Your Voice Counts

Welcome to "Your Voice Counts" – the Boxer Updates feedback page. Here you can read what Californians are saying in response to my recent messages on issues facing Congress and the nation. If you would like to join the conversation, please click here. To browse past Boxer Updates, please click here.

Seafood Labeling

Californians respond to my message on Stopping Seafood Fraud:

Thank you so much for caring, to send a strong message to the FDA officials regarding safe labeling of sea-foods! As a mom, I am so happy to know you care to help empower me in my informed choices, regarding what I feed to my family! Best,
Dawn, Sausalito

Thank you for writing the FDA on this matter. As a commercial crab fisherman and seafood consumer, this matters to me. Thank you all for all you do. Sincerely,
Steve, Mckinleyville

Thank you so much for fighting for accurate labeling of seafood. As a major seafood eater, I want to be sure that when I'm eating monkfish, it's not fugu!! I appreciate your hard work on behalf of your constituents. Keep it up!
Kevin, Sunnyvale

Thank you very much, Senator Boxer, for writing to the FDA to request they address the issue of seafood fraud. We should not have to worry that seafood that we buy at restaurants or stores may be endangered species.
Sue, Palo Alto

I just wanted to say thank you for all the amazing work you do and for standing up to the FDA on the issue of seafood fraud. I've been extremely frustrated with lobbyists writing the rules and watching corporations worry more about profit than for the health of our society. I hope you continue to push for change from the FDA on this and many other issues.
Andrea, San Francisco

Thank you for bringing attention to seafood fraud. I have recently learned how much of it is going on, and hope something will be done soon to lessen the fraud. The cost of seafood is high enough to guarantee a good product. I am a senior on a fixed income who is supposed to eat more seafood, which I can barely afford. To find out that I am not getting what I am paying for is very upsetting. Please keep on this one! Thank you.
Barbara, Pleasant Hill

Consumers need to know what our dollars are contributing to. We have the right to decide whether to purchase truthfully labeled wild caught or farmed seafood as well.
Chris, Temple City

Thank you for your advocacy of correct labeling of seafood. As our resources become less available, it's more and more important that we know with precision what we have for future generations. Mislabeling seafood to escape regulation is not the kind of behavior that is conducive to preserving resources for future generations. I appreciate your support of this issue, and hope it will help with more vigorous enforcement.
Janet, Sacramento

Your message about requiring the FDA to step up their efforts to combat mislabeling of seafood made my day! Over the past months I have participated in several petition and letter campaigns to the FDA about this issue. For all I know, I may even have signed a petition to my elected representatives. If you were a recipient, I apologize for preaching to the choir. I hope that at last the FDA will realize that Oceana and its supporters are not "eco terrorists" but people concerned about the serious health problems that can arise from the consumption of mislabeled seafood.
Ileana, Riverside

Thank you so very much for your excellent, well-researched and thorough letter to the FDA. As your constituent I am very happy with your work on this issue which projects the need for a plausible accountability (that is, accountability which is not only needed, but possible) with health and safety at a most primal level: our food source. This is where it is reasonable and important to demand accountability. I hope to learn the answers you are given and with your help I intend to follow this issue as any citizen should be who is concerned that the people are not callously deceived. I have shared your letter on my Facebook page with the following comments: This news is shocking but not surprising. And clearly there are important questions that need to be answered. This is one of the most across-the-board useful and pertinent things I know of Barbara Boxer having done. Please read her letters and make "fish fraud" the dirty word it deserves to be. It puts a whole new spin on "there's something rotten in Denmark" when people are not even eating what they should be able to believe they're eating. Read it and be alarmed: the percentages are amazingly bad: 55% of fish in Los Angeles are mislabeled: 100% of Florida White Tuna are a different fish, that causes digestive problems!
Christopher, San Mateo

I want to thank you for reaching out to the FDA in an attempt to reduce the alarming amount of fraudulently labeled seafood. Not only does it pose a serious health risk for pregnant women and those with food sensitivities, it poses a serious risk to the health of our oceans. I am an extreme ocean conservationist, as I see it being the life line of a healthy environment. The seas are in peril, and overfishing is compounding the issues facing those trying desperately to reverse the status. Mislabeled seafood means to me a huge loophole for catching/selling endangered, and overfished species and profiting off of them at market. Thank you for supporting the health of Californians and the Oceans we all depend on for a healthy existence.
Sarah, Arcata

Bravo, Senator Boxer, for requesting that the FDA look into this. Our food labeling in this nation is so oftentimes dishonest, which is so unfair and sometimes harmful to consumers. We all have a right to know precisely what we are purchasing with our dollars and ingesting into our bodies--whether it be fish or any other food. Thank you for tackling this issue. Please keep up this effort.
Melanieq, Mission Viejo

I want to thank you for fighting for label transparency and for the safety of our food supply. It feels good to know that there are representatives in government still fighting for what the people want and deserve. You have my Support!
Colleen, Pacific Grove

I am totally in support of your efforts to combat seafood fraud. Keep up the good work Senator Boxer.
Brian, San Francisco

I got your email about the legislation against seafood fraud. Thank you very much for supporting this cause. I'm vegetarian myself, but I'm also Jewish and we have to be careful about what seafood we eat if we keep kosher. It's very important to us. I also share the safety concerns that people may be getting excess mercury if they're not getting the fish they think they are..
Millie, El Cajon

Thank you for bringing this issue to the FDA. I had no idea that 86% of the sea food in the US was imported! Our family appreciates your work on behalf of all citizens.
Silka, San Diego

There is so much talk of what government should and should not do. It seems that you have my priorities at heart again. Simply, thank you.
Sarah, Nevada City

I am very pleased you have taken this to the FDA. It is an important issue that needs to be address. The number of misslabelling is out of control, so I am happy I have always voted for you to watch out for the peoples interests not just big money.
Adella, Penn Valley

Thank you for contacting me on this issue. Since I live in a seaport city where seafood is a local commodity I appreciate your efforts on behalf of this industry. It's important that seafood buyers know exactly what they are getting in case of allergies and the FDA should not even have to be told through legislation to label correctly - it should be a regular part of their job. But since they seem to require a legislative reminder to do their job properly I'm happy to hear that you are among those providing that nudge. Sincerely,
Karen, Van Nuys

I completely support your position on this. I have read a lot about the conditions of the world's coral reefs, whose symbiotic relationship with fishes, is well known. I have read on the impact of farmed seafoods and finally, I understand the issues, worldwide, with the labeling of fish. Let's set a precedent and be a leader. Thank you.
Linda, San Diego

Thank you for taking action against fraudulent mislabeling of fish for consumption. I read labels on food and expect to receive truthful information as to what the contents are. We need to be able to feel not only safe in what we are consuming, we also need to feel we are being provided with truthful information. Your efforts are appreciated.
Candace, Moreno Valley

Thank you for writing to the FDA on this topic. It is a very important topic. I know several people with severe fish allergies, some of them are children, and for some of them exposure to fish can be life threatening. For some, even contact of the hands with a fish substance can cause severe rashes and splitting of the skin of the hands. Food labeling is only valuable if it is true and complete. Actually, I think this topic should be carried further, because there are many food substances that contain fish oils that are not even labeled as containing them. The same is true for corn products. Many people, not necessarily the same ones as above, have corn allergies that can be life threatening. They need to know if a product contains corn substances. More rare, but still as important, there are some who have allergies to wheat and to other foods. It is imperative that our food labeling be true and complete. For fish, and for corn and other products, it is also important to have species related information because some people with allergies may be more sensitive to one species than another. Life threatening danger lurks on every grocer's shelf.
Bill, El Cerrito

Thank you for all your efforts to ensure safety and honest labeling for seafood. As a cancer survivor, I am particularly grateful for your concern over fraudulent labeling and our health. When we see children with serious illnesses, it so important to take proactive measures to prevent suffering. Your efforts will allow us to make informed good choices for our families, including seniors and expectant mothers.
Irene, San Jose

Thank you for taking this little known fact up with those who may be able to make some changes.
Carole, Santa Ynez

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Protecting Medicare

Californians respond to my message on Protecting and Strengthening Medicare:

Thank you for fighting for us. As senior citizens, my husband and I are very concerned about maintaining the benefits that we have now. Thank you for doing all that you possibly can to preserve medicare.
Annie, Inglewood

I agree with your recent email news letter on this subject, except... there should be means testing. I don't see why tax payers (including those paying into medicare) should pay any medical expences for those with multi million dollar incomes or assets. Medicare and Medicaid are ment for the poor and to prevent the middle class from becoming impoverished by medical expenses.
Thomas, San Diego

Respectfully, you say "nearly all seniors have access to Medicare". This program is doomed unless changes are made. It is your party that recently raided Medicare funds to the tune of 716 billion dollars. We do not want "death panels". We just want the same program that Congress has available to them. As a retired senior , I do not want anybody to mess with a program that I have contributed to for all these years but I know that this program, unless changed will not be around certainly for my children and probably reduced for my wife and I in just a few years. Please work across the aisle to get this fixed. It doesn't matter who gets the credit for the fix. Congress job is to serve and for the better good. I pray that all our elected people do their jobs. Thank you for the opportunity to respond.
Gerald, Palmdale

Thank you very much for fighting for us and our rights to deserve a good health plan con medicare and medical. God Bless You for your effort on behalf of all seniors.
Roberto, San Francisco

While the Ryan plan for Medicare and Medicaid basically dumps the services back into the seniors laps to fend for themselves, we still need to do something to handle the ever-growing costs for the programs. What I hope you will do is support revisions to Medicare that do not take away what exists for either new or existing members, by support a plan that slows the rapid increase in new members due to baby-boomers. And we need to do something in this category very quickly. Thank you for your consideration.
Rob, Santa Rosa

If your solution to the preservation of long term health care is to take 100's of Billions of dollars from current Medicare rolls and trasfer it to Obamacare, I could'nt disagree with you more. The Republican fix is to modify Medicare for those under 55 and complete a better solution for the future. That is the way to go. I do not see any program from the Democrats which will serve the long term needs of Medicare. I am over 65 but am concerned for my daughter and her husband who are under 40. Will there be anything in the fund when their time comes?
Randall, Indio

I totally agree with the Senator. A voucher system is just about the dumbest idea out there.
Walter, Desert Hot Springs

Why do you keep distorting the facts about Medicare? As a Senior citizen, there are no planned changes to Medicare, except for the deep cuts that the Govt. has put into place regarding my Medicare Advantage plan, which is one that is really working for us seniors. Please be accurate in the future. Respectfully,
Joseph, Palm Desert

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National Earthquake Drill

Californians respond to my message on Preparing for Earthquakes:

I am concerned if Diablo Canyon Power Plant is hit by an earthquake - how could seniors evacuate from their homes safely? The present evacuation plan is "for the birds"! Under a chaotic condition, no one would care about the evacuation of disabled seniors! Don't you agree? I don't know what are the state senators and assembly members are thinking?! Do they concern about seniors? Do they have aging parents, uncles/aunts....? Before re-newing operating permit to Diablo Power Plant, they need to submit a safe evacuation plan for seniors and disabled for approval.
Alice, San Luis Obispo

This state is so unprepared for large earthquakes it's almost a joke. You tell me how we are going to provide water to millions with roads and highways destroyed or blocked. More people will die from lack of water than the earthquake. My husband has been with a large water company for over 25 years. He's completely aware of what even small earthquakes do to water lines and water mains. So. Ca. growth is unsustainable with current and future water shortages. A large earthquake will prove the ignorance of our leaders in promoting this out of control growth. Please help change California's future by promoting less growth.
Linda, Perris

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High Gas Prices

Californians respond to my message on Spiking Gas Prices in California:

(NEW)  I am a low income Californian, I am self-employed, and my work revolves around my truck. And I STRONGLY believe gas prices are MUCH TOO LOW. The United States government needs to end all oil industry subsidies, all oil industry tax breaks, and there should be zero US troops guarding pipelines, oil tankers, drilling sites or refineries. The oil industry should pay market rates for their own security, not get free security by the US tax payer. All of this would raise gas prices, which would be a very GOOD thing. High gas prices mean consumers choose smaller more efficient cars, which means manufactures produce more efficient cars. People would also choose to live closer to work and shopping, allowing more use of bicycles and public transit. Instead of government mpg mandates, CAFE standards, smog maximums, and carbon taxes, we could simply let the free market do its own work by letting gas cost what it naturally does. No other net importer of petroleum pays as little as the US does. We have no reason to be complaining about the price we pay.
Bakari, Oakland

Thank you for looking into the recent price hikes in California gas prices. Working class and middle class families are getting squeezed out of every penny and are not left with any breathing room to save for emergencies, kids schools etc. As college educated professionals my wife and I are living paycheck to paycheck and when the industry conspires to manipulate prices we need our elected leaders in Washington to hold them accountable. Once again our sincere thanks to you and your team for standing up to defend the rights of the "47%".
Edrees, San Diego

It is a welcome site to see someone in our district watching out for their constituents on this gas problem. It seems to me when these incidents happen, it gives the gas companies the opportunity to gauge the public for excessive profits at the expense of the poor and middle class riders to and from work. Thank you for watching out for us. Keep up the good work
Michael, Laguna Niguel

Thank you for sending a message to the Dept of Justice about the oil and gas prices in California. I too, have often thought that the gas prices are being manipulated unfairly. It seems as though when the oil & gas traders want more money, they simply raise the prices. If supplies of gas are really tight, then why is gas not being rationed? It's still available everywhere in unlimited amounts. The higher price is obviously a scam or the result of unscrupulous speculation. It would be fairer if it was rationed at the price that it really costs to produce + a normal markup, rather than jack up the price for everyone for an indefinite time.
David, San Jose

I have 40 years in the Oil Refinery Business in our state of California and refinery maintenance shutdowns are an important part of the running of a refinery. There is scheduled shutdowns among other refineries so that there is no disruptions in the supply side of providing jet fuels and gasoline. I strongly believe Wall Street Commodity Traders such as was shown on NBC's "60 Minutes" are playing a strong role in the spike of oil prices. We need more oversight and regulation not more investigations that seem to bear no fruit. There is enough evidence to solidify legislation to halt the fleecing of Americans. I ask you to do more, to examine the evidence already on the table and to act swiftly. Oil will continue to be our life blood for the next 30 to 50 years and we need a stronger United States of America. Thank-you.
Miguel, Vallejo

Thank you for looking into this. While I don't have a car and don't really care about the price rise I do care about this being an attempt to influence voters to vote for candidates that will support drilling in Anwar or on other federal lands. I feel this is an attack on our democracy.
Christopher, Long Beach

Please ask the President to allow more drilling. That would end the high cost of fuel over night. Leo, Pittsburg

I and many others I know, appreciate immensely that you and Dianne Feinstein decided to investigate these ridiculous gas price hikes. In this economy, a jump of roughly $.60/gallon more in price within one week is outrageous! People are out of jobs and are on tight budgets, just because we live in California is not a reason to take advantage of its citizens. Thank you again!
Daphne, Hermosa Beach

Thanks so much for looking into the spike in gas prices. Apparently we in Humboldt County pay the highest gas prices in CA, maybe in the whole nation. I appreciate your paying attention to the sudden increase.
Roz, Eureka

I am glad you are looking into this. I live in El Segundo, California, home of one of the Chevron plants, and we experience some of the highest prices in the country. When my friends from back east visit, they complain that the gas prices here are almost $2 higher than in their home state, in rural areas. High prices inhibit travel to California, and place a lion's share of the burden on California residents. This is not fair!
Lisa, El Segundo

At times like these I, and I'm sure numerous other Californians, are deeply grateful for your support and for starting a "good fight" directed at the probable measures people in the stock market undertake. They take advantage of refinery fires and/or problems the refinery folks experience, only thinking of how much money they can rake in. There should be a law against this sort of thing,maybe then they can put these scoundrels in jail where they belong, like Madoff and company. This is primarily why I always vote for you, because you take action and don't mince your words. Thanks for being our champion.
Juan, Long Beach

Good for you for raising this issue! I am okay with higher prices based on taxes that send money to infrastructure and discourage wasteful energy use. But higher prices driven by speculation and profit-gouging are disgraceful!
Deborah, San Diego

I so appreciate your efforts here (as well as everywhere). I'm 76 yrs. old and on SS. Never been affluent but always managed. This is the first time in years that I have truly worried about the consequences of these outrageous gas prices. Also tired of being ripped off. Thanks again.
Relly, Palo Alto

Thank you for your email message titled "Investigate Spiking Gas Prices in California". In my view, even $5 a gallon is too cheap. Burning gasoline damages our climate, and coping with that damage will be far more expensive.
Neal, Pasadena

Even is there were a shortage of gas, that’s no reason to let the price of gas go as high as it is. This is price gouging. Governor Brown has helped some bringing in winter gas early. I just wonder how much more profit the gas co`s have made this year. It just isnt fair. I have cut my buying to $20.00 for around 4 gallon per week. I dont go very far, just essentials places.
Edward, San Bernardino

Thank you for looking out for us! Please consider drafting a new law requiring oil companies to build additional refineries as the population increases to keep up with demand. And then require them to build one more that can go online in case of an emergency so this won't happen again. The oil companies should be required to use their money and NOT be allowed to raise prices on US to pay for it as they are investing in their own business. These oil company executives should be required to lower the price of gasoline within a similar time frame that they raised it. One of the patterns I've noticed is that the price goes up very fast and when it goes down it's always a LOT slower.
Bruce, Oxnard

Thank you for taking this bold stand against the gas industry's repeated gouging of California citizens and visitors. Although nothing may come of it, the working class and retired seniors living on very limited means applaud you for this act.
Mark, Fremont

Thank you for addressing this issue. It will certainly cause a hardship for our family. We already were paying almost $1000 a month in gas. My husband just got his work truck and gas card back last week and we were looking forward to saving money. We appreciate all you do.
Susan, Alta Loma

Thank you so much, Senator, for looking into this situation. It just "feels wrong" with oil prices where they are right now. I just do not trust the oil companies - not to mention the traders and speculators who make huge profits at the expense of regular consumers. Please keep us informed of what comes of this inquiry.
Debra, Long Beach

It is my feeling that because of our energy crisis, increase in fuel prices. That you need to back off and cut some of the regulations we have in place. The main reason gas is so high in California is because the fuel companies have been regulated to death. California now is an average of .50 cents a gallon more than Arizona. Any new taxes or fines we stick the energy companies with gets transferred to the consumer. Right now we need more immediate solutions to our energy problems, as well as more sources.
Ed, Mission Viejo

Thank you Senator for taking the steps toward investigating the thugs that bully the California people and economy. I believe a civil suit is in order, and regulation of those who are clearly out of control with their 'speculative' pricing. There needs to be accountability, and there's nothing better than a financial motivator (civil suit) to gain traction. Thank you for your efforts, I hope it helps.
Marc, Santa Rosa

I applaud your letter to A/G Holder & I hope it gets some action. I also hope that this isn't being done just for the publicity it may generate. It is pretty obvious that no one in Congress wants to rock the boat when it comes to taking on Big Oil & the speculators. A lot of bluster & threats take place but nothing of any consequence ever gets done & the laws stay the same. Again, I appreciate your writing to A/G Holder & we'll all be watching to see if anything comes of it!
Bob, Windsor

thank you for speaking up on this. we have been ripped off for years by the oil companies, and there seems to be no regulation on this. it's about time that this should be investigated. they have record profits and somehow get away with arbitrarily raising prices. the reasons we've been given for years are totally bogus. please see this through until we get resolution. i doubt we will see rebates, but the thievery has to stop.
Jean, Berkeley

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for initiating the investigation into the recent spike in gas prices. It is completely unnecessary and really hurts California families in the most fundamental ways possible. We all have to get to work or to church or to school. Most of us don't live close enough to walk or take public transportation - it simply isn't the nature of our state. We are a state of roads and freeways - and the petroleum industry is well aware of that. So, thank you. I don't know if any help will come from it, but it is good to know someone is at least trying.
Dawn, El Cajon

As someone who tries very hard to conserve fuel, I find it difficult to believe there is a "good" reason for the price fluctuation. You have my support and my gratitude.
Angela, Oakland

I appreciate you taking action on the gas crisis we are experiencing in California.
Carol, Roseville

I tend to agree with you. It seems amazing convenient that these issues with refineries are going on so close to the election and the oil companies are being given air time to make this a referandom on California's clean fuel/air regulations. Just all too convenient and suspect in my view. The price gouging is in spite of the consumer and would it kill them to put a tiny dent in their profits for the better good? Best regards,
Jana, Valencia

