Issues In Focus

Powering the Future

U.S. to Become World’s Top Energy Producer | November 13, 2012

The International Energy Agency (IEA) yesterday released its annual World Energy Outlook, outlining a dramatic shift in global energy markets driven by increased oil and gas production in the United States.

The Idea Lab

Rep. Mary Bono Mack: SAFE Web Act Reauthorization Critically Important for Consumer Protection | October 9, 2012
When it comes to the future of electronic commerce, consumer trust and online privacy are “trending topics” that Americans care very deeply about.

E&C Analysis

Committee Releases Extensive Report Detailing Findings of Solyndra Saga | August 2, 2012
Report Chronicles Solyndra’s Doomed Existence:

The Exam Room

A Case Study in Uncertainty | November 16, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC – Late yesterday, HHS announced states would have one more month to decide how and whether to implement Obamacare’s health exchanges.

Committee Calendar


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In the Committee

The Communications and Technology Subcommittee will hold a hearing Wednesday, December 12 on "Keeping the New Broadband Spectrum Law on Track." All five FCC commissioners are scheduled to testify. Details will be posted here when avaiable.

On the Floor

The House approved  H.R. 3409, the Stop the War on Coal Act. This legislative package—comprised of bills reported by the Energy and Commerce Committee, Natural Resources Committee, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee— aims to stop the EPA's regulatory assault on jobs and affordable energy. You can read more here.

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