Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform

America has always been a nation of immigrants who came here in pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.  The inclusion of people of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds has strengthened our communities and our nation.


The current immigration system is broken and must be fixed with a comprehensive plan that balances border security and strong enforcement with a workable path to legalization for those already here. 


We must recognize the contributions of immigrants and treat them compassionately and fairly.  While we should not welcome or extend citizenship to immigrants who commit violent acts, I oppose policies that would result in the deportation of hundreds of thousands of hard-working individuals who enrich our neighborhoods, strengthen small businesses and contribute to our economy. Moreover, with generations of immigrants now living within the United States, it would be cruel to destroy homes and separate families.


Therefore, as a member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law, I will continue to work to create a comprehensive immigration plan that balances national security needs with an effective plan that provides a path to citizenship for those who meet stringent requirements.