It's great that you would like to investigate why gasoline prices have spiked in California, but honestly you need to do something about it. Many of us are tired of just saying you're looking into it, you need to act where it can help consumers. What I've seen in the past is that the oil companies are fined, which gives money to the government, isn't that too at the expense of the California consumer? Do something that allows us to get a rebate from the oil companies that we patronize. I can prove how much gas I purchase, so give me a option to get a rebate. Your talk needs to be action that consumers can feel and benefit from. Thanks...
Robert, Pleasant Hill

What I find disturbing is that as consumers we are paying for Chevron's errors. What incentive does Chevron have to correct its behavior when we, not Chevron, carry the cost and financial burdon of its mistakes? There is no accountability where it counts - in Chevron's, not our, pocketbooks. make Chevron pay for its mistakes. not us. as it stands now Chevron is profiting from this crisis.
Lois, Richmond

And when you find that they are manipulating the market, then what? There are no regulations in the oil industry, because they give too much money to politicians. Heck, they've written legislation to give themselves our tax money in subsidies no matter how much money they make in profits. We had eight years of oil men running this country and look where it's gotten us. We're still cleaning up the mess. Nothing will ever change until the LOBBYING MONEY is taken out of the political process.
Gale, Sana Rosa

We understand the refinery fires have contributed, but with them happening much more frequently, it begs the question of whether the refinery is kept in good condition or is negligence to blame. It is SO disheartening to be paying such high prices when the oil companies continually report such high profits. Keep the pressure on for more disclosure. Thank you!
Margaret, San Jose

Thank you for the email message that you are investigating the recent surge in prices at the pump! These past weeks have seen ridiculous increases and your efforts are appreciated.
Pam, Livermore

Thank you for your fight against high gas prices. As I am now retired and on a fixed income, it seems as the plethora of propositions to raise taxes along with the arbitrary raising of gasoline prices is going to put a serious danger to my ability to travel to places that are mandatory for me to visit for medical reasons. I seriously question the nebulous reasons given for the increases at the pump. And while I and my wife have curtailed trips such as visits to the children and grandchildren it would be nice to resume such pleasures. Therefore I beseech you to be be most aggressive in your quest to investigate the reasons for gasoline cost increases.
Robert, Palmdale

With all do respect rather than trying to kick the big oil folks why are you not looking at the California Air Resource Board? With cap and trade bill 32 about to be implemented what choice do they have but to pass the cost onto the consumer. Why do we have California only fuel? Why do we put Ethanol in are fuel? Why is Chevron not being given permits to rebuild the fire damage? These are questions that we the people of California need answers to.
Jim, Galt

It wouldn't surprise me if you discovered that someone with a hand on the gas valves decided that making life more difficult for Californians might persuade some they need to vote for a new President. Just like the Republican Congress members' vow in 2008 to oppose any and all proposals of the Obama administration, some think undermining the social peace sheds a bad light on the current administration. I say such actions threaten the American democracy.
David, Sacramento

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Nuclear Plant Safety

Californians respond to my message Senator Boxer Presses NRC on San Onofre Investigation:

Thank you for telling the NRC that the San Onofre nuclear reactor must be FULLY FUNCTIONAL before Southern California Edison can use it again. I agree that all points must be fully investigated and/or repairs completed.
Terry Ellen, Los Angeles          

I and everyone I know in Orange County is thrilled San Onofre is shut down. We do not need its toxic waste or even the energy it produces. We have had no black outs or brown outs. KEEP IT SHUT DOWN please! As a teacher, I must stay with students during an emergency evacuation and leave my family to fend for themselves. Thank for all you do!
Mary, Laguna Hills

Thanks you for your diligence in your overview of the San Onofre power plant. We as neighbors to the plant feel that every avenue should be taken no matter the cost to maintain our safety. We feel fortunate have a Senator like you.
Louis, San Clemente

I would like to thank you for staying on top of the NRC as concerns the safety of San Onofre. After having lived in Japan during the Fukushima disaster you will understand my firm belief that nuclear power is never safe. Even if San Onofre is found to be "safe," it's location on the earthquake-prone California coastline and proximity to major populations make it a future disaster. Ask anyone near Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant or in neighboring cities - the structure was said to be disaster-proof. Even if the plant is as safe as current technology allows us to make it, there is no way to ensure that the waste can be stored securely without leakage or fear of theft for 10,000 years. Thank you for your concern in making San Onofre as safe as humanly possible... I just don't think that it will be enough.
Roxanne, Sacramento

We need to reopen San Onofre Nuclear unit 2 that is safe to help our power shortage and create and maintain jobs. Nuclear plants in U.S.A. have never been attributed to loss of life and their cost are 5 times more effective than wind and solar. The footprint of land is extremely small compared to wind and solar and the density of power creates many less power line mazes than wind and solar. France gets 80% of her power from Nuclear and has been totally safe. The U.S.A. plants are safe and done their job. By building more nuclear we can solve the power shortages we have which helped attribute to the horrific rise due in part to a lack of power at the Torrance refinery. We need to reverse draconian laws in regards to fuel and refineries to get prices down and let the oil firms build new refineries without huge bureaucratic fees, laws and AQMD over the top laws and get in line with the rest of the country, so Californians can get back to being a strong economy. Thanks for reading my thoughts.
Robert, Murrieta

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your attention to our beautiful beaches and the safety of our community and environment!
Kathryn, San Diego

Thank you for addressing the problems at San Onofre nuclear plant. As you can see from my address I live in the plant's back yard. My hope is that it will remain closed forever. After Fukushima why can't we learn?
Mary Ann, Oceanside

Thank you for what you are doing about the San Onofre Nuclear Plant. Please continue caring. There are thousands of people living near the plant including Marines and their families and the plant has never completely passed a safety test.
Joan, Dana Point

Thank you for making sure that the problems at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant are thoroughly investigated and resolved by the NRC before the plant can be restarted. I wholeheartedly support your efforts to protect southern California residents from a disaster that could potentially arise from the operation of defective equipment. Extreme high maintenance and oversight is the answer to extreme danger in the nuclear industry. The risk to public safety cannot be overemphasized when it comes to radiation exposure. I appreciate your diligence in this important matter.
Alicia, Carpinteria

Thank you for caring enough about your "Southland" constituents--so much so that you made this request of the NRC. Once again--it's so good to know we voted for the "right" person for your Senate seat!!
Gail, Dana Point

I so appreciate your efforts to create a safe environment for the people of Southern California in regards to the San Onofre Plant. My hope is that you will hear from the commission and it will be a realistic, fact supported, safety review of the whole plant. Thank you for sending me your letter. I support you and your investment in a more earth friendly resource search for energy for the grid at this time and your endeavors to protect us from grave harm.
Sarah, Orange

As a strong supporter of the environment, I am asking that your office make clear it's intentions on nuclear power. I believe nuclear power is an important part of an energy portfolio designed around energy independence. Instead of trying to shutdown the plant, I believe your efforts should be focused on ensuring the operators of the plant keep workers at the plant that are not afraid to speak up if there is reason to be concerned. Having an inside group that is not afraid to speak up is your best defense against power and greed. Current management is more concerned with profits. An example of their profit motives is the intention to layoff over 700 employees without mentioning how the work will be done leading many to believe contractors will be the workforce of choice. While in some cases, contractors bring an expertise or specialty to a particular job or task, there are also many cases at San Onofre where contractors are being brought in to displace Edison employees in an effort to undercut the union workforce. I believe outsourcing is the concern your office should investigate. Your inquiry into this matter would be appreciated.
Rob, Oceanside

Thank you for trying to protect your constituents in CA, particularly those near enough to the location of the San Onofre to be possibly affected in case of a mishap. I personally dislike nuclear power, while realizing it has provided many with electricity, mostly because of the wretched waste that no one knows what to do with and certainly nobody wants. Most 'businessmen' would stretch the limits of anything before addressing potential problems that may cost money; that is what has caused most of the 'accidents' that have befallen mankind. Letting things go--never dreaming of what form 'the straw that breaks the camel's back' will actually take. Thanks for trying to prevent just that--although I have to admit some cynicism that makes me wonder just how "complete" and honest this 'investigation' may actually be. I guess it will be inversely proportional to how much money will be lost by not restarting the facility. But, at least you made the effort to try to help.
Diana, Redding

I appreciate your contacting the NRC with your personal letter calling on them to undertake a thorough investigation of what went wrong with the recently installed steam generators at SONGS which are in a severe state of degeneration at this date! Personally I would like to see SONGS permanently shuttered and decommissioned at the soonest time possible. I live in Fallbrook which is about 25 miles as the crow flies from SONGS and I do not feel at all comfortable with having this toxic power plant anywhere near my neighborhood! What has happened in Japan should be a wake-up call for all of us here in California. IT CAN HAPPEN HERE!!!
Jonathan, Escondido

As someone who lives within 25 miles of San Onofre, it both surprises me and disgusts me that Edison would seek to restart the facility. The flaws of design already pointed out have NOT been addressed NOR has the modeling software of the NRC been corrected. AND, the utilities are trying to have taxpayers bail them out for their failures of oversight and planning. Enough is more than enough; the San Onofre must be shut down and the gas fired plants to replace the power output brought online asap. Especially in view of the pricing associated with gas and the seeming unwillingness of the Interior Dept. to address the issue associated with fracking.
Bruce, Escondido

Thank you for sending to the NRC your concerns about the safety of the San Onofre nuclear power plant. There are several million people living within 50 miles of the San Onofre power plant -- approximately the same number of people to whom the plant provides power. It would be inexcusable for the plant to be restarted prematurely to the detriment of the people it serves. If keeping the plant shut down means there will be rolling outages in the future, so be it -- there are sufficient other means of generating power that they should be explored in the meantime, and San Onofre MUST NOT be restarted until it can be done safely.
Janet, Aliso Viejo

Thanks indeed for keeping an eye on this. Given the age of these devices (both California reactors have performed an entire service life and then some according to their designs as I understand it) it is questionable that they should not be replaced with newer and safer technologies especially in light of the fact that: 1. Fukushima Disaster 2. The development and population density in close proximity to these since they were originally commissioned. The financial impact should one of these had an accident are unthinkable, and as I personally have friends & family in Japan I know firsthand how bad this can get should ANYTHING go wrong. Given the age of these facilities it is clear to me that the risk is far too great to not AT LEAST upgrade with a new, safer, state of the art "NUKE" plant or, even better replaced by alternatives which should they malfunction would not injure 100's of thousands and render one of the largest american metropolises uninhabitable.
W. T., San Pedro

This is of vital importance to all of us here in California. I am so grateful that you take this issue seriously, and hope that we are able to avoid a disaster.
Ruth, Watsonville

Californians respond to my message on Addressing Safety Issues at San Onofre:

I just read your message about the overseeing of the San Onofre, and just wanted to offer my appreciation.
Bruce, Sebastopol

As a resident less than 20 miles away from San Onofre, thank you for staying on top of this serious environmental issue. I know I can count on you to learn from other people/countries and make sure that we keep all residents near nuclear reactors safe. Please continue to make sure that whoever would benefit financially from the reactors being active again, do NOT pull political shenanigans in order to do so and put millions of southern californians in harms way.
Karen, Lake Forest

Thanks for keeping an eye on the safety of San Onofre power plant. We live about 10 miles from that plant and we don't want to lose our home and great place to live forever just because the power plant owners want to make money and minimize losses!
Al, Oceanside

Thank you for the update on the hearings for re-opening the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. I believe given what we know now, after the Fukushima disaster, there is no way San Onofre should ever be opened again! Not only is it near a fault line, but the reactors are badly built and have had numerous shutdowns and problems. We need to concentrate on alternative forms of energy from now into the future. We have nothing but sun and wind here in California and should be steering our resources to those forms of energy starting immediately.
Gerry, Laguna Woods

Thank you for attempting to protect us from the danger of nuclear energy. We don't need San Onofre in operation, especially in light of the devastating after affects of Fukishima.
Marian, Hollister

I have voted for the Senator over the past 18 years and have visited her in her office in Washington D.C., however, I respectfully request you are extremely careful and well advised to the true condition of San Onofre. As an employee of San Onofre and resident of South Orange County, I too am concerned about the future operability of San Onofre. Yet, its important the media and bureaucrats (including elected officials) speak from a position of knowledge, not political enhancement or emotion when addressing the serious concerns surrounding San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. It remains imperative that the political whims are not what determines San Onofre's operability fate, but rather can San Onofre provide unconditional safe operation generating electricity into the State's starved electrical grid and at a cost that's fair to the customer's of Southern California Edison Company, San Diego Gas & Electric and the City of Riverside. Anything less and San Onofre will face the proverbial wrecking ball staring straight into its massive containment domes.
Jeff, Mission Viejo

Thank you for your stewardship of nuclear reactors. Yes, I am against nuclear power and hoping that we will soon regain our senses and decommission all those filthy reactors. Meanwhile, thanks for trying to keep them safe as they are phased out. It is about time we gave our environment the respect it deserves for supporting our lives.
Karen, Oakland

I appreciate your supervision and constant work on safety regarding SONGS. as a resident of Oceanside and in the critical radius of SONGS, I ask you to do everything in your power to make sure that SONGS will stay shut down permanently and that radioactive waste is safely and properly stored. Our lives, our children and grandchildren, and our environment cannot survive a potential accident. I also urge you to keep working on expanding and investing in clean, renewable, green, safe energy in California and in the rest of the USA.
Alessandra, Oceanside

Please do what you can to be SUPPORTIVE of the restarting of the nuclear power facility. We need the power in S. Orange County. Perhaps Government can help citizens by helping these utility companies provide the power we need, and not simply assume that they are operating the plants in an unsafe manner. My father was a Nuclear engineer, involved with the development of a powerplant for a nuclear aircraft in the 1960s and his understanding of government officials is that they know very little about what they are doing when it comes to technology, and a Nuclear power plant is indeed very high technology. Please assist them and all of us with your support to get this facility back on the grid.
Jeffrey, Laguna Niguel

You are way off base. You need to do all you can to help us switch to 100% nuclear power. Probably doesn't matter to you personally but your grandkids will thank you for the clean nuclear power you can help provide. Get informed. Go to Find out what is REALLY going on.
Keith, Davis

Thank you so much for writing me about San Onofre and the safety concerns at the other 104 reactors across the US. I'm numbering these points because there are 3 very important issues relating to SONGS that I am sure you are concerned with: 1) SONGS must be closed for safety reasons - I have studied the reasons for the leak and know that SoCal Edison misled the NRC about the breadth of change that happened with the new steam generators in order to avoid a full investigation of the safety of the plant. Now SoCal Edison is pointing fingers everywhere - at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, at the computer programmers, everywhere but itself. Regardless of whose fault it was, the reactor is not safe to restart. This is not to mention our vulnerability in case of earthquake, tsunami, etc!) 2) and the $470 million the rate payers spent on the steam generators is gone. We ratepayers are even paying SoCal Edison 54 million per month NOW for SONGS - when it is out of order!!!!! So SONGS does make sense fiscally. 3) The biggest surprise of late to me was that Michael Peevey is both head of the CPUC and the ex-director of So Cal Edison. This man needs to recuse himself from his position at the CPUC for the glaring conflict of interest. He has a vested interest in getting the reactor up and running and is not acting with the interests of Californians at heart. Imagine all of the renewable energy we could create with the money being wasted to protect the shareholders of So Cal Edison. Thank you for reading this and for taking the closing of SONGS seriously.
Mara, Venice

We have gotten along fine w/o this power plant. The people in Japan were told that their power plant was safe too and look what happened to them! We live in an earthquake prone area here that is way overdue for a big one! (just like them) We have NO business having this plant on the coastline where a tsunami could hit also. This is a disaster waiting to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let them reopen it please.
Kay, Spring Valley

Thanks for your participation in this highly important safety issue for the entire USA. I'm convinced that the Nuclear energy production in the country is FAR, FAR too dangerous to continue any longer. The facts bear this out EVERY time I research this issue. Would you please begin and implementation to closing down every single one of these horrendously dangerous reactors before we have a catastrophic event in OUR country? Please begin with the deactivation of San Onofre Nuclear Plant.
William, Manhattan Beach

Thank you so much for "having our backs" down here in South Orange County! It's certainly comforting to know that our safety (regarding the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant) is a priority for you!
Gail, Dana Point

I have absolutely no fear of San Onofre. The decisions made there are always first and foremost, "Public Safety". They are dealing with problems brought about by an interest in more power. The issues will be corrected without public or political concerns.
Ron, Fallbrook

I appreciate your interest about ongoing topics at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). As a member of the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), Local 246, and NRC licensed Senior Reactor Operator who works at SONGS, I have a clear interest in maintaining the high standards required of workers in the nuclear industry. I also want to assure you that despite recent technical concerns related to the recently replaced steam generators, my fellow SONGS workers are equally interested in maintaining those standards. The workers at SONGS, union and non-represented, want to return to being Southern California’s single largest source of greenhouse gas free, affordable and safe electricity. Should you have any doubts or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the unions that represent many of the workers at SONGS. In addition to the UWUA, other unions include the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Carpenters Union and the Laborers International Union.
William, Laguna Niguel

Reading the report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a very reputable and non-partisan research group, our nuclear reactors are not well maintained and significant problems have not been addressed as apparently the Nuclear Regulatory Commission sees itself as serving the needs of their users rather than the health and safety of our nation as a whole. If there was ever a concern for domestic terrorism, access to spent rods are yet another huge concern that would dwarf the bombings by fertilizer. And of course, we have only to look at Japan despite their advance technologies to see the irreparable damage that can be caused by one accident. Please do not let the commission continue that way that they have. My fear is that the Commission will politely nod their heads and continue as they have for many years now. Please, do not let this happen on your watch and under your leadership.
Michael, Santa Rosa

Thank you so much for representing the people's interests by holding the NRC accountable. Nuclear energy is neither clean, sustainable nor even supportable without taxpayer subsidies. We need to move as quickly away from it as possible by developing sustainable sources and shutting these hazardous plants down. Again, thank you for focusing on this issue, I live in Lakewood, Ca, very close to it. I don't want to be another nuclear victim!
Sashi, Lakewood

Please stop stalling the process. Get San Onofre working again. Sure have the necessary safeguards in place... but it is time to get it operating again.
D., Aliso Viejo

Thank you for your actions regarding safety at the San Onofre Nuclear Plant. I feel well represented by you regarding this matter.
Robert, Riverside

Thank you for following through on protection and safety concerns regarding our nuclear power sites in the US. It's good to know someone in our government is doing this.
Jan and Bob, Hayfork

Thank you for taking a personal concern into the safety of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. I appreciate your oversight. We must have confidence that all has been done to ensure the safety of the unit(s) before it is activated again.
Nona, San Clemente

The sooner the plant can once again began providing us with clean, reliable, US made energy, the better for all of us. God knows we need it here in California-one of the most expensive states to live in.
Jerome, Winchester

Thank you for your email about holding the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the highest possible safety standards for the health of our communities. With toxic waste that lasts longer than any recorded civilization (20,000+ years), I cannot imagine why humans do this. When factoring in the cost for babysitting radioactive waste in perpetuity and the incalculable cost of a major accident, it cannot be touted as the low cost energy that justified its initial investment. Now, it's a matter of how do we limit that damage.
Laura, Berkeley

We in our Oxnard, CA community appreciate your Senate actions protecting CA and our Nation from dangerous Nuclear impacts. The City of Oxnard is in close proxmity of the San Onofre Nuclear Plant - it is a constant concern to us. The solution is to invest more in Renewables Solar, Wind etc. I know you are supporting these measures and appreciate you doing that.
Lupe, Oxnard

Thank you for keeping your constituents up to date on the status of San Onofre (SONGS). I hope you will take this moment to listen to your constituents...My Orange County CA neighbors and I all feel the same way... keep San Onofre SHUT DOWN. The risk to our families and property do NOT outweigh the benefits of keeping it demonstrated by the fact that we all just "survived" the last eight weeks of the 4th hottest August in recorded history, with minimal to NO IMPACT to our power supply. We don't have to have San Onofre to survive. There were FLEX ALERTS and it was reported on the news that EVERYONE COOPERATED and turned appliances off when it was needed. That I am aware of, we in Rancho Santa Margarita didn't see any unplanned or widespread blackouts. This tells my neighbors and I that we can certainly get along WITHOUT SONGS, and we would vote to do so! If we don't learn from Fukishima, then we are truly fools. SONGS is just too close to the San Andreas fault, which the USGS tells us will go in a big way at some point... it's not a matter of if, but when.
MaryAnne, Rancho Santa Margarita

We appreciate the safety concerns, but we also hope that you will make every effort to change our policies to encourage the development of more nuclear plants being built on our soil which will help us become more energy dependent. More nuclear energy plants will create more jobs and will improve our economy. While we need to develop all our sources of energy, nuclear energy is the cleanest, safest form of energy.
Eric, Fallbrook

As a person who has studied chemistry for two years I have knowledge of the dangers of nuclear energy. We should learn from japans experience is and act on more secure nuclear plants.
Christian, Montebello

