Pearce Honors Vets, Visits Troops this Veterans Day

Nov 11, 2012

Washington, DC (November 11, 2012)  Tomorrow, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce is scheduled to return from a Congressional Delegation to visit troops in the Middle East during the Veterans Day weekend.

Pearce spent time with servicemen deployed overseas, met with officers, and toured combat theater areas. In advance of the trip, Rep. Pearce worked with local businesses to generate a list of high-paying jobs with companies ready to hire returning service members.  He has shared this list with troops preparing to return home, in an effort to make sure our veterans are able to find good employment after their service.  From the Middle East, Pearce issued the following statement in honor of Veterans Day:

“Today, we celebrate those who have served to make the United States the country it is.  The freedom that all Americans hold so dear is a monument to the men and women who sacrificed to preserve it.  We owe our liberty, our safety, and our way of life to those who answered the call.  I ask you to join me in expressing your gratitude and thanks for our veterans, those currently serving, and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation. 

“I also ask you to join me in prayer for the families of our heroes – the wives, husbands, and children who also sacrifice year-round as their loved ones protect our freedoms.  I call on New Mexico’s communities to support those who courageously face each day with their family members in harm’s way, and those whose parents and spouses have paid the ultimate price for liberty. 

“To all of our veterans, I promise you that America will never forget your sacrifice.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

