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Sessions: President’s Secret Cliff ‘Plan’ Has Over $1T In New Spending; Fed Debt Would Rise $9T Over...

“There is a reason why the White House strongly prefers to operate in secrecy... If the White House believes our analysts are mistaken, the Budget Committee is standing by to review any concrete financial plan the President wishes to produce.”

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Sessions Delivers Remarks On Folly Of Secret Fiscal Negotiations

"Shouldn’t the President of the United States, the only person who represents everybody in the country, lay out his plan, or must that remain a secret too? Will it just be revealed to us on the eve of Christmas or eve of the new calendar year? We will be asked to vote for it, to ratify it like lemmings, I suppose."

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Sessions: There Is No Obama-Geithner Plan

“Until this fantasy ‘plan’ from a secret meeting is made public and scored by the Congressional Budget Office it does not exist… It is a distraction that allows the White House to continue to run out the clock so it can have maximal leverage to force through a bad deal in the last minutes before midnight."

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Sessions Comments On Senate Sustaining Point Of Order On Tester Bill

"At a time when Washington is spending $9,700 million every day, certainly we can find areas of waste and duplication to offset the $14 million yearly cost of this legislation. That simple fix should ensure swift passage.”

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