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Lights On Afterschool

Californians respond to my message on Celebrating Afterschool Programs:

Thank you for making sure the children are safe after school. When I was raising my children, I lived in Penna and was very happy to know mine were well taken care of in those after-school programs. this is good for kids and also for their parents!
Kathy, Roseville

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César Chávez

Californians respond to my message on the César E. Chávez National Monument:

I was gratified to read that there is going to be a monument to our role model and leader Caesar Chavez and that President Barack Obama is involved in its dedication. Your efforts on behalf the working men and women of California and their children are appreciated. John, Huntington Beach

Thanks for letting us know about this. It is especially timely in this era of union busting, excessive CEO compensation, and a rapidly growing divide between those on top and the rest of us. I hope that as a result of this designation, many more people will come to know how the efforts of this American hero improved the lives of countless workers.Peter, Vallejo

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Rental Car Safety

Californians respond to my message on Improving Rental Car Safety:

I truly appreciate your efforts and success on behalf of consumers who rent automobiles from car rental agencies. I feel especially happy about this because of my annual trips to Tennessee, where I rent a car from Enterprise. Knowing that autos subject to recall will no longer be available for rental or purchase is a source of great comfort to me, as I have, in the past, wound up with a Toyota Corolla, only to have lingering questions about the vehicle's safety.
Linda, Fremont

I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to you for working so hard on behalf of "US" the 47% and for all your efforts on keeping the car rental companies honest.
Ronnie, Duarte

Thank you so much for working on this safety issue for all of us. Your success with the car rental community is much appreciated!
Mary, Rancho Palos Verdes

Thank you, Senator Boxer, for sponsoring this safety feature; I hadn't realized that rental cars were not already checked for company recalls before being rented to the public.
Josephine, San Diego

Our nation is facing numerous difficulties, not the least is the Federal Reserve printing dollars like they are toilet paper (and pretty soon that is exactly what they will be worth, nothing). So you are proud of a new government regulation. Why? Is this a proper function of the Federal Government? Why would this not be addressed sufficiently within the Universal Commercial Code or currently existing laws?
James, Fullerton

Rental Rules
That's a good idea! I never would of thought of it. Safety is the role of government.
Michael, Montclair

Congratulations for getting this common sense legislation passed. It's unbelieveable that companies can ignore recall notices for life threatening defects. Once again corporate profit wins over consumer safety.
Richard, La Mesa

It's nice to know that you are "on the job". Thanks for taking care of this for us. I'm amazed that you knew that this was even a problem!
Paul, Big Bear Lake

Seems so obvious. Guess Enterprise was a little too enterprising with free enterprise.
Timothy, Sacramento

Thank you for helping to make our world safer.
Barbara, Cambria

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Drivers from Unsafe Rental Cars:

This sounds like common sense. Glad to see this made clear by legislation. Hope you get the needed votes to pass.
Lawrence, Los Angeles

Thank you very much for proposing a bill to require car rental companies to rent safe rental cars only.
Reyna, Sacramento

The subject of this act has been ignored far too long. Many will benefit and far less will loose.
Nancie, Simi Valley

It is not necessary to write a law that prohibits car rental companies from renting a car that is under recall. That is bad business practice and we don't need a law to tell us that. Let the automakers and car rental companies work this out in the contracts between them. Please spend your time on bills that can make a difference in the long term creativity and productivity that this nation excels at. For example, the law that phased out incandenscent bulbs. It sparked innovations and is yielding significant cost savings and helps reduce CO2 emissions.
Brian, Dove Canyon

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Voter ID Laws

Californians respond to my message on Stopping Voter Intimidation:

Voter Suppression is one of my biggest worries about this coming election. After the fiasco of Bush/Gore, it's apparent that 'stealing' an election is entirely possible...if it can't be bought..
Susan, Los Angeles

May I thank you, and also encourage you, in your efforts stop voter suppression. If the right to vote can be curtailed by the actions of a lunatic fringe, it could be the end of our country.
Nancy, West Point

Please keep taking action on this subject, so that we keep at least some control of our precious democracy. Thanks for staying in this stressful job.
Jan, Cambria

I agree with you 100%, that we need every citizen to vote, it is a privilage that we take for granted. But we must make sure that we do not have voter fraud, i see nothing wrong with voter I.D. I think it is a move in the right direction for every American, and to take this right seriously and treat it with the upmost respect. As an American I am proud to Vote and am not intimidated in anyway to show my I.D.
Michael, Chino

Your email was extremely offensive. Middle aged conservatives are too busy working at their jobs to suppress the votes of the career welfare recipients we support. Thank you for the reminder that I must work harder to get your liberal ilk out of office.
Lesley, Santa Maria

Thank you very much for calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce voting rights laws following new reports of widespread efforts by Tea Party-linked groups to intimidate voters and suppress the vote, particularly in low-income and minority neighborhoods. It is gratifying to see increasing attention and action against this egregious effort to disenfranchise low-income and minority voters.
Evan, Long Beach

Thank you for demanding investigation (and prosecution) of tea party Republicans across the nation engaged in voter suppression. It is cynical, craven, un-American, un-democratic, and downright treasonous for a major political party to engage in coordinated activities to undermine our constitutional amendments and voting rights laws, and keep US citizens from exercising their right to vote.
Walter, Los Angeles

I just want to thank you for speaking out on this issue and for taking action. I am both appalled and very, very angry that the fundamental right to vote is being threatened in so many ways in this election cycle, and I very much appreciate your efforts to fight against intimidation and disenfranchisement.
Robert, San Francisco

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Californians respond to my message on Pressing Azerbaijan over Outrageous Pardon:

Thank you for sending the letter to the president of Azerbaijan expressing outrage over the pardon of the murderer of an Armenian soldier taking a NATO language course. We share your outrage and believe in speaking out against such atrocities.
Ian, Sausalito

Thanks. This was an outrage and needed to be addressed.
Ed, San Jose

As a veteran, please let me express my sincere gratitude not only for your actions in this instance, but your never-ending commitment to both my brothers and sisters in arms as well as the veterans.
Jack, Moreno Valley

As an Armenian American, I appreciate you doing the right thing showing your outrage at the Hungarian government for releasing a (convicted in Hungarian court) Azeri Axe Murderer, an officer in the Azeri army, no less. He was pardoned upon touching foot in Azerbaijan, despite promises made to Hungary that he would be imprisoned. He was welcomed in his homeland as a national hero for his cold blooded murder of an Armenian Officer in a hotel room during joint NATO exercises in Hungary! I hope your vigilance and outspoken stand will bear some positive fruit and that justice will be done.
Bedros, Pleasanton

Bravo and thank you for taking action and writing a protest to President Aliyev!
Bruce, Los Angeles

Thank you for writing that strong letter to the head crook of Azerbaijan about releasing the murder of the Armenian. The murderer return to feverish acclaim! Few other legislators would bother with such an "obscure" matter, so I am glad to see you are on top of it.
Sara, Santa Monica

Thank you for your proactive message to President Aliyev.
Fred, Hacienda Heights

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Older Americans Act

Californians respond to my message on Strengthening the Older Americans Act:

As I am 68 y/old I had no idea about this and was very glad to learn of it.
Sharon, Martinez

Thank you for working on the new Sanders bill (S.3562), which includes your Caring for an Aging America Act. It is my understanding that these combined proposals pursue legislation to update and continue the Older Americans Act (OAA) and related programs as well as to implement new ones. We need it! Younger adults reading this, be aware! Aging takes one by surprise and life can turn on a dime! For example, it seems only yesterday that I played tennis; biked; rode horses; escorted my children to music lessons, the library, and parks; did the room mother thing; attended college courses part time; worked at technical/science writing and editing; and, I could easily go on. However, now, I find myself 69 years of age, disabled, receiving "Meals on Wheels", and living on Social Security! My life has completely changed in ways I had not dreamed of, because I am older and disabled. Believe me when I say that I am so grateful for the senior services/help I receive. And, I know many other seniors who are, too. We do need updated policies and procedures in place to assist our increasing senior population with the latest in treatments, trained caregivers, and protections. Better sooner than later!
Shayla, Anaheim

Thank you for taking the initiative to support health care professionals and others to receive training in gerontology. It is important that we as a nation care for all older Americans. This population has much to give to our country both in time as volunteers and in wisdom of experience and knowledge they have gained throughout their lives. Healthcare, housing, spiritual and social needs are crucial areas where older Americans need support from those who understand this stage of life. Thank you for working on this bill.
Portia, San Jose

I am 74 and a retired blue collar worker. Sounds like S3562 is another entitlement bill. What ever happened to those greatest of American traits - personal responsibility and self reliance? Everyone has their whole working life to prepare for their old age. Shame on them if they did not prepare and just lived for the moment!!
John, Fairfield

Thank you so much for your leadership in reauthorizing the Older Americans Act. I appreciate your support of Senator Sanders and this crucial bill for our seniors.
Clay, Aptos

Thank you for your good work in the Senate and for co-sponsoring the act to protect seniors. I feel I can rely on you to support legislation that is good for the people in general and for the more fragile of us in particular.
LaVern, Anaheim

Thank you for your continued support of senior citizens needing assistance in staying in their homes. I am a retired RN and did Home Health Care for a year. The quality of life and the happiness of the people living at home with some support are much happier and much healthier than those in care facilities. Keep up the good work. I am now a senior citizen and hope to be able to stay in my home until I die.
Carol, Nipomo

Thank you so much for your hard work in passing this important legislation. Please know that we are behind you on S3562.
Esther, Santa Clara

You sent me a note regarding welfare to older citizens. While this is very helpful to many people but do you ever consider priorities when you introduce legislation? You people in congress are able to find lots of ways to send money without regard to budget and deficits. Please stop looking for ways to spend our tax dollars and start looking for ways to reduce spending by determining priorities. While this requires tough decisions it is the way to run households and government.
Delvin, Danville

Thank you so much for working with Bernie Sanders on this bill...I thank God for the two of you! I know you have my interests at heart and the interests of all your constituents.
MaryJane, Rancho Cordova

I totally support you efforts to reauthorize and update the Older Americans Act (OAA). Thank you for this important work.
Jacqueline, Livermore

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Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands

Californians respond to my message on Protecting the Coast and Creating Jobs in Mendocino County:

Just a quick note to say thank you for your efforts to include Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County in the California Coastal National Monument.
Chris, Vista

Thank you for introducing legislation to expand the boundary of the California Coastal National Monument to include the Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County!
Silka, San Diego

Excellent Idea!
Frank, Fullerton

Our state is so fortunate to possess many natural locales that are breathtakingly beautiful and home to so many species of plants and animals. And the coastline is very much a part of California's spectacular environmental treasures. I am very pleased by your conservation efforts.
Susan, San Carlos

Thank you Boxer and Feinstein for introducing legislation to add Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County to the California Coastal National Monument. This means so much to the residents of this county and is important in preserving our beautiful state coastline. And while I have your attention, thank you for all you do in representing women, women's rights, education, healthcare, and California environmental issues. Thank you.
Pat, Gualala

You must stop taking our land and claiming it for government control.
Julia, San Juan Capistrano

Thank you for trying to save this beautiful area for generations of Americans and visitors to enjoy. Also, thank you for keeping me up to date on what you feel is noteworthy.
Carol, San Carlos

The California coast is a treasure that should be preserved for all. The beauty of this endangered if we do not put measures in place to keep this marvelous area pristine, but the wonderful wildlife would be at risk, as well.
Sharlene, Rough and Ready

Since I grew up in Mendocino County, I am especially glad to see your proposed legislation to protect its beauty and create jobs there. I hope to return "home" one day.
Carol, Roseville

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Passengers with Disabilities

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Airline Passengers with Disabilities:

I applaud you for your response to the recent airline incident involving the young man with Down syndrome and his family members. Individuals with disabilities are often overlooked by policy makers. The fact that you were not only responsive to the need but also shared this situation with your constituents is valuable in increasing the public's awareness of this type of injustice. As the director of a foundation that focuses its efforts on promoting health care access to adults with developmental disabilities, I do not see this level of concern expressed by legislators very often. Thank you for caring for those who deserve greater respect and attention. You truly represent "the people".
Lynne, East Palo Alto

Aside from the inconvenience caused when anyone's trip is delayed unnecessarily, those of us in the non-handicapped world often have no idea just how much hurt and embarrassment we can cause to the handicapped and their families. Often, in cases like this, a lot of preparation has gone into making the person feel capable of making the trip -- and it is all undone by a moment's thoughtless response.
Dawn, Fountain Valley

Thank you for taking your time to write a letter to the U.S. Air Transportation Secretary. When I read about this family's experience while trying to fly, I was shocked. I do not understand how this group of airline staff can be so very ignorant with regard to Downs Syndrome. Training is certainly needed.
Francia, Visalia

Hello I am deaf lady. Any Airline should have respect to hearing impaired passengers while they go to any airline. The flight attendents should learn to respect us, deaf/hard of hearing passengers and explain the messages whenever the flight attendents and the pilots make the announcement in the plane flight (public announcement). Thanks,
Susan, West Covina

Thank you for your action, we are disabled too wife is deaf and oxygen bottle user with pacemaker and I myself am deaf too. We had bad experience with airline service in past as we did not make big noise as down syndrome boy's parent did. In fact every airline system need to learn about any kind of disabilities. I appreicate your action on behalf of all disabilities.
Arthur, Sacramento

In 1976 I was on a flight out of Oakland to Southern CA. I realized as I boarded the plane that many of the other passengers were teenagers with Down Syndrome and other disabilities. I believe they were headed to the Special Olympics. The stewardess was wonderful. She gave them candy and wings they could pin on their shirts. She talked to them, played games with them, and kept them entertained all the way. At the time I thought she deserved a special commendation. I'm sorry that not all airline personnel have her wonderful gift. Thank you for the legislation defending the rights of the disabled.
Barbara, Pleasanton

If that happened to me I would use another airline. Why do we need the government to intervene?      
Stacy, Angels Camp

Thank you for your efforts in response to the incident of the person with Down Syndrome, and for your efforts to see that all people with disabilities have the opportunities to live, work, and travel at will. Your work is not going unrecognized or unappreciated by your constituents, even if we seldom respond to what you accomplish.
William, San Jose

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Coastal Cleanup

Californians respond to my message on California Coastal Cleanup Day:

Thank you for acknowledging the Coastal Cleanup Day on Sept 15. We participate during this event in the Delta area as well, because the rivers and delta watershed are so important to our ecosystem and the much of the trash upstream pollutes our lovely beaches as well.
Margo, Stockton

I have volunteered for a couple of cleanups in the past. They really do help. There are laws forbidding littering. I hope these laws are being enforced. The enforcement of these laws are a good reminder for some people who cannot discipline themselves.
William, San Diego

Your concern over clean beaches is fine. we in del norte co. constantly try to keep our beaches clean. However at this time with our embasies under fire in the middle east. massive unemployment, debt a frightning 16 plus trillion.the massive loss in our contries industrial base I along with many others believe your priorities should be adjusted to the above major problems.
Albert, Smith River

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Hispanic Heritage

Californians respond to my message on Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month:

It is good that the United States recognize Hispanics (and other native Americans) being that we as a country took away what now is most of the southwest and California. I being a caucasian native of Californian feel this is a step forward in recognizing Hispanics and the fact they are equal and should have the respect that caucasian have. This is what the United States of America should be all about, equality for all no matter what race or religious belief. Once again Senator Boxer you have shown that you are for the everyday people.
Charles, Arroyo Grande

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Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Californians respond to my message Honoring Hispanic-Serving Institutions:

I love your work for all Americans, including Latinos.
Allan, Huntington Beach

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Violence Against Women Act

Californians respond to my message on Protecting All Women from Domestic Violence:

Thank you for you continued support of Women’s issues. We are all in this battle together & I appreciate you standing up against the misogynists in Congress!!!
Penelope, Grass Valley

Thanks Barbara Boxer for all you do in the area of protecting women who are abused by supporting legislation which helps and/or supports prevention and intervention. We need more consequences for abusers - our state has moved us back 10 years in the legislation and laws that now allow victims to be revictimized by courts who make her face her abuser or they won't prosecute. So sad that we worked so hard to move forward and laws keep us down and back 10 years.
Kathie, Panorama City

Thank you for your unwavering support of the renewal and strengthening of the Violence Against Women Act. I am proud that you represent me in the Senate and that you have consistently represented the best of California.
Angela, Oakland

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Berryessa BART Station

Californians respond to my message on Moving Ahead with BART to the Silicon Valley:

We need to increase our funding for transportation and, as you said, this will increase the available jobs. Also, the Members need look no furtHer than Boise, Idaho to see how the construction of a trail there has brought a thriving economy to the businesses around it. Safety is also a consideration for this Bill.
Charlene, San Leandro

I agree with the importance, and the importance of keeping transportation flexibility including biking and walking trails.
Michael, Roseville

Thanks for the note about the BART extension. That is something that means a lot to me. Now if only it was going to get to Montague before 2018.
Jeff, Oakland

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Libyan Consulate Attack

Californians respond to my message on the Deadly Attack in Libya:

Thank you for sending out this wonderful message of condolence and acknowledgement of the ambassador's gifts on behalf of his country. At a time like this, we need compassion and then justice.                 
Jo, Murphys

Your words touched me very deeply. Thank you for speaking about this atrocity and for memorializing those who were killed in their service to our country. I am grateful for your eloquence and empathy. In deepest sympathy,
Fritz, San Francisco

Thank you for expressing your views to your constituents. I almost always agree with you, and certainly in this case of such tragic loss.
Marion, Oakland

Thank you for your non-partisan e-mail. At times of crisis, we should stand shoulder-to-shoulder as Americans. Respectfully,
Bruce, Buena Park

Thank you for acknowledging the service of these courageous individuals. Their efforts were not in vain.
Sharon, Long Beach

Thank you for your message tonight regarding the assassination of our Ambassador. Please work with other Democratic Senators and Congressman to help the President see how important it is that he put forth a strong defense of why his foreign policy is NOT to blame for this horrible event. Mitt Romney is using every opportunity to characterize the President as WEAK...and we need to see the President demonstrate strength and assertiveness at this time in our foreign policy. I know that it is complex and that most Americans are not privy to all that is going on behind the scenes. But the President needs to answer his critics and not just be silent. Thank you for your impetus in this matter.
David, Fresno

I EXPECT the United States to end diplomatic relations with Libya until the murderers of our diplomatice personell are caught and brought to justice. I also expect any aid to Libya to be ended. Libya must pay a price for their actions!
Terry, Stockton

I stand with you as do all good Americans and condemn the heinous killing of the four Americans in Libya. Thank you for making the announcement and representing California
Kai, Tracy

In this painful time of loss, i am so disappointed in the War Mongering stance you and others in the highest positions of power are taking. It is irresponsible and feels like a pandering to public emotion instead of an intelligent, wise and rational gathering of information and response formation. I continue to be a supporter in general, but it is devastating to see crisis events in foreign policy be so blately used for political gain, on both sides. We need the wisdom of great leaders who can deal with the world's complexities instead of immediately calling for blood and revenge.
Lisa, Los Angeles

I appreciate your quick and responsible response to the diplomatic killings. I hope that we will find the murderers quickly and deal with justice swiftly - I don't mean killing in return, but to bring them to trial.
Dolores, Chula Vista

I am praying for peace and that President Obama will be successful in finding out who those evil preditors are that killed them in such a horrible manner. Here in America we have unrest about age old gripes; and perhaps folks can put aways those resentments and band together as a united nation. Love heals all!
Molly, San Leandro

I am glad to see the resolve to catch the perpetrators of the attack. I am also concerned that we have in our own country, people so ignorant and irresponsible as the one who made the film. Freedom of speech should not endanger others. It was good for President Obama to acknowledge the perpetrators were but a small group, apart from the Lybian citizens who are our friends. We should redirect that comment to our own selves. Most of us are tolerent of each others religious beliefs here in the States. We must see past our borders the same way. And we should have a path to deal with our own who would jeapordize the safety of the rest of us through their stupidity and hatred.
Christine, San Diego

Great Comments Senator Boxer. We all feel the same
Richard, San Francisco

Please vote down sending any more money to Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Pakistan. These countries are laughing at us, and killing American citizens, while they take our money. We need to stop immediately sending another penny over there, and we need to keep the money here in our country, and help our citizens and our veterans, and our industries who need assistance...Please vote down sending anymore money over to those countries....we need to start being smart with our money, and smarter with whom we are creating alliances with.
Molly, Lakewood

When you state "we must all stand together...and commit ourselves to bringing the perpetrators of these heinous acts to justice," I hope this doesn't mean only those who are directly involved in the killing of our fellow Americans in Libya, but those who incited this incident from our own country. From what I've read on these murderous acts, the actual perpetrators are right here in the United States. The filmmaker in California and the Rev. Jones in Florida. In my mind, these two men should be brought up on charges of treason against the United States, inciting what could become a full-on war. And, I know they will most likely hide behind the freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but their acts have gone too far when innocent people are murdered as a result.
Rob, Sacramento

