Sign a Petition

Stand With President Obama in Support of Marriage Equality

Add your name and stand with President Obama in support of marriage equality.

Stand Up for Medicare

Join 1,000,000 standing for Medicare.

Tell Boehner: Stop Spending Tax Dollars Defending DOMA

Tell Boehner and Cantor: Stop spending millions of taxpayer dollars defending the discriminatory "Defense of Marriage Act."

One Million Strong Against the Republican War on Women

Sign our petition today and join over One Million strong telling Republicans to end their radical War on Women.

Stand With President Obama Against the Radical Republican Budget

Help us reach 100,000 strong standing with President Obama against the radical Republican budget that puts Millionaires over Medicare.

Tell the Supreme Cout: I Support Health Care Reform

Send a message to the Supreme Court: Help us reach 250,000 strong standing up for Health Care Reform.