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House-Passed Jobs Bill to Help Highly-Skilled Workers Stay in America

WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement today after a bipartisan majority of the House passed the STEM Jobs Act (H.R. 6429):

“Our top priority is getting our economy moving and creating new jobs. The STEM Act makes common-sense changes to our broken immigration system to help ensure American employers have access to the world’s brightest minds in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The bill allows highly-skilled, foreign-born workers – trained in American universities – to stay here in the United States with their families where they can drive innovation and new job creation. I want to thank Chairman Lamar Smith for his work on this important bipartisan measure, and I urge the Senate to pass it and President Obama to sign it into law as soon as possible.”

NOTE: Click here for a full list of jobs bills passed by the House of Representatives in the 112th Congress.

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Tags: Jobs, Economy