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Republican Study Committee - Washington, DC

Republican Study Committee
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  1. RecommendationsSee All
    • Stuart Crepea
      Romney's "47 percent" comments were not a gaffe or slip of the tongue but actually represent his genuine assessment of the nature of the American people right now. A president with that worldview wouldn't keep it under wraps for a four-year term, and it is a good thing for the Republican party and the conservative movement to not have to defend a president who effectively writes off nearly half the country as lazy and selfish, and even more important, unpersuadable, unreformable, and unchangeable.
      about 2 weeks ago
    • Kal Vernon
      Fight this - Senate Democrats say deficit package must include stimulus
      about 2 weeks ago
    • Lillian McGrath
      Here is a draft letter that you can use and send your Congressmen or Senator : Dear Senator or Congressman____________ : November 14, 2012 There comes a point when a person has had enough, with the lies and corruption of this Administration. We, the American People, are not as dumb as President Obama and his Administration think. We know, concerning “The Benghazi Massacre”, there is a huge cover-up for something else which is happening. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to know that the General Petraeus “Affair,” had been discovered by the Administration some time ago, probably months before the Benghazi. That is how Blackmail works, you let the target know, he had better cooperate or he would be terminated. General Petraeus gave away his culpability when he went before the press and tried to sell this phony, “Evil Muslim Video,” theory. Obama’s mistake is in thinking, we believe everything he says… we don’t. The Patraeus Affair and the Video are the same… meant to deflect attention from “The Benghazi massacre”. Let us get this straight, right up front; you, are our elected Representative and YOU WORK FOR US! We want you to go after President Obama and support the efforts being made by Lindsey Graham & John McCain to set up a “Select Committee”, to Investigate the “Benghazi Massacre.” We are NOT going to let you off the hook until we see your name on some sort of petition, setting up this Committee. We also expect you to keep us updated on the steps you are taking to achieve this goal. We are out of patience and will not put up with anymore, business as usual. The “Benghazi Massacre,” should have NEVER happened! We know they repeatedly asked for help and were denied, by the White House. We know Obama and others watched the whole Attack take place, “Live” from the Drone, in the “Situation Room.” This makes Obama’s lies about this whole story even more despicable and offensive. Four Americans were MURDERED and Obama is trying deflect attention by turning attention to Petraeus and a sex scandal. Well, it is not going to work, we know a Cover-up when we see one. The “Benghazi Massacre” makes “Watergate” look like a garden party. We want you to get serious about this and you are marked as being responsible to hold Obama and his Administration accountable for this travesty or you are part of the Cover-up. We will not forget this when you come up for Election next time, one way or the other! In Obama’s News Conference, he called us out for doubting UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, for spreading this false story of the “Evil Muslim Video.” Obama seemed a lot more incensed over Rice’s questioning of motives, than he was over the Murders of our Ambassador and his aides. For that, he never showed any “anger”; in fact, he immediately went on to a fund raiser in Las Vegas. Obama not only knew of the attack, he watched it “Live.” When he was asked for help from the Consulate, he told them to “Stand Down”; not once but Three Times. In the News Conference, he told us to come after him not Susan Rice; OK, we are! “We the People,” want some answers, we want the TRUTH and we WANT IT NOW!! We are asking YOU to do your job and do it now. We are watching you, the actions we have asked you to perform and we are taking notes. We do not want any excuses, we just want you to do the job for which you were hired. This requires your immediate attention and action… we are counting on you! God Bless you for your forthcoming efforts. This is not going away, so it is to your benefit to cooperate! Sincerely Yours ________________
      about 2 weeks ago
    • Debra JM Smith
      Glad to have found the RSC site online.
      about 3 weeks ago
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  3. Photo: RSC TWITTER TOWN HALL -- Please join us today for our first ever RSC Twitter Town Hall!

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