The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

Reverend Patrick J. Conroy, S.J.

Loving God, we give You thanks for giving us another day.

At the beginning of a new day and another week, help us to discover the power of resting in You and receiving assurance and encouragement in Your amazing grace.

Send Your Spirit down upon the Members of the people's House, who have been entrusted by their fellow Americans with the awesome privilege and responsibility of sustaining the great experiment of democratic self–government.

May they be reminded always of who they are. Grant them wisdom, insight, and vision, that the work they do will be for the betterment of our Nation during a time of struggle for so many Americans.

May they earn the trust and respect of those they represent, whether or not they had earned their vote, and make history that expands the great legacy of so many who have served in this Chamber before now––a legacy of noble service, sometimes political risk, but always great leadership.

May all that is done this day be for Your greater honor and glory.


Thought of the Week

“There is nothing that faith cannot overcome;
it triumphs over everything and, however dark the clouds may be, it breaks through to truth, holds fast to it and never lets it go.”

—Jean Pierre de Caussade, 18th century

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