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Minimum Education Requirement:
bachelor's degree


college graduateofficerflightaircraftweaponry & materielbusiness, operations & administration

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Career Description

Taking control of one of the most advanced aircraft in the world — and pushing its performance to the limit — requires extraordinary skill and precision, and Air Force pilots make it look easy. While successfully completing their missions is paramount, the role of pilots as leaders and character models is just as important since they train and command crews in addition to flying. Air Force pilots deploy around the world to wherever there's a need as fighters, trainers, bombers, advisers and more.

Career Tasks

  • Master of all aspects of advanced aviation
  • Specialize in a specific aircraft and skill set
  • Lead and train a crew

Relevant Interests & Skills

You might like this position if you have interests in these areas:

  • Aircraft
  • Weaponry and Materiel
  • Business, Operations and Administrative
  • Leadership

Becoming an Officer

To become an officer in the Air Force, you'll enter a rigorous 12-week Officer Training School that will challenge you physically and mentally while preparing you to be a leader.