Please convey to the families of those killed in this outrageous attack, our deepest sympathies for their loss. We respect and admire those that serve us in all parts of the world, and we need to continue to give them our full support.
Dorothy, Kentfield

Thank you for your e-mail concerning the recent bombing of the US Embassy in Lybia. As a US citizen, I also share with you the concern and the sad news of the recent killings of US diplomats working at the US Embassy in Lybia. I really have concerns and question why the US invaded Lybia and assisted the rebels who where trying to overthrow the Lybian government in the first place. Yes, Lybia had a cruel dictator, but other US actions could have forced the removal or death of this dictator. The bottom line is that the people living in any of these countries have to all want peace and freedom, not just a few. The people need to work towards establishing their own government. The US has no right to invade, disrupt, dismantle other foreign governments. Today the world lives with more fear of attacks and disruption here in the US and abroad. Thanks to former US administrations, Pandora's box was opened. The only road to true peace has to come within though negotiation, proper planning and setting goals by its own people. Thank you for your continued service. You are a good listener.
William, Palm Springs

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19th Amendment

Californians respond to my message on Celebrating Women's Suffrage:

Thank you so much for reminding people of the anniversary of woman suffrage in the United States. So often this day goes entirely unremarked, despite the central importance of the right to vote and the long struggle of women to obtain the ballot. We should all remember to stop and acknowledge the debt on August 26th as well as go to the polls and vote! Without voting, no level of government really hears you speak.
Elizabeth, Livermore

At 88 years, I've seen many changes for women that improved our lives, though we still have a long, long way to go, as recent incidents have clearly shown. I'm proud to say I'm a constituent of Senator Boxer, and think you do a wonderful job. Thank you!
Jean, Sherman Oaks

Thank you for your email discussing (and celebrating!) the 1920 Amendment! I was excited to read your letter and appreciate your support of women's (anyone's) right to vote. As a man, I'm thrilled to live at a time and in a country where women are equal. We need ongoing (and more) leadership that increases education, embraces science & knowledge so that individuals gain confidence and generate "a voice" based on reasoning. Furthermore, I applaud your work to improve women's rights by providing financial support for their health, birth control, etc...these are essential knowledge areas for our freedom and creates a healthier society.
Erik, Truckee

I just wanted to thank you for remembering and recognizing the anniversary of the 19th Amendment. It shocks me that there are still issues based solely on whether a person is a woman. I can't believe birth control and abortion are still "issues" all these years later! They are not the business of government, they are personal decisions. Keep up the good fight!
Katy, Hermosa Beach

It was great to hear from you reminding us about the 19th amendment about the full power of the constitution to be applied towards the voting rights of women in our country. As the father of two daughters and grandfather of one of their daughters, it is especially important to me and my wife. As you have also pointed out correctly, the stark fact that women make only 77% of what men make for comparable work they do in the workplace, a sad reminder to reality. Obviously, we have a long way to go to achieve the level of equality in financial terms. Senators like you and other like minded senators should work together towards bringing this inequality in focus and do whatever is needed in practical terms to attain equality in compensation. I am sure we can count on your support.
Sailes, Livermore

I am delighted to get your email. While America has allowed women to vote, I think minority women are a neglected lot. They need better representation in offices and the government. I am a proud American citizen, and a minority woman. Much more awareness needs to be awakened in mainstream America to respect minority women's rights. I sacrificed having a family for my American dream and hope the government with President Obama's leadership in the second term, moves forward to create a better economy and a world order. I am searching for employment and cannot find work commensurate with my education, due to my ethnic minority status. Please continue your good work. Sincerely,
Deepti, San Francisco

Thank you for reminding us all of the begining of womens rights. Indeed we have a very long way to go until Fools like Aiken can learn the difference of forceable rape vs legitimate rape. Some men talk about us like we are still in ancient cultures and they OWN us and our bodies...even after they forcebly rape us and leave us pregnant with their babies. It's about time the laws get set straight and start to protect the women and mothers of this world. Thank you Senator Boxer for keeping us upfront in your mind.
Susan, Los Angeles

Thank you for putting the big picture frame around the recent small mean-spirited actions of the opposition party members. The majority of emotionally intelligent women no doubt react to the current irrational travesty being pursued by Republicans, but the human plight of women for all these decades is the backbone of the fight that goes beyond political parties.
Elizabeth, Ojai

I am proud and appreciative of the suffrage movement that opened the door for the equality for women. I am offended however that your message claims the August 1st health care reform offers women services for free. Nothing in life is FREE and telling people this furthers our problems with families lacking or striving for financial self sufficiency. We the people, or rather those of us tax payers, are footing the bill whether we wish to or not. Please don't insult your readers or us Californian's by claiming the government offers anything for free.
Katie, Fresno

Thank you for your lovely note about the anniversary of Women's Suffrage. It is nice to know that such a celebration does not go unsung. As we get closer to election day, the women of America are going to take more cheap shots with some of them coming from other women. But, I want to share with you another great day in history. Well, actually it hasn't happened yet. It is the National Rally for Improving Birth on September 3, 2012, Labor Day. This rally is to make America aware that women (and their families) are crying for evidence based maternity care. Cesearean sections are the most commonly performed MAJOR surgery performed in the US because doctors are not practicing evidence based care. I love that this rally is happening on Labor Day and not because of the word labor. I love that it is happening on a day that is a celebration of employee rights. The fire in a New York City factory over a 100yrs ago employed mostly women and almost all of them perished. From the ashes of that fire, was born unionization and a national day of recognition. I love that it is on Labor Day because women are half the workforce and we hold up half the sky. This fight still continues and we are still fighting for our RIGHTS! Respectfuly,
Lisa, San Marcos

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Auto Safety

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Drivers from Unsafe Rental Cars:

This sounds like common sense. Glad to see this made clear by legislation. Hope you get the needed votes to pass.
Lawrence, Los Angeles

Thank you very much for proposing a bill to require car rental companies to rent safe rental cars only.
Reyna, Sacramento

The subject of this act has been ignored far too long. Many will benefit and far less will loose.
Nancie, Simi Valley

It is not necessary to write a law that prohibits car rental companies from renting a car that is under recall. That is bad business practice and we don't need a law to tell us that. Let the automakers and car rental companies work this out in the contracts between them. Please spend your time on bills that can make a difference in the long term creativity and productivity that this nation excels at. For example, the law that phased out incandenscent bulbs. It sparked innovations and is yielding significant cost savings and helps reduce CO2 emissions.
Brian, Dove Canyon

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Hate Crimes

Californians respond to my message on Tracking Hate Crimes Against Sikh Americans:

Thank you for creating a bipartisan statement about stopping Hate Crimes. Our nation was founded on diversity especially in our individual faiths. As a Christian and a parent of a daughter who works internationally I see the effects of tolerance and intolerance in the world up close. We must as a national policy continue to promote tolerance and stop hate crimes.
Martha, Mill Valley

I am american Sikh I am us citizen.I appreciate the steps taken by us govt. after the innocent sikhs killings.Media and govt do a good job to console us. The only problem is of the mistaken identity of the sikhs. This incident help us to make our identy as a different sect.IN this country people have lack of general knoweldge. Policeman MR MURFY WILL BE OUR HERO.His name will be written golden pages in our history. our communty can not repay his debt the job he done to save many lives. If he dont come on time and did not put his life in risk the causalities would be hundreds.We respect our contitution and its law. We welfare unto all is our motto of our religion. We respect everybody in this country. I am also thankful honorable senator Barbara for helping American Sikhs.
Buta Singh, Tustin

I applaud you on taking the lead and doing something about the trend in hate crimes aimed at the Sikh community. These people have the right to worship as they see fit, dress as they see fit, and live peaceably among us. The tragedy that occurred in Wisconsin was terribly played down, if it had been a Protestant Church we'd most likely have seen a greater out-cry. ALL faiths are to be equally protected under the Constitution, ALL. You believe in this, and I want to commend you. Renee, Rancho Santa Margarita

When I got your email about tracking attacks on Sikhs, I was so proud that my Senator from California was working to stop hate crimes. I think there are more hate crimes now than there were 12 years ago due to the attacks on September 11, 2001, several states adopting same-sex marriage and through the election of President Obama. People can't seem to help themselves in their daily rhetoric about people they have always hated but weren't saying anything until they were forced to when they felt that their control was being stolen from them. Now they are trying to control women's health care choices. I know we are being watched by the World and people see how backward we are becoming and how weak that makes us on the world stage.
Merrily, San Diego

As usual, you are always at the forefront of ensuring equality, fairness and protections for all Americans. I applaud your request to the Attorney General for the collection and tracking of data on hate crimes committed against Sikh Americans. Hate crimes must never be tolerated.
Glenn, North Hollywood

I doubt the attacks were specifically directed at Sikhs, but rather at someone who looked different. In this case, someone wearing a turban. It would do most Americans a world of good to learn about other cultures. To get to know immigrants in their own communities - refugees perhaps. Or to visit other countries with a dictionary and a smile instead of tanks and guns.
Linda, San Diego

Thank you for putting in the effort to bring this hate crime to light. I appreciate all you do for your California constituents and you ALWAYS have my vote! Thank you!
Holly, Corralitos

I fully support your call to have AG Holder investigate hate crimes against the Sikh community. I would also strongly encourage you to call for stepped-up investigations of all domestic hate and terrorist groups. I realize that the Republicans in Congress have pushed back on these types of investigations but the significant increase in the number of these groups poses a serious threat to the domestic security of the United States. Not only are their numbers growing but their hateful rhetoric and stockpiling of weapons make these groups a more serious threat than any foreign terrorist organization. I hope that you will take my comments into serious consideration and urge the expansion of the Attorney General's investigations.
David, Carlsbad

Why not urge the Attorney General to take prompt action to ensure that hate crimes against "Americans" are recorded and tracked so that law enforcement can better allocate the resources needed to prevent and respond to these terrible crimes. Why single out just one class of people (citizen and non-citizen).
Douglas, Paramount

Thanks for your efforts ....... Being a Sikh myself, I do appreciate it ...
Nirmal, North Hills

Thanks for your note about violence against Muslims. How about sponsoring a bill that deals with violence against Christians? With as much hate as there is in America, I think we need to return to our core Christian values, which would mean that there would be no "hate" crimes against anyone. So, how about sponsoring a bill that would encourage traditional marriages and nuclear families? That would solve a lot of our problems and give you a lot more free time.
Jim, Folsom

There is a large Sikh Temple just north of Berkeley. Many Sikhs are taxi drivers; one was shot in the State Capitol City, Sacramento. We should not be attacking any population group!
Marion, Oakland

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Fort Ord National Monument

Californians respond to my message on Senator Boxer Visits Fort Ord:

Growing up in Watsonville and traveling through the area of Fort Ord recalls many happy childhood memories. Your attention to holding this land for future visitors and residents makes it possible to enjoy a part of California that is natural and coastal. Where there are now hotels there used to be sand dunes which I always found fun and sometimes impossible to climb. My cousins, aunts and uncles found our conquest of the dunes time for laughter playfulness. Preserving what still remains is commendable. Thank you for your oversight and attention to my homeland.
Soto, Alice J., Costa Mesa

Perserving the old Fort Ord by turning it into a national museum was so smart. Thank you for your part in getting this to happen. I appreciate your good works and I am in awe of the hours you put in to get "things" done. This does not go unnoticed by me.
Merlys, Modesto

I grew up in the Monterey Peninsula and witnessed all of the Army Service People that went through training there. Including my best friend, raised in Seaside, also trained there. Unfortunately he perished one week after he was deployed to Vietnam in the hands of the North Vietnamese and Vietcongs! Fort Ord, indeed, is an historical monument manifesting all the carnages suffered by our military thru all the post World War II battles our USA have endured. Preserving Fort Ord will be a little gratitude we could extend to all our service people that gave the "ultimate sacrifice" to preserve and continue the "freedom" lots of us enjoy, notwithstanding, overlook daily. As a former Vietnam Air Force Veteran, I salute you for your passion.
Dan, Carmel

As a Vietnam era vet, I am extremely pleased that you are taking an interest in veterans. I would like to tell you that you should do more of the kind of work that involves veterans, and make it known publicly. We – vets - need more politicians who are interested in veterans affairs. We gave it our all and you should too. Respectfully

Thank you for helping to get National Monument designation for this site! Thanks too, for your continued hard work on behalf of America's people.
Diane, Sacramento

Thank you for taking the initiative to create a National Monument at Fort Ord to honor our veterans and for all to enjoy. Our family appreciates your support of environmental issues.
Silka, San Diego

Thank you for your support of Ford Ord, the three-fold asset to CA, the veterans, and the nation. It is deeply appreciated.
Diana, Redding

Although I commend you and others for helping to keep and preserve Fort Ord to commemorate our military. However, the best commemoration would be to make sure our troops have jobs to come home to and adequate mental and physical health care for all the troops. National monuments, no matter how important, will not feed nor provide adequate healthcare for our fathers, mothers, daughters/sons and granchildren.
Ursula, Sanger

Thank you for information on your trip to Fort Ord and its dedication. I think this is a good action and am very pleased to have you for our Senator you are very responsible and hardworking an outstanding Senator.
Maryan Wokas, Lincoln

Thank you for the Fort Ord photos. My family spent over four wonderful years there in the mid-to-late 1970's. It was a nice trip down memory lane to remember those times. I am delighted that 15,000 acres have become a National Monument.           
Helene, Bonsall

As a Vietnam veteran who trained at Fort Ord, I appreciate the fact that Senator Boxer gave her enthusiastic support to the proposal to turn the area into a National Monument. The Fort Ord experience binds many veterans over many years, and seeing it fall into a decaying state of limbo after its closure saddened me, and I'm sure, bothered other veterans as well. At age 66 I still delight in the notion that I may still visit this place of memories, and hike the back country where we were "tortured" into a physical condition, never again to be equaled (for most of us) for the rest of our lives. This is a prime example of how a government that represents the common man is so necessary. In the other extreme rampant capitalism, in the form of greedy land developers, would have turned those lands into whatever would turn a fast buck. Thanks to Senator Boxer, and others, the true meaning of that special place will be preserved and respected!
Robert, Ukiah

My father trained at Fort Ord and I still believe it is a complete waste of money to designate this place to a National Monument or any other Govt owned money pitt. Don't you get it Senator Boxter? We are broke! Stop spending ANY money on non-essentials.
Dan, Santa Cruz

Thank you for preserving the land that housed Ft. Ord. I trained at Ft. Ord for basic and advanced infantry and was sent to Fort Benning in Georgia. I am a Vietnam combat veteran and the training I received at Ft. Ord help keep me alive in Vietnam. Again thank you for your service to our country.
Jay, Culver City

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“Legitimate Rape”

Californians respond to my message on An Appalling Attack on Women:

Keep up the good work, Senator Boxer. It's disgraceful that someone in the Congress, and on a science committee no less, can make the incredibly stupid remarks that Rep. Akins did last weekend. The American people, I hope, can see beyond such demagoguery and reject it.
Peter, Redwood City

I really believe that this guy has no heart at all. I am a rape victim by a family member and I was just lucky that I did not get pregnant. Please continue your battle against this kind of oppression.
Louise, Costa Mesa

These statements were offensive and clearly not just a "poor choice of words" that can be easily retracted. I believe this was a perfect example of the war conservative Republicans are waging against women and reproductive rights. I can't thank you enough for immediately responding with such a clear and rational response. Please continue to advocate for women, and for the need to have elected representatives who have a basic understanding of human biology and who will continue to advocate for continued access to basic healthcare services.
Jennifer, Scotts Valley

As a rape survivor of multiple rape by several young men, I find that comment not only medically uninformed, but think he must be a neanderthal from another planet. Rape is rape and a violation of a woman's body. How dare someone who can not be impregnated make such an audacious comment???? Throw the bum out as being too stupid even for Congress.
Linda, San Rafael

More than anything else his comment points to his total ignorance and it's frightening to think a person running for Congress could be so poorly educated - not to mention what this says about everyone who believes this rubbish. What's happened to education in this country, let alone what's happening to women's rights??
Joan , San Anselmo

While I respect your right to be offend by Rep Akin's comments, what disturbs me far more is how a man that is so ignorant could possibly be a member of the House of Representatives and is seeking the a place in the Senate. If there is a such a thing as a "Legitimate Rape" then what the heck would be an "Illegitimate Rape"? And what sort of Doctors is he talking to, who could possibly tell him these bizarre "facts" about a woman's body "biological defenses to prevent pregnancy"? If believes such fantasies, what else is he going to believe? And what's sorts of legislation is he going to back that's based on bogus information? You and all other Democrats should point out such an ignorant man really should not be in the halls of Congress.
Clem, Cupertino

I found Todd Akin's remarks so sickening that I just can't keep quiet. I have to tell someone my story. At the age of seventeen I was innocent, naive, and a virgin. A guy who I did not know was on drugs, and who I thought liked me offered to take me home from some friends house. He drove me out to some isolated area and violently raped me. At the time I actually thought he was going to kill me. Well he didn't kill me but from that one encounter I became pregnant. I guess I didn't have that miracle body that handles things on its own, so I tried the underground abortion route and that didn't go well for me either. So against my will I have a 46 year old son who I love very much but as long as I live I will never forget the horrible night that led to his conception.
Cecelia, La Puente

Mr. Akin: These absurd remarks are either made from ignorance or from ideology that is dangerous to all women...or perhaps a combination of both. I am quite sure you have read the letter to you from Eve Ensler writing from Bukavu, Congo. If not, I urge you to read it. Perhaps you will be enlightened...I can only pray so. What is "legitimate rape"? Indeed RAPE IS RAPE.
Dorothea, San Juan Capistrano

Thank you for your update on Todd Akin. My wife and I totally agree with you and I sincerely hope that he does not win the election in his home state. God Bless you and keep you safe.
Earnie, Morro Bay

I would like to say that "Hope" is not working...only anger and testifying to the barbarism of the Republican party will bring them down, so please move from hope to stronger affirmative action.
Elizabeth, Ojai

Dear Senator Boxer, thank you for speaking out on Mr Akin's... I'm wordless for a description of his beliefs! But something wonderful has occurred since his blunder on National TV, the spotlight has been turned toward a very real issue, the GOP's extreme attitude toward women's rights and the blending & acceptance of Religion & Politics. I remember when women didn't have a legal choice of birth control, couldn't have credit cards in their names, and couldn't buy homes by themselves. It scares me to hear this assault on women creeping into reality again..
Jeannette, Trabuco Canyon

I cannot believe any woman would vote for any Republicans running for any office this year. I feel like the women in Congress and the Senate should take a stand on these issues so it is heard round the world. I have a 21 year daughter and it's difficult to explain to her what is happening and why. Romney looks and acts like an overgrown Ken doll and Ryan is not far behind.
Cynthia, Concord

What an ad for BASIC biology and sex education!! I pleases me that EVERYONE finds these remarks offensive as well as loony!
Patsy, Point Reyes Station

Please do not tar all Republicans with the extremely offensive remarks of one "jerk;" who is running for the Senate. Both parties are jumping all over any one who makes that type of comment, and we, the public, are entitled to a more civil discourse from both parties.
Joe, Palm Desert

As a victim of violent rape which nearly killed me, I cannot believe that a presumably educated public official such as Todd Aiken (R-MO) would make such an assertion regarding rape. Just exactly what is his medical definition of "shutting the whole thing down"? First, I think persons wishing to run for office should take an aptitude test, psychological test, and other tests to determine their "fitness" for office. As a Medically Retired State of CA worker, I can assure you that this man would not make the cut for “Office Assistant”, which is just about the lowest job available. Second, if the person is not sufficiently qualified to run for office after testing assessment, he should keep his mouth shut. I have no money now, or I would give it all to remove the republicans from office. Thank you.
Kathleen, Oakland

First let me say "Thank You" for confronting GOP Rep. Todd Akins. I'd like to make a point clear, most men would never entertain such a hideous and vile attitude and would never dare to expatiate such idiotic, chauvinistic, inane and cruelly brutal opinions and thoughts. As a proud strong feminist Brother, let me again both condemn and apologize for GOP Rep. Todd Akins, as well as those of his cohort GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan who obviously shares this and similar views! I'd like to Thank you for allowing me to voice the predominate views held by almost every single thinking male alive.
Alberto, Port Hueneme

Once again, Republican men are are going back to the dark ages in their attitudes towards women and complete inability to acknowledge biology and women's physiology. The attack on women and women's rights by the Republican right continues.
Jack, Corona Del Mar

