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Daily Senate Schedule for Monday, December 3, 2012

The Senate will next convene at 2:00 p.m. Monday, December 3 after standing in adjournment under the provisions of S. Con. Res. 607 as a further mark of respect for the late Honorable George McGovern, former Senator for the State of South Dakota, at 4:39 p.m. Friday, November 30.

2:00 p.m.
At 2:00 p.m., following the Leaders' remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S. 3254, the Defense Authorization bill.  Pending to S. 3254 is Kyl amendment #3123, as modified (Russia).

4:00 p.m.
All 2nd-degree amendments to S. 3254 must be filed at the desk by this time.

5:00 p.m.
The Senate will begin consideration of Executive Calendar #760, Paul William Grimm, of Maryland, to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Maryland, for up to 30 minutes of debate, equally divided.

5:30 p.m.
The Senate will conduct two VOTES on confirmation of Executive Calendar #760 and cloture on S. 3254.

Further VOTES are possible on Monday.

On Tuesday, following the Leaders' remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Treaty Doc. 112-7, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with the time until noon equally divided.  At noon, the Senate will VOTE on ratification.  By unanimous consent, no amendments are in order.


At a time to be determined, the Senate will begin consideration of Executive Calendar #676, Michael P. Shea, of Connecticut, to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Connecticut, for up to 30 minutes of debate, equally divided.  Following the use or yielding back of debate time, the Senate will VOTE on confirmation.

At a time to be determined, the Senate will begin consideration of Executive Calendar #518, Carol J. Galante, of California, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, for up to 60 minutes of debate, equally divided.  Following the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will VOTE on confirmation; 60 votes will be required for confirmation.

Business Conducted Friday, November 30, 2012

During Friday’s session of the Senate, three roll call votes were conducted.

Not Agreed to, 41-53:  Cardin amendment #3025 to S. 3254, the Defense Authorization bill.  The amendment would remove from the underlying bill a requirement that the Department reduce the civilian workforce by a percentage equal to the military personnel being reduced over the next five years;

Agreed to, 94-0:  Menendez amendment #3232 to S. 3254.  The amendment would add to the bill the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012, which strengthens sanctions against Iran; and

Not Waived, 58-34:  Budget Act with respect to Nelson (FL) amendment #3073 to S. 3254. The  amendment would terminate the offset between Survivor Benefit Plan annuities and veterans’ Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.

10 Amendments to S. 3254 Agreed to by Voice Vote

Sessions amendment #3009, as modified, which would require the President to deliver to Congress any agreement concerning long-term commitments to Afghanistan not later than 30 days before entering into it;

McCain amendment #3052, which would provide military resource plan to meet the United States Force Posture Strategy in the Asia Pacific Region;

Whitehouse amendment #3075, which would express the sense of the Senate on the continuing progress of the Department of Defense in implementing its Item Unique Identification Initiative;

Snowe amendment #3133, which would terminate the Federal authorization of the National Veterans Business Development Corporation;

Sanders amendment #3182, which would require an annual report on Federal contracting fraud;

Sanders amendment #3183, which would require public availability of the database of senior Department officials seeking employment with defense contractors;

Warner amendment #3233, which would promote a more efficient, responsive, and effective bilateral defense trade relationship between the United States and India;

Coburn amendment #3236, which would ensure that the Deputy Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense obtains information from the military departments and Defense Agencies necessary to conduct defense business system investment reviews;

Sanders amendment #3248, which would amend the Federal renewable energy purchase requirement to include geothermal heat pumps; and

Rubio amendment #3283, which would require a report on implementation by the Government of Bahrain of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry.

17 Amendments to S. 3254 Agreed to by Unanimous Consent

Wyden amendment #2959, which would require reports on the use of indemnification agreements in Department of Defense contracts;

Bingaman amendment #2984, which would provide for nation security benefits for White Sands Missle Range and For Bliss;

Grassley amendment #3079, which would permit Federal officers to remove cases involving crimes of violence to Federal court;

Barrasso amendment #3082, which would require a report on the issuance by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner of death certificates for members of the Armed Forces who die on active duty abroad;

Vitter amendment #3087, as modified, which would require a report on Department of the Navy plans to implement efficiency initiatives to reduce overhead costs at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR);

Klobuchar amendment #3102, which would provide for the retention of certain forms in connection with the Restricted Reports on sexual assault involving members of the Armed Forces;

Klobuchar amendment #3105, which relates to the prevention and response to sexual harassment in the Armed Forces;

Murkowski amendment #3135, which would extend the deadline for submission of a report on the findings and conclusions of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force;

Warner amendment #3145, which would require a study on the ability of national air and ground test and evaluation infrastructure facilities to support defense hypersonic test and evaluation activities;

Collins amendment #3196, as modified, which would require a research study on resilience in members of the Army;

Barrasso amendment #3198, which would renew expired prohibition on return of veterans memorial objects without specific authorization in law;

Klobuchar amendment #3234, which would enhance the annual reports regarding sexual assaults involving members of the Armed Forces;

Reid amendment #3244, which would amend title 18, United States Code, to provide penalties for transporting minors in foreign commerce for the purposes of female genital mutilation;

McCain amendment #3247, as modified, which relates to the transfer of excess aircraft;

Alexander amendment #3258, which would modify the authority to carry out a fiscal year 2011 military construction project at Nashville International Airport;

Levin amendment #3280, which would require reports to the Department of Defense on penetrations of networks and information systems of certain contractors; and

Begich amendment #3290, which would modify notice requirements in advance for permanent reductions of sizebale number of members of the Armed Service at military installations.

5 Items Passed by Unanimous Consent

S. 2170, as amended, the Hatch Act Modernization Act of 2012;

S. Res. 518, congratulating the Southern Baptist Convention for electing Revered Fred Luter, Jr., as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, acknowledging Revered Luter's unique role as the first African-American leader of the Southern Baptist Convention, and honoring the commitment of the Southern Baptist Convention to an inclusive faith-based community and society;

S. Res. 605, designating the week beginning November 26, 2012, as National Tribal Colleges and Universities Week;

S. Res. 606, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, on December 1, 1812; and

S. Res. 607, relative to the death of the Honorable George McGovern, former United States Senator and Congressman from the State of South Dakota.