February 16, 2011 - Congressman Hensarling meets with Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples

February 16, 2011 - Congressman Hensarling meets with Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples

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Uploaded on Feb 17, 2011


September 14, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling meets with Gina Weber of Dallas

September 14, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling meets with Gina Weber of Dallas

Anyone can see this photo All rights reserved

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2010


July 8, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling talks to the audience at his America Speaking Out Town Hall in Palestine

July 8, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling talks to the audience at his America Speaking Out Town Hall in Palestine

Anyone can see this photo All rights reserved

Uploaded on Sep 22, 2010


June 1, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling talks with Texas residents at his America Speaking Out Town Hall in Mesquite about the problems they are facing

June 1, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling talks with Texas residents at his America Speaking Out Town Hall in Mesquite about the problems they are facing

Anyone can see this photo All rights reserved

Uploaded on Sep 22, 2010


June 1, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling speaks with citizens at his America Speaking Out Town Hall in Mesquite

June 1, 2010 - Congressman Hensarling speaks with citizens at his America Speaking Out Town Hall in Mesquite

Anyone can see this photo All rights reserved

Uploaded on Sep 22, 2010

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