With all due respect. I would like to correct your understanding of Akin's statement. It is not outrageous; it is certainly not an attack on women, nor has it anything to do with Paul Ryan. However, it is a very stupid statement. Trying to find votes with inflammatory comments like yours will only lose votes for the Democrat party. Don't you think people see the futility? Stick with real issues, please.
Richard, Diamond Bar

I am shocked by his intentional stupidity. 1) "Legitimate Rape"?? what constitutes "illegitimate rape"?? 2) He argued that womens bodies fight off pregnancy in this fictional scenario. Can the AMA expose this for the 1930's misogyny that it is? 3) the residents of his state must be stuck in the 1800's if they believe this kind of idiotic thinking!
Jane, Los Angeles

As a devout Catholic I honor my faith but do not believe that I have any right to impose it on others. What difference is there between men such as Mr. Akin and terrorists that seek to forcefully impose their ideologies? Women have been the targets of abuse by some men for centuries. As a grandmother, I was hoping we would move past that to full partnership in the life experience.
Susan, Berkeley

Thank you for speaking out against vicious attacks by GOP leaders whose greed cloud their eyes to treating women with respect and compassion. Thank you for being a champion of women's right to have control over their own bodies.
Gail, Palo Alto

I find Congressman Todd Akin's ridiculous statements about rape extremely appalling. As a Physician Assistant, I can assure you they are inaccurate.
Lucy, South Gate

While I do NOT agree with the words of Todd Akin, I couldn't help but notice the ferocity with which you attack the pro-life platform of the GOP. I fully support personhood legislation and can't believe the blindness of people like yourself who deny the personhood of babies in utero for their own selfish agendas, despite advances in understanding of life science.
Hannah, Pleasant Hill

The answer to women's problems is the Equal Rights Amendment! If we had equal rights no one would suggest such nonsense.
Dawn, Santa Maria

I agree with you fully. The Republican Party has been trying to take women back 60 years. Thank you for standing up for equality for all.
Joan, Concord

What is "LEGITIMATE RAPE"? How can this EXTREMELY violent crime ever be considered "legitimate"? This is ridiculous and frightening as well. How can a woman's body shut down a pregnancy if she was legitimately raped? This is another attack on the War Against Women!! This is the most HORRIFYING thing I have ever heard in my entire lifetime!! This man needs to be impeached. He needs to be expelled from the Republican party. There is no excuse in what he said. A woman's body which is raped is NEVER LEGITIMATE! I am TERRIFIED by his statement. He is obviously too stupid to even be in office...and running for reelection?
Therese, Santa Clara

This reminds me of what that creepiest Clayton Williams said back in 1990 - regarding when a women is being raped - to lay back and enjoy it. Most men in government are generally truly ignorant and insensitive when it comes to issues that affect women. They understand very little about the average person’s life in general and what drives some men to do something as violent as rape. Wish they could take a smart test before being allowed in office.
Kimberly, Santa Cruz

I think we are living in scary times. I remember my father, a baby boomer, saying that he wanted me to have all the opportunities that men had. I think he meant healthcare as well. To think that someone in such a position would open their mouth and create the most disturbing oxy-moron I have ever heard should be removed from office. Women need to band together and stand behind President Obama on election day. We will show the world that we are strong and we will not stand for politicians who threaten to strip us of our rights to make decision about our body.
Jennifer, Woodland Hills

It seems to me that the advance that women have made is now forgotten. As an 83 year old feminist I am appalled at what little respect the men have for the female body. We are going back to the 1800's. To me it is sad that we have sunken this low. We do need to put an aspirin between our knees. How much control do they want over the female body? Ofcourse it is no longer a concern for myself but what about all the young people?
Ann, San Marcos
First of all I am so appalled at any man who wants to legislate for women what they can and cannot do about or with their bodies.....As I am a man, I would never have to make these choices, and if a woman is raped and wants to terminate the be it..THIS IS BETWEEN HER AND HERSELF ALONE. What are the Republicans doing messing with this for..... i want to know what big ideas they have for putting all the unemployed people back to work..... and also women should be paid for the same work a man does...... thank you Senator Boxer for letting me rant a bit.......
Alexander, Palm Springs

Your message is well taken....we women are all disturbed with comments from the right wing. They are totally off base discussing any issues in regards to our bodies. Let alone commenting on rape. No one knows better about our own bodies than ourselves. And there is only ONE type of rape....and that is rape! I will encourage everyone I know to not vote for the Republican party members. We need to take back congress and the senate and get something accomplished.
Auralee, Santa Barbara

I'm personally insulted by your attempt to put Congressman Akin forth as a representative of all Republicans. Every Republican and Conservative voice has denounced these comments and to send this email now is truly rediculous. Sincerely,
Kimberly, Tarzana

Your continued support of equality for all people at the local, state and Federal level is very important to us all. Please continue to voice our displeasure at comments such as this that are made by elected officials and support legislation that protects the rights of all America and its people.
Franklin, San Francisco

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Deferred Action

Californians respond to my message on Allowing Talented Young People to Stay in This Country:

Thank you, thank you! As a retired teacher I can appreciate what a wonderful thing you have done. Thanks again.
Bob, Crestline

It saddens me to hear people complain about the younger immigrants being able to stay here. I think, what if my parents brought me here when I was 3 ys old and I was sent back to a country I didn't know when I was eighteen. I think of all the confusion and panic I would feel. As long as these young adults are not in trouble and are working hard to contribute to the country they live in, let them stay.
Kris, Loma Linda

Thanks, Senator Boxer, for continuing to help illegal children of non-citizens (Dreamers0. I'm a Jewish-American citizen and not so long ago, my grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe. I want Dreamers to gain citizenship as quickly as possible so that they're free from fear and free to build their lives in the U.S. and continue to contribute to our society.
Alexandra, La Crescenta

Thank You for supporting the Dream Act and making it a reality for the myriad of children and adults left in limbo.
Geri, Modesto

At the time that schools,city colleges,universities are closing or offering less class where our own US Citizens and legal residents are finding very difficult to attend, we US tax payers are encouraging ILLEGAL inmigrants to take the place of our people. THIS IS WRONG.           
Enrique, Pleasanton

Thanks for the news about Deferred Action. I, like many others in too much of a hurry to read completely, leaped to the conclusion that it was the Dream act that had become reality. Today I read more of the particulars, and realize it is a policy that could be eliminated the day a different president takes office. I wonder now if it is safe for anyone to fully follow the process if s/he is not already in a sticky situation, or if in starting the process one will simply expose oneself more to scrutiny. I really have to admire kids who, despite growing up with the threat of deportation of themselves or loved ones, to a place they may never have known since infancy, have learned to think, persevere, and develop community interests like many I have met. I'm proud to accept them as part of my "tribe" and don't want them deported. Thanks for working for them, please continue to.
Iris, Sebastopol

Why do we continue to award people for breaking our laws. We might as well empty our jails.
Richard, Moreno Valley

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Sally Ride

Californians respond to my message on Honoring Sally Ride:

Thank you for honoring Sally Ride and introducing this bill.
Silka, San Diego

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Climate Change

Californians respond to my Update on Climate Change Science:

I am so appreciative of your efforts to bring climate change into the national dialogue and to bring us back from the cliff of irreversability towards which we are marching. Please keep it up and redouble your efforts!
Grace, Anaheim

Thank you for being responsive to the science behind climate change and global warming. Please help craft and pass substantive Global Warming legislation to mitigate the impacts of climate change now. We are currently seeing extreme weather events across the country and around the globe costing billions of dollars of damage and concomitant increase in food prices. Continued Global Warming will devastate our economy far and away from any economic costs associated with mitigation. Thank you,
Eric, Albany

I'm just writing to say thank you very much for your straightforward, no BS opening statement on climate change. It takes guts to do your job well, and as far as I'm concerned, your position on climate change is spot-on. I wish it were not controversial, but the very fact that it is makes your position even more important. Keep up the great work. Every real scientist, and everyone genuinely knowledgeable about climate change is out there cheering for you, myself included.
David, Santa Monica

Please lead the stupid world out of its cesspool of global warming!!! As a registered Republican, I have voted for you each election. Keep up your intelligent leadership in climate control and other global concerns!!!!!!!!
Walter, Roseville

Thank you a thousand times for continuing to fight for climate change recognition, assessment and action!! We've already waited too long to prevent all changes, and we need to act very quickly to minimize further consequences. The possible changes are global and powerful enough to raise stability and security issues for countries around the world, the US included. (Eg, food-livelihoods, refugee-migrants, borders, and political stability.) Tell the doubters: We shoot ourselves in the foot as a nation to keep pretending something this important isn't happening! A major domino just fell when Dr. Muller repented his CC-denial. Now is the exact time to keep the message up that we need to deal with this monster. Thank you again for holding this hearing and letting us know about it! Sincere Regards,
Leo, Claremont

This is of great concern to me and my grandchildren. I believe the scientists that use the scientific method before I believe a senator given that most are corporate backed as the system is rigged that way. Our planets health should be a priority with us. Even the world leaders couldn't fight the money and came up with nothing. I'm truly afraid that there won't be enough voices like yours in our congress to make a difference and our health and safety is in jeopardy.
Lee, California Hot Springs

There is no such thing in science as a "consensus". The earth atmosphere is continuing to change affected by varying ocean currents and temperature, atmospheric pressure, massive geological events such as massive volcanoes, which cause the little ice age from 1300 to 1890 which caused the northern hemisphere to cool considerably creating failed crops and more deaths than the plague. Prior to the Little Ice Age, the northern hemisphere had about 5 Degrees C higher than the current temperature with a positive result of abundance of food and a booming population which did not return to the previous ice age levels until the early 1900's. The "Climate Change" you are addressing is strictly a political stance to suppress successful countries and to subject them to corrupt U.N. rules and redistribution of wealth.
Curtis, Fremont

The deniers continue to obfuscate, so your efforts are crucial. We need more truthtellers to face them down. Keep it up.
Bert, Orange

As a scientist (Health Physicist, not Climatologist), I am very familiar with the Scientific Method. I have used that method in judging articles and arguments on the issue of global warming for several years. Of course, I have found the data and the results of consideration of that data overwhelmingly convincing. The sole reason I can see for the anti-global-warming crowd argument is self-consideration concerning business interests and personal investments. Such "reasoning" has absolutely no place in a scientific discussion of a topic of such importance that it, literally, impacts on the future of life, including humans, on this planet. We have lost considerable time by giving these deniers time and publicity to the detriment of life on earth.
Hank, Roseville

Brava to Senator Boxer for re-addressing this issue. To paraphrase Strobe Talbott, "We are the first generation to recognize climate change, and the last generation who can do something about it." Americans are starting to see both the subtle and the severe consequences of a warming planet: withered corn, radical storms, blighted trees and fires. The cost of delay far exceeds the costs of addressing this issue now. We can do so much through efficiency and better land use to sequester carbon. New technologies are coming on line but deserve better investment, while the subsidies to coal and oil should be "sunset-ed".               
Margaret, San Francisco

Climate change is cyclical. There was panic in the 70's over freezing. How did that turn out? Humans are so insignificant to the planet. You seem to believe that we are really important in the world's function which we are not. Humans are basically a pimple on the rear of the world. You and I are just not that important or impactful to the function of nature. We cannot control climate. The world will be here functioning as normal long after we are gone.
Arlene, Laguna Beach

KUDOS to you, Senator Boxer, for taking a strong stand on climate change and "telling it like it is." We need leaders like you who are not afraid to challenge those people who prefer to stick their heads in the sand and ignore the reality of climate change.
Joanne, Huntington Beach

I'm so proud of you as my Senator for holding this hearing and for representing the evidence of scientists. Now we need an urgent call to action. The progression in the changes we are seeing will not wait for the 'business as usual' pace of democracy. Global climate change is the great leveler. Please act aggressively to implement recommendation for stemming this disastrous trend by ending fossil fuel subsidies, cap-and-trade, aggressive Renewable Portfolio Standards, tax incentives, subsidies for renewable energy. The solutions have been demonstrated around the world in Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Japan and others. It must be done and done now, not 5 more years from now. Thank you for eliciting our input.
Patricia, Encinitas

Thank you for continuing to speak out. Thank you also for quoting people across the aisle who have affirmed that Climate Change is real. May all the naysayers soon cease thwarting positive change and may all Americans join in creating positive solutions.
Kathleen, San Francisco

How arrogant that you think - or want me to think - that you are so powerful as to be able to control the climate! All I need to do is hand over my liberty and property to you then all will be well? What SHOULD ths climate be? Should it be the way it was in 1970? 1950? 1877? Do tell, but you must have a number, or how will we mere mortals know if you priests of climate are successful? Sincerely,
Anne, Cupertino

Thank you for sitting on top of Climate Change issues. Being a geologist who is up on all the research, I think we've moved too slowly and are in big trouble. But we have to keep each other positive... Think positively--think positively!
Robbins, Eleanora, La Mesa

Thank you for having a hearing on climate change and introducing Professor Muller's most recent change of heart about the validity and cause of global warming along with the opinions of other respected scientists. It is time for everyone in our government to open their eyes, and if they don't care how the environmental changes are affecting the lives of our citizens, I would think they would finally be realizing that there is also a financial impact from climate change. Climate change not only has to be recognized but also dealt with in a timely manner. It won't be easy to "turn this large ship around". We keep hearing talk about how our debt will impact our children and grandchildren. I believe climate change will impact our children and grandchildren more and our debt will climb with each natural disaster. It is time to increase our regulations, stop subsidizing dirty oil, spend the money needed to subsidize alternative energy (not fracking!) and promote conservation. Thank you for attempting to start the process.
Jeannie, Cardiff By The Sea

Thank you for your leadership in combating global warming. As we see drought taking over the middle of our country, I believe it's imperative for our elected officials to take drastic measures to cap carbon emissions and reverse global warming. Thank you for your continued leadership to institute strong measures to keep our planet livable.
Melanie, Pomona

Thanks for bringing up climate change evidence. At this point I fear that the skeptics have stopped efforts to support protocols to slow the warming.
Clifton, San Diego

I have no idea where you find these left wing conspiracy driven, government paid so called scientists to go along with your outrageous statements blaming man as the sole cause of global warming! Most scientists have made a 180 on that after finding the data used was so biased and skewered in YOUR favor, yet you still push this big lie as if it were the gospel! Here is a scientific FACT: The Icelandic volcanoes of a couple of years ago, that shut down all flights in and out of most of Europe, spewed MORE "greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere in that 1 month than everything man has done combined, since he left the comfort of the cave. When are you going to stop spreading unfounded, baseless propaganda?
Rossco, Manhattan Beach

Thank you for your constant support for a clean environment! ! ! On Sunday one of the leading scientists in opposition to global warming fell into line with those who have proven that our earth is warming. We need to act on that information quickly to save our beautiful planet. You have my support!        
Carole, Fullerton

It is horrifying and amazing how many people can still deny that we humans are causing such drastic climate changes. Hit them in the face with the facts, and they dig their heads further into the sand. (Guess we need to hit the part of their bodies that is sticking up into the air...) Thank you for your continued efforts to control and reverse what we are doing to the world climate. I am proud to be in California and to have you as my senator!
Melodye, Fremont

Thank you for continuing to champion action on climate change through spearheading the recent hearing on the subject. As a wildlife biologist, I see the adverse effects of climate change almost daily in my professional life. The signs are clear that serious problems related to climate change are already showing themselves as evidenced by the growing body of scientific literature. It is also abundantly clear that humans are a significant contributor to climate change and that our ?actions? to date to address this issue are woefully inadequate. The problems we see today are only a glimpse of much more serious catastrophes we will see in the future if we do not take action now. Thank you for continuing to fly the banner calling for additional action ? hopefully, your calls will not go unheeded by congress and the administration. Thousands of lives and the health of our planet are at stake. Sincerely,
Chris, Vista

I just want to voice my support for taking the most extreme measures to address climate change. It has become the most important battle to fight, for our future, my children, the world community. Stand against the oil companies that are stealing our future. Try us. We will rise to the challenge. Thank you.
Christa, Truckee

Thank you for holding your Hearing. WE APPLAUD YOU and THANK YOU for your insistence for immediate action instead of a future timeline. However, you say we must adapt and mitigate. Adapt is expensive. Mitigate prevents the need to adapt and saves lives and money. Mitigating involves CLOSING nuclear plants, not fixing them, EVERYONE using carbon free cars - I see a lot of limo's and SUV's in D.C., also paper-free advertising- trees MAKE our OXYGEN. We realize it is hard work, but know this -watching your efforts is like watching the Olympics. We do know we have the best team. We do know you are a strong leader and care. Thank you for being diligent and faithful to us.
Jean, Redwood City

Thank you for your concern and leadership in addressing the multiple problems we are encountering vis-a-vis our climate. Hopefully we can start to turn around some of the devastating practices we have been employing and get on the right track before it's too late. Escalating fossil fuel use, nuclear irresponsibility, mountain top removal to get to coal easily, tar sands pipelines - all negative practices. We need to promote solar and wind especially with maybe some geothermal if done wisely. Keep up the good work!
Anitaw, Grass Valley

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Women Peacemakers

Californians respond to my message on Ensuring Women’s Involvement in Conflict Resolution:

I have been involved in this issue of decades around the world and along with organizations which have done tremendous work to expand and improve women's role in peace making and to prevent violations against women and female children in the war zones and in political conflict areas around the world. I SUPPORT YOUR BILL FULLY.
Zohreh, San Juan Capistrano

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Preventive Health Care Coverage for Women

Californians respond to my message on New Preventive Health Care Coverage for Women:

I am so pleased about the new health care benefits and future benefits for my self-insured son and granddaughter. I am confident that it will make a difference in the November election. Who would vote for those that want to repeal it?
Beth Wyman, Morgan Hill

You are preaching to the choir on this one. The democratic party needs to do a better job of reaching out and educating ALL WOMEN about how they'll benefit and EVERYONE else too---let's debunk the myths and present the facts---even though the Repugs ignore those facts---we need to wake up the indy fence-sitters and get out the vote! Thank you,
Beth, San Diego

Thank you for all you do, especially fighting for better health care for women.
Karen, Canyon Country

I am a single mother of two and half of my paycheck goes to pay for health care premiums. My employer pays 1/3 of the total cost, but 2/3 of the cost comes out of my paycheck. I feel as a parent having health care insurance for my children is very important. I have always felt that the socialized health care they have in England (which has worked for a very long time) should be a role model for the United States. I don't want to worry that my children or I can't go see the doctor because I can't afford the co-pay. I believe we may be on the right track and I feel that the Affordable Care Act can help, but will it be too little too late? I hope not. I believe in President Obama and in you. Sincerely,
Barbara, Livermore

I want to thank you so much for your relentless efforts to reform health care for all of us, and at this point, especially for women. I often fear a dark future ahead with the climate, constant war, paucity of jobs, and the terrible economy; I worry about my children's future. The changes in health care are the only bright spot at this time. The Republi-CAN'Ts are so appalling-- they never used to be this way. I just never know what they'll try next to keep most of the population down. They are so out of tune with the PEOPLE. You and Senator Feinstein give me hope. Thank you for all you do.
Simone, Helendale

You said that these services are free. They are NOT free, someone has to pay the bill. Todays Democrat party is creating a whole group of perpetually dependent people. This may be well intentioned but in the long run is pure socialism and contrary to the sensibilities of all Americans. People are getting very fed up with this spending and march toward socialism and it will be seen in the upcoming elections. Thank you for letting me vent. Respectfully,
Gerald, Palmdale

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Tax Relief for America’s Families

Californians respond to my message on Extending Tax Relief for America's Families:

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Please keep your voice strong to bring about equity on a long-term basis.
Alice, Costa Mesa

Thank you for upholding the tax cut for the Middle class. I don't understand the billionaires who keep pressuring the Republicans to give them tax cuts and put more taxes on the backs of the Middle class, regardless of the billionaires employing the Middle class. The taxes we pay are the lowest the US has had in decades yet there are more people, an aging population, not enough jobs for the skill level of many Americans, not enough educated people for the jobs available, student loans jeopardized by Republicans, the list goes on and on. Thank you for all that you do. Sincerely
Heidi, Palo Alto

I continue to have hope that somehow a bipartisan agreement will be reached that will insure the continuation of the middle-class tax cuts which are due to expire at the end of December. You offer hope to a society that currently seems to have very litle left. Such great dreams, which were inspired by the election in 2008 of President Obama, only to have them dashed by the obstructions of the Republicans, has loyal Democrats like me discouraged greatly. Sincere Regards,
Jonathan, Escondido 

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Domestic Violence

Californians respond to my message on Protecting All Women from Domestic Violence:

