Instead of expanding the size of government or raising taxes, Republicans in Washington are committed to a pro-growth economic agenda that will put America back to work. [more »]
Weekly Republican Address 11/22/12: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
Weekly GOP Address 11/22/12: Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) thanks our military and their families for their dedicated service and sacrifice, and keeps the victims of Hurricane Sandy in ...
Weekly Republican Address: Speaker Boehner on Helping Our Economy Grow
Weekly GOP Address: Speaker Boehner on Helping Our Economy Grow Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) highlights his call for bipartisan action on a plan to avert the fiscal cliff and help our eco...
9/20/12 House Republican Leadership Press Conference
9/20/12 House GOP Leadership Press Conference Thirty-eight jobs bills have passed the House and are now stuck in the Democrat-led Senate. House Republicans have shown leadership on this issue, and it is time for Demo...
The President's War on Coal
The President's War on Coal President Obama has said repeatedly that he is for an "all of the above" approach to energy production, but his actions are limiting the use of coal and costing thousands...
Weekly Republican Address 9/15/12: Rep. Allen West (R-FL)
Weekly GOP Address 9/15/12: Allen West (R-FL) In this week's address, Rep. Allen West, a Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, discusses the deadline for the sequester, and the White House's devastating inaction on w...
9/11/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference
9/11/12 GOP Leadership Press Conference Chairman Hensarling: "The House has very important business in the days to come, and certainly no more important business than remembering 9/11 -- the heroes, the victims...
Rep. Camp at 1:07pm
RT @SpeakerBoehner: .@IBDeditorials on @WaysandMeansGOP investigation of @WhiteHouse involvement in slashing #delphi worker pensions htt ...
Rep. Graves at 1:06pm
President of @ShopfloorNAM: Tax hikes disincentivize job creation; #SmallBiz matter in this country RT if you agree http://t.co/5Ykmi4i5
Rep. Roby at 1:05pm
Going live on the @DanMorrisShow to talk issues of the day, including the Benghazi situation. Listen in! #alpolitics http://t.co/tYTTrId9