chris joins Delaware veterans for remembrance ceremonies at DC memorials

    Senator Coons talks with veterans at the World War 2 Memorial.

    Senator Coons had the pleasure of welcoming more than 150 Delaware veterans to Washington, DC, during the veterans’ stop at the World War II and Korean War memorials on Thursday. The trip was sponsored by the Delaware Police Chiefs’ Council, the Delaware Police Chiefs’ Foundation, the Delaware State Troopers Association, and the State Lodge- Fraternal Order of Police. During his visit, Chris expressed his gratitude for the Delawareans’ service, sacrifice, and commitment to our country.

    “Congress must meet its commitment to the men and women who have served our nation in uniform,” Chris said in brief remarks to the group. “This includes ensuring that veterans have access to quality, affordable health care and that military retirees receive their promised retirement benefits. The members of our armed services protect our nation and our liberties every day. We must support them while they serve and after they return home.”

    Following his welcome, a small group of veterans were asked to assist in the placing of a wreath at the Delaware Pillar of the World War II Memorial, while members of the Delaware State Police played the bagpipes and bugle.

    A similar ceremony was then held at the Korean War Memorial to honor the Delaware veterans who served in Korea. A wreath was placed at the memorial and the veterans heard from retired Colonel Warren Wiedhahn of the United States Marine Corps.

    To learn more about Senator Coons’ work to help veterans, click here.

    Armed Services
  • Senator Coons hosts roundtable on jobs for veterans

    Senator Coons leading a roundtable discussion.

    NEW CASTLE — Senator Coons hosted a roundtable discussion on jobs for veterans at the Delaware National Guard headquarters on Monday, with participants from the military, public, private, medical, and academic sectors.  They joined Chris to talk about the high unemployment rates for veterans nationally and what steps can be taken here in Delaware to provide resources to returning service members and help them find jobs. 

    The first of three roundtables Chris is hosting on job creation, Monday’s meeting included 19 participants and focused on the unique challenges facing veterans as they return home from service in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The discussion, which lasted for an hour and a half, drew on the participants’ work and areas of expertise in creating opportunities to help ease veterans’ transition back to the civilian workforce. 

    “For months I’ve been meeting with military leaders, veterans who are looking for work, business leaders, and government officials, and the message I’m hearing from everyone is the same – we need to do more to boost hiring rates of those who’ve served,” Chris said.  “To help returning veterans get into the workforce we need to do two things simultaneously.  First, we need to get our economy moving again in order to create jobs, and second, we need to help businesses recognize the value in the leadership and technical skills our veterans gained from their service.”

    With the national unemployment rate for veterans under the age of 24 at 21.1%, Chris introduced the Hire America’s Heroes Act in May.  The bill would provide additional assistance to service members transitioning into the civilian workforce, but Chris believes this legislation must only be a first step.  Monday’s roundtable discussion convened stakeholders in an effort to produce new ideas for Chris to bring to Washington when the Senate returns for its September session. 

    Chris will host another roundtable on August 25, focusing on Delaware’s high-tech and R&D sector, and he will host a third one on August 31 to discuss community-based small businesses.   

    To learn more about what Chris is doing to help Delaware’s veterans, click here

    National Guard
    Small Business
  • Senator Coons to host roundtable on jobs for veterans on Monday

    Senator Coons will host the first of three roundtable discussions on job creation on Monday afternoon at the headquarters of the Delaware National Guard in New Castle.  Focusing on finding ways to increase job opportunities for veterans — especially recently returned veterans of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan — this first roundtable will include participants from the military, civilian agencies, veterans groups, and Delaware businesses. 

    “After working for years in the private sector and local government,” Chris said, “I know that the best ideas for creating jobs are going to come from the people on the front lines of the economic recovery.  I talk with out-of-work Delawareans and small business owners just about every day, but these roundtables will facilitate a more dynamic group discussion that I hope will generate new ideas that we can apply in Washington to help create jobs for Delawareans.”

    Nationally, unemployment among veterans is 13.3%, and for those under the age of twenty-four returning from Iraq and Afghanistan the rate is a staggering 21.1%, according to the Department of Labor.  Chris joined in introducing the Hiring Heroes Act in May, which would provide additional assistance to service members transitioning into the civilian workforce, but he believes more can and must be done.  The goal of this roundtable discussion is to bring stakeholders together in order to generate new ideas that Chris can take back with him to Washington when Congress reconvenes in September. 

    “After they fought for our freedom abroad, our veterans shouldn’t have to fight hard just to get a job here at home,” Chris said.  Those participating in this first roundtable will be:

    • Christine F. Kubik, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, Delaware
    • Daniel Young, Delaware Military Community Partners
    • Jim Tribbitt, Delaware Department of Labor
    • Harry Gravell, Helmets to Hardhats, National Building Trades
    • Antonio “Tony” Davila, Delaware Veterans Commission
    • Edward Scully, Summit Aviation
    • Robert Fitzpatrick, Summit Aviation
    • Wesley Schroeder, Summit Aviation
    • Jeffery Brown, Tidewater Utilities
    • Sheila Mittucci, Saint Francis Hospital
    • Sarmite Tyus, Wilmington VA Medical Center
    • Victor Santos, Delaware State University
    • Wendelin Henry, Delaware State University
    • Shannon Freeze-Flory, DuPont
    • Patricia R. Edwards, Dover Air Force Base
    • Laura Coseglia, Dover Air Force Base
    • James S. Webb, Wilmington University
    • David B. Rich, United States Department of Labor
    • James M. Provo, Small Business Administration
    • Tim Keefe, JPMorgan Chase
    Dover Air Force Base
    National Guard
    Small Business