Thank you SO MUCH for your work on this! I did not know of that alarming number; 3 women are killed per day on average from an abusive partner - just awful. But wonderful to see that the law is working. Still, only 15 Republicans voted in favor of this? I just don't understand their thinking sometimes (unless it concerns money). I, myself, have called for protection, so this is very important to me. Thank you for your concern over ALL women in this important matter.
Denise, Sun City

Please be a voice for women. We are coming of age since my mother's time but we still have a lot more things to do for all women. Please fight for the underdog because the Republicans will not. Thank you.
Nellie, Santa Maria

Thank you for making sure LGBT, Native American women, and women who are students are protected under the Domestic Violence Act (VAWA). It is critical that this legislation includes these groups which are often targets for domestic abuse. As a formerly abused student and wife, I am so glad to have you as my Senator, and appreciate all the great work you have done in building a better America. You can always count on my support in the future! Best regards,
Kathleen, Oakland

I was startled to hear that 3 women/day are killed by their partners. This is unacceptable. We don't have time to ask if someone is an immigrant, or anything except medical questions that can help save their lives!! Thank you for this information. I had no idea this was happening.
Cameron, Santa Clara

Thank you for your work on behalf of us women and all the rest of us. I am so glad you are my senator. I find it absolutely despicable of the House Republicans to leave so many of our sisters out of the protections this act provides. Native American, immigrant and LGBT women don't deserve to have the same protections the rest of us deserve? Good goddess, that's disgusting! Thank you again and keep up the good fight. Onward!
Moira, Richmond

It is so important that we be inclusionary and protect all women from violence. Please continue to support the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that stands strong against domestic violence Senator Boxer I thank you for supporting this bill. Sincerely,
Diane, Napa

I wholeheartedly support the Republicans' Bill over your bill.
Mark, Yucca Valley

No one deserves to be allowed to be the target of violence with impunity - regardless of their sex, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual identity, ethnicity or any other cause without due reason - such as the use of violence in self-defence from physical assault. To deny anyone full and equal protection under the law, with respect to their personal safety from violent assault, is nothing more than a resort to barbarism that should never be tolerated in any civilized society. To believe otherwise is hypocrisy of the highest order.
Joanne, Hayward

Thank you for the work you are doing. I am one of the lucky women who have not been a victim of this sort of abhorrent behavior. I am very aware of the terrible problem that victimizes women of every stripe. Your efforts are well placed.
Ardis, San Jose 

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Veteran Entrepreneurs

Californians respond to my message on Helping Veterans to Become Entrepreneurs:

Greetings Senator Boxer, read your email with interest since I've been planning to start my business in the not too distant future. I'm so glad the SBA is set to do something to help our mustering out veterans as well as old timers like myself and others. I wish other Senators would be more in line with your views, especially the Republicans. Thanks again!
Martinez, Juan Sr., Long Beach

I'm real happy to see someone is looking out for our Vets. God Bless them all!!!!
William, Pittsburg

Thank you for really supporting the people you represent so well, going after all the important issues, persevering, doing the right thing, and getting the job done. The veterans, all veterans; and especially those of these two never ending wars are one of the most under-served and under appreciated populations we have. Keep up the good; 'let no important issue be left behind', work. Thank you again,
Barbara, Mill Valley

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Protecting Our Communities

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Our Communities:

Well stated. It's time to start some sort of gun control, even if its baby steps. We are not living in the past 200 years ago when the nation was fighting for independence and guns today are a very lethal weapon too easily acquired. Thanks for speaking up.
Monique, San Rafael

I agree with you completely on this subject.All politicians must stand up to the NRA and not be bullied by them. Lose a few votes, but save many lives.
Ruth, Palo Alto

Yes Senator, please do whatever you can under your powers to STOP selling guns to American people. Its always end up in the wrong hands. The sufferings are going on for too long. How many more people have to die before we get the point.
Raja, San Francisco

Thank you for responding to the most recent senseless killings in a manner which one hopes will lessen dangers we face by the too-easy availability of guns in this country. I am afraid to drive or walk down many East Bay streets because of the danger of stopping a stray -- or perhaps intended -- bullet. I am frankly unwilling to continue to listen to the stories of how such killings occurred and the characteristics of the killer/s repeated over and over without any thought as to how to change the conditions under which they occur. Yes, those injured and those who lost family members deserve our compassion and caring. But if we really care, we must act to stop the stupid policies enabling deranged, disappointed, angry persons from harming others with the greatest of ease. I am exceedingly disappointed by President Obama's reluctance to urge support for gun control, and trust that you and others in Congress will work hard to pass the measures you cite. A majority of Americans wants this legislation, so urgently needed in order to keep us, our children, our communities safe. Please do all you can to enact sensible gun control, including all points you cite in your excellent Op Ed on this subject.
Phyllis, Berkeley

Guns don't kill people, people do. If we take guns away from law abiding citizens only criminals and those that want to do harm will have guns. You are on the wrong side of this. What about the man in Florida that defended an internet cafe from thugs and robbers. No thanks I will take my chances with citizens owning guns.
William, Woodside

I am proud of you that you would sponsor or support restricting guns in the hands of the general public, guns that could wipe out half the population of Palo Alto in two minutes because of their fire power. Unfortunately, especially in an election year, it won't happen. Along with a handful of tea party congressmen (lower case, they don't deserve capitalization). and the three million supporters of the NRA, they control ensuring that mental defectives and maniacs will be able to gain what amount to weapons of mass destruction. We are, unfortunately, seen in the world as a nation that prefers to own guns, guns, guns rather than protecting the innocent.
Ray, Palo Alto

I think it is vital to renew our legislation that limits the use of assault weapons. The previous legislation should never have been repealed. Let's try to save lives.
Barbara, Los Altos

Yes, I agree that "First, we should renew the assault weapons ban authored by my colleague Sen. Dianne Feinstein." That should be done as soon as possible. But that is only the first step. We need to ban or control all other weapons. And we need more strict enforcement of the laws already on the books, as well as any future ones Congress enacts!!! Thank you,
Frank, Palo Alto

I'm afraid your reasoning in the Mercury News article is deeply flawed. The biggest flaw is we already have too many gun control laws in place that do nothing but expose our families to harm by preventing law-abiding citizens the means to protect themselves. The gun control laws are already in place, but the criminally minded do not care or follow those laws. What is needed is more lenient concealed carry laws that allow law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.
Jeff, Sunnyvale

I am proud to have you as our Senator. I would be even prouder if you could convince enough of your colleagues to have the guts to do what's right and pass strong gun control legislation. We don't need weapons of war on our streets.
Jerry, San Jose

Thank you Sen Boxer for your letter to the Mercury! That was excellent - and straight to the point. There are many of us who, since (and well before) this latest tragedy that involved assault weapons, have begged and pleaded for the US Gov't to take a leadership role, to stand up to the gun lobby, and ban these killing machines. This is not rocket science! This is not about rights. It is about civic responsibility and common sense. I thank you then for showing the intelligence and courage, combined with excellent leadership (along with Sen Diane Feinstein) in drawing attention to this critical issue and in passing legislation to prevent these-type weapons from being accessible to any public citizen - regardless of how pristine their backyard checks are. Thank You. Hopefully your speaking out, and your leadership, will mean fewer people will have to needlessly die.
Moira, Petaluma

Thank you for taking a stand for gun control to protect our communities. Sadly, it appears rare for a politician to speak rationally and constuctively about this issue. I just read your article in the San Jose Mercury News. My friend was in the office the day of the 101 shooting and was on the last elevator down to safety. I remember how shaken she was and still is about the events of that terrifying day. I also lost a 19-year-old friend to suicide. While guns are not the only method teens use to take their own lives, it is a common one. In addition to the assault weapons ban, we also need legislation to make gun owners responsible if their weapon is used in a crime or suicide. Parents are prosecuted when a child dies from being forgotten in a hot car--why shouldn't parents whose children are injured or killed by a gun they failed to secure also be prosecuted? I don't believe in over-zealous prosecutions, but I do believe that if people are going to keep weapons in their homes they should be held responsible for their use and misuse. Again, thank you for taking a stand against assault weapons and for rational legislation to protect our communities! Sincerely,
Renata, Venice

I understand the desire to restrict guns, however, I believe that without guns, deranged individuals will find a way to committ mayhem and murder. Look to the middle east. Where is the research into identifying those that are prone or ready to committ acts of terror? Let's not loose sight of the cause. Guns are the mechanism, not the cause. Let's fine out the why to evil, let's find the cause and let's stamp out this particular evil. Research is the long term answer, not knee jerk reactions. Thank you, and keep up the good work.
Melvin, San Jose

Thank you for sending me a copy of your letter to the Mercury News imploring government leaders and citizens to get behind better gun control laws. I'm in favor of your proposals, as well as restoring funding to agencies that provide mental health services. Thank you for speaking up,
Nancy, Santa Clara

In reply to your article about the recent shooting in Colorado. I wish this subject was as simple as it seems, making guns harder to get won't solve it. Shootings in this country are not anything new, there were several school shootings in the 80's that never received mass media attention like shootings seem to get nowadays. I would like to know why Canada has such lax gun laws, but not near the gun violence we do. Why a blue state such as Vermont has the laxest gun laws of any state, and has virtual non existent gun crimes. I'd rather we explore the state of mind non violent places have, and figure out how to implement that into our ever more violent society. Maybe start with Mass Media.
Joseph, Santa Cruz

May I congratulate you for having the courage to propose stricter gun-control laws in light of last Sunday's tragic event in Aurora, CO. I immigrated to this country from Germany some fifty years ago and lived through the last days of WWII. I have been a US citizen for many years and am fond of living here. A democracy has its flaws and the first and second amendments to the constitution are good examples of how a constituency can be swayed and misled at times. I am adamantly opposed to letting my fellow citizens arm themselves under often mistaken pretenses, allowed by less than effective controls to do so. To hunt or target shoot is one thing, to create a 'militia-type' armed populace that often resolves discords by shooting their fellow citizens is another. We do not need trigger-happy gun toting Americans. Instead we should compare what other countries are doing and what we can learn from them when it comes to gun control laws. You are, I am sure, aware that you are subjecting yourself to severe criticism on the part of the NRA. its members, and a good many citizens who were brought up in homes where weaponry was part of the household tools. I wish you good luck in your efforts and want you to know that I am supporting your efforts.
Gus, San Jose

It has been proven that guns do not kill people. People with problems use guns to kill people. The worst killer of people on a daily basis is the automobile. Using your logic we need to ban automobiles. And we can also ban these automobile based on the various types of automobiles. Make sense? Automobiles do not go around killing people. the misuse of the automobile does kill people.
R., Lancaster

Thank you so much for you reasoned argument in favor of gun safety regulation. I don't know how long it will take to convince people that more guns do not equal more safety. The fact that the Aurora murderer was able to buy four guns, including an assault weapon, at four different shops in a matter of weeks, plus 6000 rounds of ammunition over the internet is unconscionable. Keep up the effort! I support your good work.
Olive, San Rafael

No new gun laws are needed or required. People need to be able to defend themselves.
Robert, Santa Clara

I really appreciated reading your thoughts on gun control in the SJMN. Let's push this. If not now, then when? Thanks for being a voice of reason. The only thing ai missed in your article is a direct rebuttal to the folks who say they have to be able to protect themselves from the police. I agree with Michael Moore that that logic that worked so well in the 1700's doesn't fit the realities of today. Thanks,
David, San Francisco

The Real Crime is that that the assault weapons ban lapsed in 2004. For someone working a block from the 101 tragedy the reality of what these guns and ammunition DO remains clear. The question is how many times do we need to be reminded? Columbine? Virginia Tech? AZ and Gabby? It's boggling to me how the NRA and Republicans continue to cloud the lines between common sense gun conrol and the right to bear arms.....Incredulous and must CHANGE.
Vicki, San Francisco

Thanks for putting this forward, but MUST get it in place, not just for show. Need to have proper testing, like in Isreal. In Isreal, they need to take a written test, take a shooting test, a medical ie drug test, a psychological test all to see if you can "handle" a gun. Also, other stipulations depending if you were in the army or not. We can take page out of other models.
Laura, San Francisco

We see eye-to-eye on many political issues. Gun control is not one of them.  Thinking rationally, there is no good reason to reinstate the assault weapons ban. All it does is weaken one of the few thriving sectors of our domestic economy and makes it more difficult for sporting shooters to acquire firearms. Furthermore, what do you propose we do with the millions of firearms currently in circulation? Any would-be offender would scarcely be hard-pressed to acquire a firearm of this type, regardless of its legal status. Criminals and potential criminals will get their hands on the weapons they require- and always have- and do not pay much attention to government regulations. In summary: The Assault Weapons Ban is futile, unnecessary, arbitrary and sets a dangerous precedent for stripping Americans of their rights in response to a high-profile tragedy.
Mitchell, Los Altos

You are absolutely wrong on gun control. As a Vietnam Vet, who works with law enforcement daily, you are missing the point this incident should illustrate. Gun control does not prevent crime. Chicago is the example that demonstrates this in the extreme. Good citizen's with concealed carry permits make a difference. If anyone in the theater had a weapon, this incident would have ended quickly. Unarmed people will always be victimized by armed criminals. Criminals always get guns (see Chicago). This view that gun control will prevent crime is misplaced and immature. The fathers of Carthage had the same misunderstanding about protecting their society. Individual must be prepared to protect themselves from the insane, evil and terrorists. Gun control is hype without supporting data that shows it makes a difference. Disarming Americans should be a crime punishable by being removed from office.
Mike, Rocklin

As a forensic psychologist, I see every day the tragic failure of our country to adopt sensible gun control legislation. Our country is not unique in producing violent psychopaths -- they exist in every country -- but only in America do they have such easy access to assault weapons. I applaud your courage in continuing to speak out about the need for sensible controls on the purchase of assault weapons.
Saul, San Francisco

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American Jobs

Californians respond to my message on Bringing American Jobs Home:

This saddens me to think that with all the people out of work in this country that the Republicans would block a bill to bring jobs back to this country. They will NEVER get my vote. The wealthiest people can't identify with being out of work and wondering where the next meal is coming from and how they will deal with their escalating healthcare. The taxation breaks need to stop not only for these companies, but also for those in the top 5% - after all, how much money do you need to spend on gold plated toilets rather than bringing back balance to the economy of the American people. What we do here affects EVERYONE - worldwide.
Krista, Mountail View

While I firmly believe that we should do our utmost to keep our citizens employed, I do feel that we are part of a global community. If we did not purchase goods made in other countries, poverty would be greatly increased in many areas of the world. This could also result in the inablity of people to afford American made goods and cost us jobs. I feel that great care and consideration must be part of implementing such legislation.
Frances, Hermosa Beach

Thank you for attempting to help bring honor and stability to our country by standing up for American Workers. I have friends in Europe who think we have lost our moral compass and lost our way and we will fall as a result. My wife works for Obama Reelection and I have given money and signed numerous petitions to move specific issues forward so I feel we have attempted in a small way to keep things sane and on track. Senator Boxer, I never thought I would feel and say I am sorry I ever served in the military to defend this. Thank you for your keeping me apprised of events. Regards
Edward, Capistrano Beach

Please don't spend your time and my money sending out negative information. We are getting more than enough of that from the President. Send us the positive of what you and the Dems have accomplished and are doing. Unfortunate, there seems so little positive right now that you all have to resort to negative. It makes one start looking for another Party.
Marla, Half Moon Bay

What we need is to put a import tax on all out of country products comming into the U.S. This alone will put Jobs back in the U.S. As a past Union Organizer I worked hard for the American workers. China is not our friend and a import tax would hart them and we can pay our debt off with in two years and we would be number 1 again.
Jerry, San Andreas

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Campaign Contributions

Californians respond to my message Shining a Light on Secret Campaign Contributions:

The only logical solution is 100% publicly funded elections. Everyone gets the same $ to speak their mind and let the constituents decided :-)
Chris, Roseville

The Republicans decision to hide the names of their donors reminds me of Watergate and Iran Contra. Laws should be passed to stop this. Otherwise, we will end up with a puppet government, one that is controlled my wealthy donors, entities that won't reveal their identities.
Thadd, San Francisco

I am so sick and tired (as I am sure you are also) of rich Republicans running our political system by buying politicians. It is ridiculous and needs to stop before they run this country totally into the ground. They care nothing about ordinary people like me, who have had to work hard to pay every bill, have hardly ever had health insurance in my life (and I am now 65), and never had enough money to buy a home. At the very least, we deserve to know exactly who is funding the campaigns on both sides.
Teresa, Santa Barbara

I could not agree with you more on your stance on these super PACS. I really cringe when I see what is happening to our fine democracy. I am 83 years of age and have never seen such garbage being produced by these PACS. I feel as if the very wealthy are buying this election and it is getting worse and worse. Frankly it is bad on both sides of the aisle and I have been a true Democrat but something has to be done to bring true people's democracy back to where it began!
Claire, San Francisco

I believe that one should be able to contribute anonymously--what is the fear? Much is not clearly disclosed about all citizens, and we should have an expectation of privacy. I believe that SuperPac donors, whatever their affiliation, should have the right to remain anonymous by choice.
Angela, Los Angeles

Thank you for continuing to stand up for the Affordable Health Care Act, Keeping Jobs in America and the Disclosure Act. I am sure it takes a lot of courage, stamina and conviction to do this but please know that so many of us know and appreciate how faithfully you represent our interests. Senator, I think very seriously that America is at a crossroads. Our democratic form of government is at risk. Please keep fighting for us. A very, very concerned citizen. Thanks
Andrew, Columbia

This is ludicrous. The Republicans are not fit to represent "The People" of America. We need to go back to fairness, goodwill, honesty, and cooperation. They are behaving like contrary teenagers, not responsible adults.
Bonnie, San Diego

Surely your office has more urgent matters to be concerned about. The Supreme Court allowed the PAC contributions to exist; blame them. We have one-eighth of U.S. population, one-THIRD of welfare recipients. Our State indebtedness is among the worst and if the tax Brown is asking for does not gain voter approval, ratings agencies will downgrade our munis making our situation even more dire. We should be seeking PAC funds for California.
Sandra, Los Angeles

Thank you for the great work you are trying to accomplish as Senator, even when the Republicans are attempting to tear it down. Your effort are greatly appreciated.
Richard, Oceanside

Thank you for your emailing on the Disclose Act, which I believe is one of the most important pieces of legislation currently pending. We'll keep proposing and talking with people about it until it passes. I consider the Ranked Voting campaign to be equally important.
Dana, Petaluma

Just as the U.S. House of Representatives keeps bringing bills to repeal the Affordable Care Act to the floor, I urge you to continue to bring acts requiring the disclosure of campaign contributors to the floor of the Senate for a vote. It is important that we hold our elected officials to account for their positions regarding how they perceive federal elections should proceed. Those who believe that anonymous money should be permitted to influence election outcomes, must have their beliefs held up for all voters to see. Regards,
Robert, Huntington Beach

Thank you for your efforts regarding the disclosure of donations to PAC's and other political organizations. Your letter to Pres. Obama thoroughly covered the issues. However, the President knows these issues, and it seems vital to communicate this information to the voters. Each member of Congress who voted against the DISCLOSE Act should be identified repeatedly, particularly if he/she is running for re-election. The voters deserve to know who is in favor of the secrecy that allows a few very wealthy individuals to control elections and circumvent democratic principles upon which our country was founded. I have no particular problem with the size of the donations, but I have a huge problem with the ability to hide those donations.
Darlene, Chula Vista

It's obvious whoever voted against disclosure has something to hide. That's why if anyone group would eradicate all these self-preserving or self-interest politicians everywhere and start fresh (with honest and hard-working) groups of folks, I would be happy to vote for them. I can wait to see politicians that are actually working for the people of this country. I am tired of seeing politicians getting richer and who are not taking care of our people.
Dela, San Francisco

Thank you for sharing this disturbing update about the blocked DISCLOSE Act. It's often frustrating to read about Republican divisive political actions in Washington. It would be helpful if you provided ideas for what we as voters can do in response - the way HRC often provides us with carefully worded letters to auto-send to key decision makers. While that type of action might not be as appropriate from your office, it would be helpful if you provided a link to easily find voting records on these issues to facilitate our ability to write our own letters. In any event, I wanted to express my appreciation for these updates, even when the news is frustrating.
Herb, San Francisco

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Berryessa Snow Mountain

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Public Lands, Promoting Tourism, and Creating Jobs:

Thank you, Senator Boxer, for introducing legislation to protect the Berryessa Snow Mountain region. I applaud your efforts and support all your work on behalf of the environment. We are what we leave behind.
Rosemarie, Los Angeles

I was very happy to learn that you have introduced legislation regarding Berryessa Snow Mountain-- particularly because it will protect the area's wildlife. Thank you!
Jean, Diamond Bar

Thank you for securing land in Northern California, that no doubt adds to our recreational opportunities, and helps our wildlife. I know that every recreational expense generates much more tax dollars and jobs than it can ever cost.
Michael, Anza

I want to thank you for voting to protect public land. This is so important.
Marian, Hollister

Your continued work for saving our most treasured areas here in Calif. is always welcomed news to all of us that support you with our like minded thoughts.
Robert, San Rafael

Some how I don't trust anything that the goverment is doing right now. I know for a fact that the owl in Winters is more inportant then housing for people. What about the little smelt that is far more important then jobs and farming in California.
Patricia, Winters

Thank you VERY much for all you do do help and protect nature and animals... ;) I wish there were more like you, but I am grateful there is at least one... ;)
Gregory, Simi Valley

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Supreme Court Health Care Decision

Californians respond to my message on A Victory for America’s Families:

Thank you for your email regarding the Supreme Court ruling on America's new healthcare plan. I am an M.D. who teaches Medical Office Management at Los Angeles ORT College. I am very pleased about the court's decision. This is a great victory for all Americans!
Sepehr, Los Angeles

Thank you for all your help with the recent victory in Health Care. My son Ryland was born in VENTURA CA on the 4th of JULY and we used Healthy Families, the very generous CA plan that helps families "in between" income requirements. Thank you again.
Mark, Encino

Dear Senator Boxer, it is indeed a victory for the American People, thank you for the email, I am concerned that the opponents of the Affordable Healthcare Law are getting their message of fear and doom to the American People better than proponents of the Law. So please encourage your colleagues to get the true message out there, take to twitter, facebook, newspaper, the internet, TV and radio to get the true message out there and let's work to keep our country moving in the right direction for ALL Americans.
Danielle, Santa Monica

Thanks to your perserverance & assistance, we’ve jumped a vital hurdle, & will hopefully continue progress. It’s encouraging to finally have assistance for health problems many folks, thank goodness, never have to face.
Diane, Los Angeles

Thank you for the work you do to support American families. I really do not understand how anyone can begrudge others of healthcare.
Carol, Valley Center

As a Californian, I am proud of you for supporting our distinguish President on the healthcare initiative and for all of the great work that you do on behalf of all of the people of this great state of CA.
Wesley, Inglewood

We've taken one giant step out of the dark ages today. Why did it take so long? How could anyone not want their fellow citizens to be cared for?
Tim, San Francisco

Thank you sooo much Ms. Boxer and President Obama for having the guts to serve the people of the US, instead of the special interest groups, or the 1%. I am part of the 99%, and thank G'd I have a job with benefits, but 3 of my adult "children" have never been able to afford health insurance, and they do not have health benefits through their employers. I also have a 16yo son, who just had a kidney transplant. Do you know that one of his medications for his immune system costs $3700/mo? We would never be able to afford that. He is on my insurance and MediCal at this time, but once he turns 26, how will he ever be able to afford this life saving medication? Thank you sooo much for helping me, my children, and other Americans with Pre-existing illnesses and diseases!
Sally, Myers Flat

Even though many people will be benefiting from the new health care law, many issues have been left unaddressed. There is no provision for natural health care like Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Medicinal Herbs, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Massage, Nutritional Supplements. This is very disconcerting. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,
Bonnie, San Diego

The decision is mute only because it was already the law. For some it will help for others, like myself, it will hurt financially. Why will it hurt, because the law will favor medicare gap insurance instead of the affordable HMO (Advantage) plans. Also, this is the largest redistribution of wealth mandated by the government in the history of the U.S. My grand children will pay for the law and will receive less for thier expenditure.
Brad, Whittier

I want to thank you and all who fought for Universal Health Care Coverage. I would have much preferred a Medicare for all single payer system, which would not have been so vulnerable to the constitutional of the ultra conservative SCOTUS or a right wing political backlash. However something is better than nothing. I pray that it this victory can be sustained in November.
James, Los Angeles

I am one of those 13 million people per Obama's announcement on June 28th after the Supreme Court ruling who are getting rebate checks from health insurance companies. I actually got my check ($365.59) around June 1st from Anthem Blue Cross. I dropped them in June 2010 and went with a less expensive Medigap insurer. That $365 has been a big help since I'm on Social Security. If you listen to the Republicans you would think everyone who has health insurance will be "taxed". Not true; it's only those who decline to purchase health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. FYI: When I received the check from Anthem Blue Cross it made NO mention the refund was because of the Affordable Care Act. I think the insurance companies didn't want me or others to know it was from Obamacare!!!
Joan, San Diego
I'm with those who say "yipee skipee" to yesterday's ruling. Thank God for the Democrats.
Bonnie, American Canyon

We are not free when we are forced to pay for a health care bill, TAX the I, (we the people) do not want. This goes down a road with no end of taxing and control over life and the freedom of everyone, not ever born yet. I do not trust what you propose to start. I see this as another end by our goverments hand to the American way of life as I know it. I'm sad to see what my parents and fore fathers fought for and against is slowly comming to be.
James, Tustin

While I'm pleased that the ACA was ruled constitutional I would still like to see progressives push for Medicare for All. This could be as an alternate to buying insurance from corporations. Since the operating costs would be lower so would the premiums. We don't have to make it manditory, but if the price and benefits are better than private insurance I think the responce would be positive. Any profit would go towards shoring up medicare.
Susan, Berkeley

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Repealing Obamacare

Californians respond to my message on What Repealing Health Care Reform Would Mean to America’s Families:

Thank you for continuing your support for the Affordable Healthcare Act. It is not the perfect solution (we still need single-payor insurance) but it is a large step in the right direction. Given the Supreme Court's ruling, I believe that I can continue to count on you to work towards always improving the Healthcare Act and to support the implementation. I appreciate your updates and information as there is so much "mis-information" about the Act shared in emails and on the internet. Again, I am honored to have you represent me in the Senate. Thank you for your hard work!
Karen, Palos Verdes Estates

Thank you for article on the Affordable Care Act. More Democrats need to vigorously defend it. On the issue of a penalty or a tax, I think we need to make it clear that if a tax, it only applies to the 1% of Americans who can afford health insurance but refuse to purchase it -- the health care "freeloaders" who are driving up health care costs for the rest of us. If we start calling it a "Freeloader Tax", perhaps people will stop assuming it applies to them.
Georgia, Sierra Madre

I want to express my support of the vote Wednesday to repeal ACA. It's the wrong answer to the right question. When a large majority of physicians reconsider their careers in medicine, that scares me. It's not the future I want for my kids or any citizen of this great country.
Peggy, Fresno

The biggest problem right now is that the average person does not know what is in the law and what it will mean to them. Surveys show that when various aspects are explained to people they change their view of the new Health Care Program. Right now unfortunately the Republicans are winning the message war out here. Thanks for listening to my frustration.
Jackie, Lincoln

Please vote against the "Obamacare" health care! This is a socialistic move that directly opposes our own democratic republic freedom of choice! Our very freedom depends on your "no" vote on this bill that will destroy America in many aspects, not just healthcare!
Jody, Lake Forest

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Homeless Veterans

Californians respond to my message Check the Box for Homeless Veterans:

Thank you for thinking of this easy-to-do donation possibility for our Homeless Veterans. They are all Heroes to me & are dear to my heart.
Judith, San Diego

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Fourth of July

Californians respond to my message on Celebrating our Freedom on Independence Day:

This celebration could not be more joyful with upholding of Health Care Reform and extension of low Student Loan rate. Let's enjoy it heartedly.
Loan, San Jose

NPR has people reading the Declaration of Independence every 4th of July and I also read it in our local paper this morning. I get goose bumps and tears when I hear or read the Declaration. We have much to be proud of as Americans and that document is surely one of them. As a nation we don't always arise to the dignity and intelligence of the words expressed in the Declaration but I am still optimistic. I hope that we can continue to elect leaders like you, Senator Feinstein and Pres. Obama and that you will be able to lead in ways that will bring justice and compassion to our citizens and peace to many areas of the world where people are yearning for peace with justice.
Maggie, Atascadero

I was moved by your explanation of our independence over the various century's and the hard fought wars to keep our principals intact. It appears we will continue to fight for our freedom and our liberty for days to come. But I am proud to be an American. My best to you and again thanks for the moving statement.
Katharine, Fremont

Thank you, Senator Boxer, for the poignant message reminding of us of the origins of our Fourth of July celebration. And thank you for all you do to insure we all enjoy our inalienable rights.
Peggy, Nipomo

Thank you for your message. Please continue to work to the end the independence is true for all people of the US. The work of President Obama must continue so that the needs of the poor and the middle class are not forgotten. We must not go backwards. Continue to work for all of the American people and for the good of the people of our world.
Donna, Oroville

I appreciate your message to remind us of those things that delineate us as a nation. However, such issues as women's rights, marital equality, and the egregious losses we suffer for corporate bullying do not define a nation of equality. The will of the people is not being served.
Edward, Livermore

Thank you for the message about the freedom and liberty of this great country. My concern is that our freedoms are being taken away by a president who is leading us quickly down the slippery slope to socialism! Thank you,
Lola, Gridley

Happy 4th of July to your family and yourself. Thank you for the lovely message shared with us and for all of America to see. Thank You So Much. God Bless You.
Gregory, Modesto

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Silicon Valley Patent Office

Californians respond to my message on Promoting Silicon Valley Innovation and Job Creation:

Congratulations on helping us get a patent office in this area.
John, Stanford

I really appreciate having a patent office here in San Jose, after decades years of neglect by several administrations it shows democrats are serious about innovation.
Rosario, San Jose

Frankly, I'm surprised that it took them so long to make this kind of move. However, recognizing how backed up the Patent Office had been in the past and the poor utilization of technology to record and review Patents I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Now the challenge will be to insure that sufficient funds come out of the Republican controlled House to fully fund this kind of operation.
Thomas, San Jose

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Bipartisan Transportation Bill

Californians respond to my message on Creating Jobs and Moving America Forward:

I just wish to congratulate you and all those that vote with you for this most important and transformative Vote. Our Nation truly needs a face lift and with this strong impetus on transportation and infrastructure repair and renovation a new era of prosperity is on the way. Thanks for the immense effort you continuously make in our behalf as a nation and for those of us that live and love the State of California. Kind Regards,
Wade, Playa Del Rey

Thanks for the transporation bill news. That's a relief, but I wish you'd mentioned the unfortunate deletion of bike/ped funding.
Anne, Cupertino

From what I read in the paper this bill reduces funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects. If so, I think it is bad for the environment. I understand the need for preserving our investment in existing transportation infrastructure, but we should not be repeating the mistakes of the past. We need a bold new direction for a sustainable future.
Richard, Davis

Great congratulations on the final passage of the Surface Transportation Bill.
Christine, San Diego

PLEASE ONLY SUPPORT JOBS THAT ARE CLEAN AND GREEN! This planet is our only hope and we are responsible for what happens to the EARTH!!!
Diane, San Francisco

This bill was truly a disappointment. It eviscerated funding for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. It even axed Safe Routes to Schools! At a time when more Americans than ever are overweight or obese, and polls show that an overwhelming majority want more opportunity for safe and convenient active transportation - this bill harks back to a bygone era. I know the fault for this lies mostly with Republicans, but it still strikes a wrong note to cheerily declare this bill anything other than a failure.
Magnus, San Francisco

I received your recent email alert announcing the passage of a new transportation bill that will "save and create" up to 3 million jobs. Senator, spending billions more in public funds is not the way to turn our stagnant economy around. If you are serious about reviving our nation's economy and creating new jobs, you should work to reverse some of the miles of red tape and punitive tax rates that are choking the true source of new jobs, namely private industry.
Paul, Fremont

Thank you for your tireless work in getting this legislation passed even over the obstructionist practices of the Republican members. Combined with the Affordable Care Act, this may even begin to limit the effects of the continuing recession which has so damaged California. I'm proud to be a recovering Republican who supports you in your drive to make California great once again. Sincerely,
John, Diamond Bar

I would like to express my appreciation for all your efforts in passing this legislation.  I am the President of a local IBEW union whose members are electricians working for the passenger train service in the Oakland area.  I myself work for Amtrak in Oakland as an electrician.  We are adversely overwhelmed by what the opposition is trying to do with the use of change agents at our facility.  I mean to say the number of Republicans voicing opposition to our President and his policies is objectionable.  It is a breath of fresh air to see what you have done to get this bill through congress, congratulations to you and your fellow Congressmen. Very Truly Yours,
Sergei, Union City

I just wish to congratulate you and all those that vote with you for this most important and transformative Vote. Our Nation truly needs a face lift and with this strong impetus on transportation and infrastructure repair and renovation a new era of prosperity is on the way. Thanks for the immense effort you continuously make in our behalf as a nation and for those of us that live and love the State of California. Kind Regards,
Wade, Playa Del Rey

I am pleased that the bill provides some funding for bicycling and pedestrian projects, but VERY disappointed that it was not fully funded. The incremental amount for this type of project is minimal.
Scot, Lakewood

Thank you so much for the hard work in pushing the bipartisan approval of this bill. More jobs for Americans now would make it possible for the people to look forward to a bright and economically stable future with a sold middle class.
Myrna, Los Angeles

The fact that the new transportation bill gutted complete streets, bicycle, pedestrian, and Safe Routes to School funds is a big problem. These kinds of projects have a very hard time finding funding to begin with. Federal funds were *vital* to making our streets safer for all users. The new transportation bill is not something that should be celebrated. Sincerely,
Emily, San Francisco

Californians respond to my message on Moving Ahead on the Transportation Bill:

Got your recent e-mail and clicked the link to watch your press briefing on the ongoing House and Senate conference on the bipartisan surface transportation bill. I was sad that you made no mention of the bike and pedestrian infrastructure programs that I very much would like to see in the bill. I hope you are working hard to get these vital programs back into the bill.
Scott, Menlo Park

Just a brief note of thanks for your work to keep our transportation infrastructure intact and serving the needs of all users, motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. I am especially appreciative that you have worked hard on a solution that both Democrats and Republicans will support. It makes little sense to pass legislation that would be undone as soon as a different party comes to power.
Mike, Redwood City

I have listened to the press conference tape that you e-mailed me today. I will admit I have some concerns that I hope you can address. I am worried about Amtrak. I have heard rumors that funding for it (particularly for the long distance trains) has been gutted. I love to travel by train & I am very worried that soon the only Amtrak that will be left will be the "Northeast Corrider" trains. When I try to book train trips I often run into sold out conditions. You would think that would be the signal to increase carrying capacity on the trains involved, but that doesn't appear to be happening. They desperately need new rolling stock. A few years ago I traveled 2 nights on a train with my car with broken unusable toilets because of the age of the cars. My understanding is that the rolling stock they want to have built will be built in the USA. I am also worried about rumors I have heard that the House version of the bill has blackmail provisions.
Barb, Yosemite National Park

I am writing in regards to the Transportation bill currently in conference committee. Specifically I would like to advocate for maintaining the Cardin-Cochran amendment as provided for in the U.S. Senate’s MAP-21 version of the legislation.  As someone who walks and uses a bicycle for most of my transportation needs, providing for local control for walking and bicycling improvements in this legislation is vital. We have observed in our lifetimes first the total ascendancy of the automobile as a transportation planning and funding priority and the alarming and increasing statistics of pedestrian and bicycle injury and death that have resulted. Concurrently, we have observed the health outcomes of increasing obesity, and its related disease complexes, among our population and, most worrisome, among our children. More recently, however, we have started to witness the first flowering of efforts to provide for dedicated funding for pedestrian and bicycling improvements including the safe routes to schools program. The benefits of what has amounted to a smaller fraction of the transportation budget than the cycling and pedestrian user audiences’ size are undeniable though we still have a long way to go. In the latest publicly available figures from the California Office of Traffic Safety, the percentages of pedestrian injury and fatality amongst our senior citizens continues to rise. The injury and death toll in my district is a daily incrementing tally of shame against which we can and should be working with every effort. As a former firefighter/EMT, I had seen repeatedly the unfortunate outcomes of our highway-centric transportation policies as measured in accidents, injuries and deaths. Ideally we must not only preserve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure funding, but also, increase it. Walkable communities are vibrant and economically alive, support small business and preserve housing values. Despite the lack of a specifically dedicated funding mechanism in the Cardin-Cochran amendment, the allowance for local funding decisions will provide a mechanism for those municipalities who recognize the benefits of improved walking, bicycling and transit infrastructure provides to their communities. I am asking that you please exert whatever influence you can to ensure that this amendment is not jettisoned in committee. Thank you very much,
Jeffrey, Mill Valley

Californians respond to my message Senate Passes Bipartisan Transportation Bill:

Very glad to see a piece of legislation pass the senate with bipartisan support. I wish we would see a lot more including immigration reform.
Margaret, Bloomington

This is the way Congress should work: together!! Hopeful for the House.               
Virginia, San Francisco

Thank you for helping to make this Transportation Bill a reality. Especially for maintaining the Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes To School. Both of these items help to relieve traffic, oil consumption and can improve some people’s lives.
John, Santa Clarita

I'm glad you got the Transportation Bill passed. I'm very disappointed that it did not include the provision which, on a self-funded basis, would have provided incentives to convert significant portions of our large truck fleet from diesel fueled to natural gas. Natural gas is an extremely important fuel source which is available from U.S. sources and offers one of several ways in which the economy can reduce the use of oil...most importantly foreign oil. Newt Gingrich's fantasy of $2.50 a gallon gas is not just ridiculous, but it perpetuates the belief that the answer is oil and gasoline are the ways to run our transportation system in the future. Oil is not the solution, it is part of the problem.
Chris, West Hollywood

Our transportation needs are great and this will help not only our ability to move around the Inland Empire, but also our economy.
Daniel, Riverside

I received your email message about the transportation bill which you recently passed in the Senate, and while I think that it can be helpful, I'm worried about the extreme level of government debt. I'd like to see funding in general decreased in order to move closer to balancing the budget and reducing debt to more reasonable levels. As the economy improves, its incumbent upon our law makers to restrain their enthusiasm and move with serious resolve to reduce the national debt. Thank you, Damon, Petaluma

In a time of vast national debt and staggering government spending, why would you add to these problems by spending more tax payer money that you don't have for this unneeded bill? You don't have the money for this so you must increase national debt in order to fund it.
John, Granite Bay

Thank goodness this bill has moved forward and is closer to the President's desk. It will be a wonderful day for our nation, when we start improvements on our infrastructure and put so many people back in a fulfilling job.
Stephanie, Santa Rosa

I just watched several of your videos on the Floor relating to the Transportation bill. Excellent leadership on this bill!! Thank you for representing us!
Daryce, Redwood City

Our family would like to express our deep gratitude for all the work you do and especially for helping to pass the transportation bill. This means a lot to so many California families and the state in general. Please continue your great work, and remember that you always have our support and the support of the people of California. Best regards,
Yuriy, Galina, & Sean, Northridge

Please forgive my lack of enthusiasm for this new bill. My problem is I see it as just another government expense that will be paid for by people like me.
Duane, Redding

Nice work. We need the transportation work done and the jobs it keeps and especially any new jobs the work will create. It is nice to know that the two parties can work together on rare occasions. I hope they will do so more often.
Karen, San Francisco

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Student Loans

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Students from Loan Rate Hikes:

Thank you for voting against a rise in Federal student loan rates. Low interest rate loans will allow many college students--including my nephews-- to complete school. You are making a difference in the lives of many families. Thank you.
Judy, Palos Verdes

Wow! First the Affordable Health Care Act is upheld, then the student loans rates are kept from doubling. This is BIG! Thank you for the parts you played in making these things happen. I don't have an outstanding loan myself, but this makes me happy for the many people who are already burdened with a lifetime of student loan debt.
Inez, Los Angeles

Thank you SOOO much for voting to keep the interest rates down on school loans! I am a student and so is my wife. This is one of the most intelligent things I've seen Congress do in a while to help our economy. Education should always be put first to encourage a good economy. Smart people get good jobs which pay good money which means higher income which means more income tax. Thank you again!!!
Don, Long Beach

I was fortunate to have gotten grants & decent student loans. It took me many years to pay them off. But as a single mother raising two sons I felt blessed to be able to educate myself & consequently earn an education which enabled me to become self supporting. I was saddened & shocked to see good programs taken over by banks. That should never have happened. As a country we need to have educational choices available to have a vibrant educated population. If anything we ought to have greater choices for our people so we can remain competitive in the world, so our people remain vibrant, healthy & productive earners. I am amazed our young people have been taken wrong advantage of, used, for greed. Thank you again for your incredible service to our state & country.
E., Oakland

There are NOT many things you and I agree on. I do believe that a college education is very important, although many college attendees should not be in school due to lack of aptitude for higher education.The ones that are able to handle the rigors of college should be assisted in any way possible.School loans can be a big burden for a graduate and should not hamper a graduate for so many years.Keeping the loan percentage at the lower end of the spectrum will undoubtedly assist many students and college graduates.Having been in that boat, let me tell you, Barbara Boxer,everything helps!
Joe, Riverside

I cannot thank you enough for fighting to keep loan costs down. Doing so not only helps individual students and families, it also bolsters our colleges. I think it is time to demand the wealthiest Americans and corporations to pay their fair share for the underlying structures that support their ability to be wealthy. Without a well-educated populace with good paying jobs, who would buy their goods and who would create their products? Why don't they see that they have more than enough while good people everywhere are struggling?
Carol, Valley Center

Thanks for helping the student & their family in continuation of their dream by helping with passing loan interest from jumping to 6.8%.
Odunola, Highland

Thank you for your hard work and especially for keeping the interest rate from doubling on student loans. The other bill that we are very happy to see is that of helping homeowners to refinance. We have watched many of our honest, hardworking friends lose their homes due to outright fraud by the banks and the courts have stood by and done nothing to prevent this. I hope that this bill will help people to keep their homes and not be ruined by the banks. Thank you again for your work.
Christopher, Murrieta


Californians respond to Republicans Block Bill to Protect Students from Rate Hike:

I have two daughters that are trying to work their way through college, and it will be impossible to complete, if interest rates increase on their student loans. Please encourage the other Senators toplease make a greater effort extent the lower interest rates on college loans. By the way I am gratrful to you for your update e-mail messages. The unemployed home modification helped me keep my home in 2011. I started a new job this year, and have started paying my regular mortgage. Thank You
Victoria, Sylmar

I have several student loans. I needed them to become a teacher of students with special needs. I was told that I would receive a loan forgiveness of $17,500 after 5 years of teaching. I have been given the run around for four years and have yet to receive my loan forgiveness. Now, my interest rates will double. I love my teaching job, and I thank you for trying to stick up for students who have stifling loan debt. I would have stayed a special education assistant if I had known that my loan debt will take my life time to pay back. Thank you for trying, Mary, Mission Hills

Our grandson is a student at San Jose State College. Because of a school policy, he must live in a dorm for the first year because he graduated from a high school that is more than 30 miles from San Jose. His dad graduated with honors from UC Berkeley and has a Master's Degree from University of San Francisco. He works as an environmental health specialist for the Hayward Fire Department. In spite of his college degrees he has had to take out loans, with his son, to pay for the costs of college. I am outraged that the Republicans in Congress have voted against a bill that would bring some reason to the high cost of loans. Next year, our grandson will be living with us in Fremont, but there will still be costs associated with school that his parents will not be able to pay for without help. I hope you will continue your work to try to bring some sense to the table.
Deloris, Fremont

Don't increase interest on student loans. It is such a burden and follows you forever. What if you don't make the kind of money you'd hoped to make? Should you be punished forever?
Ann, Santa Barbara

All well and good concerning the loan raises but how about all the students who haven't or will not pay on their 3.4% loans now. How are you going to collect from them? I know of one who has a big one and will never pay it back. It's another free handout.
Robert, Santa Rosa

The Republicans can't seem to find a low enough level to which they will stoop, day after day, week after week (not counting the weeks of breaks they have scheduled for themselves on full pay and full benefits while doing no work). It is outrageous that the Republican leadership would choose to sacrifice the futures of our young people and our next generation of leaders by doubling their debt - something which Republicans claim to detest - unless it serves their obstructionist agenda. They are simply cynical hypocrites and have no shame.
Pat, Sacramento

The failure to keep loan interest from increasing in July may turn out to be beneficial in the long run. Huge numbers of graduates are trying to deal with burdensome debt acquired as students. The increasing number of graduates considering bankruptcy is jeopardizing their careers and will impact the economy. If the interest rate increases, perhaps more students will select alternatives and strive to find part time work for support rather than depending upon loans. Many students DO work their way through college. Time to "man up."
James, Torrance

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GI Bill Scams

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Veterans from Deceptive Marketing:

Senator, want to thank you for supporting veterans like myself and millions around the U.S. who are struggling to find jobs and then come across websites pitching jobs and schooling for a profit. I have gotten numerous emails from bogus websites claiming to want to help veterans, but leave out the part where we have to fork over money for their services. Please continue supporting us and may God bless you and your family.
Juan, Long Beach

What a sensical idea, I'm surprised it hadn't been done before and by the way thank you very much for your action in getting this implemented. I'm always amazed at the number of false claims made in this country by everyone. I sincerely thank you;
David, Sacramento

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Prostate Cancer

Californians respond to my message on Improving Prostate Cancer Research, Detection, and Education:

I am thrilled to read of your efforts on behalf of our prostate cancer screening. I have been living with prostate cancer for almost ten years now and on hormones for most of this time. We need your support not just for screening but also for those of us who could not have surgery and have to live in this cage of hormones until they will not work. It is the long haul which needs to awaken men in this nation. We hear so much about the PSA test and very little about the men living with metastatic prostate cancer. We need to wake up!! It is a battle call. As much as I support you I hope for you to extend your call to the men who need courage to continue the battle with advanced disease.
Evan, San Francisco

Thank you for sponsoring this bill for prostate cancer. My brother has early onset aggressive prostate cancer. Fortunately, his MD caught it early. He is fighting it daily and has survived 5 years. I appreciate all that you are doing for this terrible illness that may catch men unaware.
Sam, San Bernardino

Thank you for getting more research on Prostate Cancer. I have so many male friends that have or had this problem. It distresses the whole family.
Michael, Castro Valley

Please let the pharmaceutical companies' research activities solve the problem. Don't make them dependent on government bureaucrats and ideology. Sincerely,
Bill, Lomita

I applaud the Senator in moving to increase awareness of the killer of men that prostate cancer provides. I appreciate the move to add to the research for a test that more appropriately identifies whether prostate cancer is active. I am always cautious as to the cost to the tax payer that has to pay for research. I would hope this will not add to our extremely high and economic killer.
Brad, Whittier

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Clean Air Act

Californians respond to my message on Improving Air Quality:

Thanks you for your steadfast protection of our shared environment and our children. Thank you for your continued fight on our behalf. I know how exhausting the fight must get and how much pressure you receive. It is appreciated.
Jane, Orinda

Your presentation to defend clean air was not only persuasive, it was informative. I hope it is something that can be used more broadly to help people understand why these kinds of rules to keep air clean are so vital.
Nancy, San Francisco

I just read your message informing me that earlier this week the Senate rejected a proposal that would have prevented the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from implementing clean air standards for lead, arsenic, and other toxics. I cannot express in words how pleased I am to hear this news! The EPA's protection is vital to ultimately helping maintain our good health! THANK YOU!
Cindy, Los Angeles

Thanks for your diligence in protecting the globe and all environmental issues. We need more like you.
Bob, Turlock

I want to thank you for watching out for me and my family.
John, Lincoln

Thank you for your leadership in the Senate rejection of a proposal that would have prevented the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from implementing clean air standards for lead, arsenic, and other toxics. We are happy that we can count on you to protect the public from harmful toxics that would endanger our health.
Jan & Bob, Hayfork

Once again, I want to thank you for standing up for some of the most basic (but unappreciated) parts of our governing structure. Most people are not willing and/or able to understand the complexity and importance of EPA regulations. I want to thank you for "leading" the rejection of the proposal that would have prevented the EPA from implementing the clean air and water standards pertaining to lead, arsenic and other toxins. The physical health of Americans, particularly our youngest and most vulnerable, benefit from your courage in taking on a "politically unpopular" cause/action. Thank you!
Karen, Palos Verdes Estates

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Veterans Travel Assistance

Californians respond to my message on Assisting Traveling Wounded Veterans:

Thank you for taking care of our men and women on active duty, and vets, especially those who have been wounded in any capacity. Your time and efforts in their behalf is greatly appreciated. When they leave home they are boys and girls, and they have no idea what is ahead for them. When they return home after their tour of duty is over they are men and women, they have grown up in many ways. But, when they go into combat they get a whole new view of reality which they will never forget. They have lost their innocence, meaning they are no longer naive country kids or inner city kids. They are different, the kind of difference a lot of us will, happily, never know. Treating a vet with respect is proper, but treating a combat vet with respect is honorable.
Davis, Vacaville

John, Los Angeles

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Dream Act Children

Californians respond to my message on President Obama’s New Immigration Policy:

On behalf of my Franciscan congregation and the East Bay Sanctuary Covenant, I applaud and thank President Obama for taking action on this most deserving issue. He has given hope for a future to young people who are so deserving. May he continue to effect change in the lives of the U.S population and make of this world a more hopeful peaceful place.
Maureeen, Alameda

President Obama's new immigration policy is, as he stated, "the right thing to do." I recently retired from Santa Rosa City Schools where I worked and taught at a school with a very high immigrant population. Fear of deportation ruled too many youngsters' lives. These teens had no choice when parents or relatives brought them here. What child stops at the border to tell their parents it's not legal to cross? These teens have spent the majority of their lives in the United States---they are "Americans" whether or not they are citizens. Thanks to the president's new policy, there is hope for them to remain here safely to create and share a positive future.
Carol, Santa Rosa

Thank you for your support of President Obama's decision to help children brought here illegally. I taught for 20 years at a high school in a predominantly Latino neighborhood, and saw the difficulties of these children firsthand. As an immigrant child myself, with legal status, I understood their dilemma even more personally. We are a better nation for this decision. Please extend my thanks and appreciation to President Obama.
Teresa, Canoga Park

I support Obama's support of Latino Americans who were brought here as children, who have subsequently become model citizens. We need them. They are not displacing other Americans from jobs as they are already here. Some are willing to do jobs other Americans refuse. California's economy is heavily dependent on our Latinos who are willing to do the dirty grunt work like in agriculture.
Charles, Novato

Today, I too am very proud of my President and the decision he made to take immigration issues off the table for these young people and allow them to become full fledged people under the law. We are all God's children and I am soooo glad that President Obama has stood on the side of humanity and social justice. I applaud his stance and will work for his re-election.
Zulmara, Long Beach

I agree with the decision to open a way for the children of immigrants brought into this country as children. They have committed no crime, they had no part in the decision of their parents to enter this country illegally. The basic problem lies with the Mexican Government and their lack of providing for their citizens. It is the Mexican government that must provide for the education of their citizens. Mexicans deserve better than what is being provided for them by the current government policies.
Frances, Hermosa Beach

Good for you President Obama and Barbara Boxer. Unfortunately I am the enemy of most. I am Half Hawaiian/Half Native American (Navajo). I am all for any "Illegals" coming here to the United States. All they are looking for is a better way of life. Isn't that what the French, Irish, Scots, English, etc, etc, etc were looking for? What's the difference of then and now. I know what the difference is, the people who were here then, accepted them, befriended them and helped them. What happened? We were robbed, slautered, taken from our land, kidnapped, forced to follow way of teaching, religion, etc. Pretty sad, huh? I love President Obama and everythinnng he stands for but one man can only do so much and as far as I am concerned, he has gone over and above. Where does so much hate come from?
Annette, Hayward

Thank you for your support of President Obama's announcement, and your early support of the Dream Act. I also support major reform to the immigration laws that will allow many undocumented immigrants to eventually gain the right to apply for U.S. citizenship! Sincerely,
Roger, Pomona

this is a day that all the children who are affected by the presidential pronouncement have been waitng for. this is magnificent!
Elizabeth, Concord

I am a mix of Irish, German, English and Spanish. My ancestors were allowed to immigrate. People cannot be rejected when they are upstanding non citizens. We cannot blindly deport on principle. People are involved and when you involve people, you must incorporate humanity. Kudos to President Obama, and kudos to you for supporting him.
Christine, Ramona

Thank you Senator for this good news! It's good to see a humane face in politics. My grandparents were immigrants and were always grateful and proud to be Americans, as am I. It is so good to see our President putting the needs of innocent people first. This news made my day.
Pinky, Upper Lake

So glad that you are supporting this with President Obama. Wonderful to give the opportunity to all of our children and young adults who know this as their home.
Brook, Lakewood

As a teacher of high school students, I thank you for supporting Obama in his decision to bypass the deadlock that has prevented the Dream Act from passing. You already know all the reasons why this policy makes sense, so I won't list them here. THANK YOU!
Marina, Fort Bragg

I strongly support efforts to grant young immigrants who were brought to this country without making that move a choice of their own a more secure future in the United States. Many of these young people know no other home and have lived here much as American citizens with no real ties to another country. They deserve our help.
Susan, Kensington

I am delighted that someone has finally taken a first step towards Immigration reform. The time has come to return to our policy of welcoming immigrants to this country and, especially, to let the children who have come here through no action of their own, who have grown up American, who contribute to and cherish our country, have the benefits of citizenship with all its rewards and responsibilities. They are deserving of a chance to become fully accepted members of our society. Let's keep trying to make reform of our outdated and ineffective immigration policies a priority.
Karen, San Francisco

I most adamantly disagree with you applauding Pres. Obama doing an executive order to circumvent Congress. We need to take a look at this issue on a long term basis and not grandstand during an election year.
John, Santa Rosa

I am planning to vote for Obama given his recent decision to provide temporary legal status to children brought to the US illegally. These types of decisions show that democracy is still alive and well in the US. Thanks 4 your service,
Monica, Republican Mom from Los Angeles

More needs to be done to show respect for the many immigrants whose work we utilize in our agricultural sector who are not paid decent wages or receiving any benefits due to their illegal status. We can't play both sides off each other; we need to respect those who are helpful to our country's success.
Jean, Santa Rosa

I got really excited when I first read about the new immigration policy for the dreamers, but now that I have thought about it some more I have some serious questions about how helpful it will really be. As a high school teacher I am well aware of the issues that my undocumented students face and the bleakness of a future where, although they can get a degree, they can only find under the table jobs. Most of the dreamers I know lie low. This policy would require them to register with the government for a chance to get a work permit, but, after 2 years then what? Being on the radar now, do they risk deportation? What about their parents who are now "outed"? I sincerely hope, as I know you do, that at last the Dream Act will be passed to give these young people some security. I also hope that we will recognize that it is our own economic policies that have driven many people to risk death to come here, and make changes to that people can make a living in their home countries if they wish. Thank you.
Patricia, Crescent City

I respectfully disagree with your stance on immigration. I believe that nations should determine their own immigration policy, and that this policy should help citizens of this country. Immigration policy should not be driven by people in this country illegally. We need a strong immigration policy to protect jobs of lesser skilled individuals and to allow full employment of American citizens and legal immigrants. Jobs being done by illegal immigrants should be made acceptable to Americans who are out of work. Immigrants drive down wages making these jobs less acceptable to American and legal immigrants. We need to take care of our own citizens and legal immigrants. Also we should hold other countries to a higher standard and let them fix their own societies so that their citizens will be productive there. Thank you for all your hard work.
Tina, Palo Alto

Thank you, Senator Boxer, for supporting President Obama's new immigration policy. This has been a source of great rejoicing in this County of San Bernardino!
Margaret, Redlands

It is a terrible idea, when unemployment is still so high. The young people, especially black youth can't find work. Now it will be harder to find a job. How about considering American citizens and legal immigrants for a change. Thanks for listening.
Patricia, Whittier

I applaud your support of the President's decision to provide an intermediate resolution for the 800,000 to 1.4 million sons and daughters of immigrants brought to the U.S. before they became 16 yrs old. I think it's a tremendous opportunity to legitimately add to our human resources.
Maceo, Oakland

I understand President Obama's wish to reach out to those who have been 'wronged'. However, it was not the US that wronged them. It was their parents that wronged them by entering our country illegally. Why does it become our responsibility to provide for them because their parents decided to disobey the law? I feel for them, and I feel that they should be given a chance. A chance to enter our country legally. Send them home, then let them apply for a visa like all of the other law abiding immigrants that want to enter the country.
Sheldon, Vacaville

I am very pleased with the President decision to secure a future for the young people who came with parents, unable to secure legal entry to our country. Some of these individuals actually came with work visas and were, due to their own unique circumstances, did not renew or seek renewal of those visa's. I know of one such family. The two boys have now grown, one who graduated with honors at his high school. The other, younger brother is also in school now and doing exceptionally well. Our country needs intelligent, determined to earn higher education individuals, going into fields that many are striving to do. They will serve themselves as excellent citizens and our country as grateful citizens.
Vivian, Ramona

Thank you for your support to our dreamers, please continue with your hard work. We need more of this.
Ana, San Francisco

Thank You for standing up for "the right thing to do".
Esther, Long Beach

I oppose President Obama's amnesty to illegal aliens in this country. We are in a recession with job shortages caused by unpatriotic corporations sending our jobs overseas in the name of profits before people. Now we have to pay for more people that should have never been here to begin with. This is simply unacceptable and unsustainable in our current economic situation.
Michael, North Hollywood

Thanks for your support of President's immigration policy as pertains to children. We need your continued leadership and push until the DREAM act is passed. Thank you.
Scott, Martinez

President Obama's arguments are convincing and humane; but his (and your) new policy on illegal immigrants IS in fact another step towards full amnesty.
Catherine, Santa Cruz

I am VERY happy our President decided to make this bold decision. It is a step to stop racism against latinos in particular. We are all immigrants! Thank you for your support.
Robin, San Francisco

I strongly support the Dream Act and ask you to take the fight to the mat. Stand up and no longer take the Republican obstructionist strategy.
John, Oakland

While I agree that this immigration policy is a good idea, I don't think it need have been a political ploy by our incumbent President. You and the other members of our legislative branch should have worked this out years ago.
Charles, Bridgeport

Thank You for supporting the President and voting to support the Dream Act policy.
Steve, Los Angeles

While I agree with the objective of President Obama's new policy I have serious concerns about his "legislating through executive order." I don't believe the Constitution grants the President the power to take this step, and I hate to think what a President Romney might do now that President Obama has established a precedent of acting when Congress fails to act. Of course, if Congress were to do its job and create legislation to meet the demands of our Country and its citizens, President Obama would not be taking such drastic steps. Unfortunately, the dysfunctional body that Congress has become appears incapable of doing anything productive.
Michael, Cupertino

Thanks for the strong support for President Obama's recent announcement about not deporting Mexican youth who will be an asset to our country. More needs to be done to show respect for the many immigrants whose work we utilize in our agricultural sector who are not paid decent wages or receiving any benefits due to their illegal status. We can't play both sides off each other; we need to respect those who are helpful to our country's success.
Jean, Santa Rosa

Our economy needs these people. We need to improve their status and make it possible for them to work here without fear of deportation.
Elizabeth, Oakland

In my opinion the president made a huge mistake by his decision. He needs to take care of things in this country before he starts to do things for other countries. Amnesty is what he has done no matter what name he gives it. His new law is so rediculous. The illegals and their families should be deported and and badly needed jobs should be given to American citizens who are just that, American citizens. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to voice my opinion.
Ann, El Cajon

Thanks for your e-mail in reference to your support of President Obama's new immigration policy. I agree with you that this was a good move.
Ripley, Pasadena

Dear Senator, we have legal children from the USA that are unemployed. Don't they count for employment?
Leo, Pittsburg

I disagree with your assesment of President Obama's new immigration directive. Yes I agree that these children are innocent, however, why must I be compelled, by your decision, to help a person to the detriment of my own children. By allowing people to come to America by breaking our laws you enable their country of origin to disregard their internal social issues since you have told the world it is ok... America will take care of your problems. Please stop giving them fish....rather teach them to fish. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
John, Santa Ana

I applaud your support of President Obama's stand on immigration issues for undocumented youth. Right on!            
Patricia, Oakland

I do not agree with this policy. There are millions of people trying to come to America legally and are put through the mill often taking enormous amounts of time, money, and commitments to succeed. Allowing people to crash our borders, then declaring them eligible to stay here is not only ludicrous but also unfair to those playing by the rules.
Nick, Clayton

I was pleased to receive your email about your support of the Dream Act and President Obama's immigration announcement today. I'm grateful you are on board with this and other progressive causes. I wish the president had been more focused on a liberal agenda overall for the last 3 years, but I am pleased he stepped up today. In the meantime, it's important to have state and local representation that does support such causes. Keep up the good work and don't back down!
Jane, Torrance

I am in hopes you will also support a legal guest worker program to allow Immigrant Migrants Workers into California to help tend our crops and travel safely home. This would be for the benefit of all and the good of the country.
Charles, Napa

The subject of "comprehensive immigration reform" comes up again. Several times over the past decade or so this issue has been proposed and each time the people have said that, "yes, there is an urgent need to fix a function that is not being controlled according to the laws on the books. Before we do, let's make sure that the borders are closed." Why can't the Congress do this?
Jame, Newport Beach

I believe it is wrong to reward children of illegal immigrants, no matter how long they have been here. The fact remains that they and their parents are here without permission. Not only does President Obama's order send a message a mixed message to future illegal immigrants, but it robs US born children of jobs they desperately need.
Janice, Fountain Valley

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